Who wants some Juicy MNT facts :?:
Just having a browse through my 5 weeks of extensive facts including most of the recent tweaks we have including TNT variations, MNT, INT as well as NT small tweaks. I keep a running comparison.
So...for the last 5 weeks MNT with a 33 stop limit on sell orders has a 90% success rate on trade days where the trap sets under NT rules no matter how weak the NT signal.
No thats good statistics all the MNT doubters. MNT with a standard NT 30 stop aint so hot as the 27 pip stop travel on a sell order keeps catching it.
So my TNT recommendation for now on is NT+MNT with a 33 sell stop. A good banker on 90% of trades (so far), and the last two weeks of these have been "live" testing @ £1 pip by me.
MNT 33S , 20 trades, 18 wins +180 pips , 2 losses -51 pips , net gain +129 pips, average gain 25.8 pips a week.
So far MNT 33S would have banked you your 25 pips week / 100 pips month average needed for the "make me rich" accumulator alone, without NT additions. :clap:
Just an update to keep you all 😀
over and out