S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2014 with PRIZES!

All the major Western Govts are relying on kicking the debt problem down the road for the grandchildren to solve. Interest rates are being kept near zero or they could never service their huge debts.

The USA fell right into the terrorist trap of over reacting to 911. Wasted all their money and lots of lives of people who had absolutely nothing to do with 911.

Democracy fails if idiots get elected by the general populace.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Ok but what does that have to do with S&P 500. Even Existing Home Sales came in lower by 5%, 15% on yearly basis. :innocent:
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Ok but what does that have to do with S&P 500. Even Existing Home Sales came in lower by 5%, 15% on yearly basis. :innocent:

Trade what you see not what you think.

Last Sunday I thought market would / should go down. System and the squigly charts pointed up.

Who knows or cares?

It's all about making pips. Lesson learnt the hard way by paying for the experience of being wrong.

Also there are three types of trades you may wish to consider...

1. Trading on Fundamentals & Value
2. Trading on News
3. Trading on Tech Analysis

fwiw now days I stop to reflect on what's driving my trade. Trade on shares using 1 essentially as portfolio has long term investments. SB trade on 2 & 3 but in small tightly controlled risk amounts. Shares making money, SB losing money.

What's all this has to do with S&P500? No idea but lines pointing up right? For now anyhow. :cheesy:

I'm happy with my system taking another un puan :smart:

I just pulled S&P from 1950 to today. Red line is the S&P 500. Blue line is the S&P 500 re-calculated with inflation to todays value. You can see that we are not at the top yet. :smart: :smart: :clap: :clap:


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:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Ok but what does that have to do with S&P 500. Even Existing Home Sales came in lower by 5%, 15% on yearly basis. :innocent:

I feel that it is always useful to have an overview of the current economic and political situation. These events do shape the path of the S&P 500 to some extent and one is less likely to be sidetracked by minor flash in the night events.
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late write up but have a severe case of the bad ass lurgies 😢

However, I'm jumping with joy to see WackyPete taking 3 golds in one season. :clap:
I think this is a first for the table of podium winners unless someone corrects me as being wrong. Well done Pete! 👍

Only two winners this week WackyPete and Pat... Jammy dough-nuts comes to mind but that must be me, feeling a little off :cheesy:


Was a long shot but our two crack-shooters have fired in the right direction. 👍

View league table here...
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Well my strategy worked last week, so 1865 for this one pls.

Hope you recover from your lurgy ( the crabs ? )
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Hi Guys,

Competition Table updated as per usual bulls to bears.

Pat is the most bullish so the old bear has turned. 😉

Wishing you all good luck.

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Well done to our three podium winners this week and they are Malaguti hitting bulls eye, Pat and Mr Average. :clap:👍🙂

..........................Pat.........Malaguti........ Average

Competition Table results here...
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Well done to our three podium winners this week and they are Malaguti hitting bulls eye, Pat and Mr Average. :clap:👍🙂

..........................Pat.........Malaguti........ Average

Competition Table results here...

That has quite cheered me up. I had a weekus horribilis last week. All my fault. I found an auto EA that looked great on testing. So I forked out £550. Into the market first thing Monday and had lost 40% of my wedge within a couple of hours !! Rubbish. I contacted the seller but he was entirely unrepentant.

I never leaen