S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2017 with PRIZES!

Well done to us all as Mean Average takes gold this week. Ehemm that's third gold this year. Not bad eh??? :clap::clap::clap:

Mike. takes his first Silver medal of the year and CV his first Bronze. Well done chaps that can go down as your commiseration medals for your party performing so poorly at the elections... :cheesy::cheesy: I can assure there is no conflict of interest on our SPX competition league tables 🙂

This week also sees a change on the league tables as Average takes the lead with Postman in 2nd place. Competition is hotting up with only 3 calls left for the middle of the year and end of 2nd quarter. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of head scratching this weekend in many places. 👍

I guess the weekly write up goes to Mike for taking silver. Waiting in anticipation on this momentous day... 😎

I think we need to re-run this week until we get the right decision 🙂
I don't feel worthy doing the write up with just a silver, So here's the podium and ill hand you over to our bronze medalist to say a few words......:cheesy:


  • podium.jpg
    58.3 KB · Views: 131
2408.22 - 🙂

There you go CV, something for you to frame and hang up on your wall.


  • Brexit_Bus.gif
    117.2 KB · Views: 173
2408.22 - 🙂

There you go CV, something for you to frame and hang up on your wall.

How did you get those 2 pics togethor ?

It is the latest craze in the US of having one's selfie with a celebrity.
How did you get those 2 pics togethor ?

It is the latest craze in the US of having one's selfie with a celebrity.

Adobe Elements is the software.

Technique is to use layers. Quite straight forward. Have you seen the pic, Dentist sitting with Elizabeth Hurley?
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