which spread betting company?


im trying to open an account with a spread betting company, i used a demo of deal4 free but there was not many choices of bets that could be made. i tried to open IGindex but i changed my mind as they charge interest if you roll the bet over, im sure deal4free didnt. can anyone please advise me ASAP on which company to go with, im looking for good spread, variety of bets and a reliable trading platform.
All the sb's are going to work the same way, ie charge interest. It's all in the small print. You pay them if your long overnight, they pay you if you are short overnight.

Deal4 free have quite a large selection of bets to choose from, but I think if I was going to open a sb account now I would look at Capital Spreads. The new kid on the block. Have a look at the thread on here. They come across as slightly more honest than the rest.
thanks for the reply
on the demo account i did not get charged or get paid interest im sure of that. so if you hold a rolling bet than you pay interest, how much is this?
thanks for that, now i understand why i didnt see the interest as its included in the quote 😀
ive searched around the site and feel deal4free is the right one for me, i dont know wether it was luck but on the demo i was up £6,376.29 and thats only placing £10 per point most of the time 😱
where can i find information on NTR for different instruments, margin req and liq%?

capital spreads are good, and easy to use. you get a virtual account with £10,000, you dont get penalised for having a deposit account like ig and what you see is what you get.

give them a try they are new but most people like them

Mr Squad
£10 a point is a lot to start with, when you do it for real start with the minimum and stick to strict Money Management.

I found I could make money easily on the demo accounts, but the emotions of trading arent there. I wasnt fussed when I lossed a few k.

Capital Spreads are ok and I prefer them to IG index, I havent used D4F yet.
thats for the advice, where can i find information on NTR for different instruments, margin req and liq%?
thanks, ill look around. can someone please explain why the nasdaq rolling bet is quoted at 1529/32 when it is over 2000 in points!?? :?:
1529/32 is the quote for Nas 100 futures(the top 100 Nasdaq stocks only).The Nasdaq Composite is a different index and it is this which is over 2000.

thanks for the info steve 🙂
deal4free do not have a bet Nasdaq Composite, does any other company do it? are they both relative to each other meaning if nasdaq 100 rises so does the nasdaq composite?
destiny said:
......... i dont know wether it was luck but on the demo i was up £6,376.29 and thats only placing £10 per point most of the time....... 😱

Dear oh Dear Destiny,

You haven't listened to any of the advice offered to you from your fellow posters after you told us your tale of woe on the 'Spreadbetting' thread. If you think trading £10 per point in real life with a spread betting company is going to be anything like as easy as been up £6,376.29 on your demo account then I am afraid you are going to be having Very Expensive Lesson No 2 but then you don't appear to have learnt very much from Very Expensive Lesson No 1. If you are in such dire financial straits as described in your 'Spreadbetting' thread then betting £10 per point will most likely just get you into deeper financial trouble. You need to help yourself first as suggested by others by cooling off from the markets for a while rather than shooting from the hip.

Best of Luck !
hi jaykay3
😆 dont worry ive took all the advice in, i thought just before taking a break from the market ill play around with the DEMO account, i have no intenstion of trading right now, maybe in 6 months time. it was just to see how the system works, your quite right, 10 per point is too much, if it was my own money i wouldnt bet that kind of money until im experienced and made some money(hopefully in this lifetime!) im glad you remembered, thanks 🙂

i was just wondering how Nasdaq 100 works? anywhere near nNasdaq composite?