Road To Success Starts With Only You


Well-known member

I wanted to share my experience being away from the forums for a while. I managed to learn myself putting all the courses out the way and reading forums which was getting me bogged down to incorrect ways misguidance I call it.

The best way to learn price action is simple just watch it day in day out use the playback software to speed up learning. It will take years maybe 5 so best having a job part or full time doing this in the evenings or weekends.

No one or not 1 course on the internet taught me the correct way to apply price action i figured it out self over a period of time with patience and writing down notes daily on market action.

The debates on forums, you tube and even speaking to traders will put you even further away from your goal to become a successful trader.

It will all start clicking together 1 after the other and you will kick yourself for not seeing it years ago!

Good luck.