Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

You sussed me. After seeing your message I checked and realised I hadn't clicked a button to send the official request.

Maybe I need to recount my marbles 🙁

Thanks Mark

Mark, I would like to make it clear that I didn't apply to the wrong forum. FATrader had sent the questions and I had answered them. But to appear on your "waiting list" I found there was another button to click on to apply and that's when I appeared on your list.

How long before I get the all clear?👍
Mark, I would like to make it clear that I didn't apply to the wrong forum. FATrader had sent the questions and I had answered them. But to appear on your "waiting list" I found there was another button to click on to apply and that's when I appeared on your list.

How long before I get the all clear?👍

Probably ages now if Graeme sees you called him FATrader, rather than SA trader 😆

I guess he may log on over the weekend and see your answer and give you autherisation.

If not will be Monday I guess.

Read post #4796!!

done that got to the bit
Forex Net Trap Members
A private forum for the discussion of daily trading signals.
Request access here if you wish to join. i click here and it returns me to the same spot. no questions etc.
what do i do now?
done that got to the bit
Forex Net Trap Members
A private forum for the discussion of daily trading signals.
Request access here if you wish to join. i click here and it returns me to the same spot. no questions etc.
what do i do now?

Dont know. Try again via the main forum menu on T2W, scroll down about 4/5 of they way and your will see the group memberships section, click on Forex Net Trap there and try thr request to join link again.

As someone who was a member before it went live I did not have to do the entry thing so cant see or go through the procedure you have to, hence my instructions get a bit vague.

done that got to the bit
Forex Net Trap Members
A private forum for the discussion of daily trading signals.
Request access here if you wish to join. i click here and it returns me to the same spot. no questions etc.
what do i do now?

No it returns you to a similar screen where you have a a list of private forums to join, Forex Net Trap Members is the second one down (Third is Forex Signal Providers, please don't apply to join that one). To the right of each Forum name is a column that says "join" and a circle that if you click will turn into a blue dot.

Once you have the blue dot go to the bottom of the screen and in the centre is another button that says"Join Group" .

Click this, then you get another screen where you can leave a cheery polite message and click another button, but I cant remember now what that is called so if you fail this last bit you must be one of the people who went cash only when they introduced chip and pin to credit and debit cards!

(Guess who I am?) 😈
No it returns you to a similar screen where you have a a list of private forums to join, Forex Net Trap Members is the second one down (Third is Forex Signal Providers, please don't apply to join that one). To the right of each Forum name is a column that says "join" and a circle that if you click will turn into a blue dot.

Once you have the blue dot go to the bottom of the screen and in the centre is another button that says"Join Group" .

Click this, then you get another screen where you can leave a cheery polite message and click another button, but I cant remember now what that is called so if you fail this last bit you must be one of the people who went cash only when they introduced chip and pin to credit and debit cards!

(Guess who I am?) 😈

I have guessed....Do I get £5? 😈
I have guessed....Do I get £5? 😈

No, but after 12 years of compounding with my £105 billion off 50 pips a week with TNT I will treat you to your own Death Star complete with that hydraulic garbage crushing room thing . 😎


Out of curiosity who recomended you join the private forum? We have fans?


i was browing the web and followed links. the first was i'v got a minor hammering this last month with NT so was looking for other reviews. it directed me to t2w then to the private forum.

i was just reading a message from someone who hasnt bought it but is gleaning from the posts here how it works and what to do. while i agree with freedom of information, when others have paid for it and you want it free i thinks its a bit of a cheek but it works for some.
Mark, SA Trader confirmed that I was approved this morning but I cannot gain access. I understand that neither you nor SA Trader have had to go through the process to access after answering questions so could you post on the private forum and ask someone who has to post instructions for me on the old forum?

My nose is pressed up against the window but I can't find the door.

Mark, SA Trader confirmed that I was approved this morning but I cannot gain access. I understand that neither you nor SA Trader have had to go through the process to access after answering questions so could you post on the private forum and ask someone who has to post instructions for me on the old forum?

My nose is pressed up against the window but I can't find the door.


Link is below but SAT has not appoved you yet as you are in the waiting room still. He will do it soon, PM him back to say you are still in the waiting room an can he now accept you asap.

I have sent another PM but from the message he sent this morning it appeared as if he had already done everything required and so I think there's a bit of confusion.

When I try to enter the forum it says that my account is waiting activation.
It's taken me quite some time but finally skimmed through the majority of the posts on this thread! 4800+ wow!

Just bought FNT and looking forward to put it in to practice but want to jump in with Mark120169's tweaks from the off I think. I've Pm'd SA trader for the question and requested to join the forum. Looking forward to getting involved and joining in.

Thanks to everyone for all their input here, it's given me the confidence to take the first step and buy. Pretty new to all this!
