Trading Successfully Now

Every day is an experience, every trade is an experience, with every day and every trade an experience is what one gets.
Forex Trading is the best way to make some good money online and I am also successfully trading now.
A trader can not trade the market. He can only trade himself, for pupil of the market only becomes master when he fully accepts the enemy is the man in the mirror.
When a trader loses his cool, the market suffers, only when a trader can keep cool does the market win.
you confused bot ?

When a trader loses his cool, the market suffers, only when a trader can keep cool does the market win.
Hahahaahahahahahahahaaaaa........... I think you should re-arrange some of your clauses :whistling
Actually those which find success in forex trading are those who let go their past losses and learn from their past trading mistakes, worked consistently and eventually make their way to success.
wow. great.
i have found very few traders who are actually successfully in Forex and active in Forum community. by the way, please share the story behind your success . i need to know for improving myself

Learning is the key to achieve success in Forex Trading, you need to have lots and lots of knowledge and experience and skills to survive in Forex Trading. I have done about 6 to 7 months of Demo Trading, which helped me a lot to achieve success in Forex Trading.
The successful trader is always recommend by his professionalism trading activates. He never trade at all with emotions and always focuses on proper money as well risk management despite of having most powerful analyzing trading experience.

the only thing that can trade with zero emotion is an automated system dont kid yuorself .....:smart: