Rolling Bets and SB Firms



I'm new to this forum, so Hello.. I've been lurking a bit and found the info on here to be a lot better than most of the books I've read, so thanks.

I've done a quick search but could find the answer to a simple question. Does anybody know which SB firms keep a running total of open rolling bets? For example, IGIndex reset the bet each day, so you only see if you're in profit / loss for that day, not the lifetime of the bet. Capital Spreads uses an approach I prefer, where they keep a running total of profit / loss and make it much clearer what's happening. However, I'd say 20% of the time I try to log in, their platform either hangs, or it can't find any markets in my profile.

Yesterday, I signed up with ETrade, as I was told they handle things the same as CS. As soon as I logged in I realised it's just a skin over the CS platform, so I expect the same issues.

Anyone, recommend a reliable platform, with rolling bets that are handled as a cumulative bet over the lifetime of the trade?

Thanks a lot.