Richard Hill Forex Net Trap

Good morning.Yes another flat day. Can u enlighten me re INT/MNT/VNT ? if they are covered by previous posts do u have the numbers ? Thanks.

Hi Rom, apologies but I can't get into it right now. Cycling in to work in a minute. I will explain when I can, but as said I can't from the office, so will be later thi sevening. GL
Good morning. I have been trading net trap since June , although had to take some time out in July. I used to follow the forum, but never posted as I can't from work. I can read it from there though. Tried a few variants like INT and MNT, but am now just using VNT. I have requested to join the Private forum, and also PMed SA Trader for the question. Hopefully I have done this correctly? Thanks.

Other than looks like another flat MA day, so I am out. GL all.

Originally Posted by ianmcgrath
Hi I have a manual - how do I join the private forum please, regrads ian

75 members on the private FNT forum now with 15 waiting to join. So we are about 2/5 of the whole NT community (yeah maybe RH limit entry sales!!)

Will keep posting this every week for those who wonder why this thread is getting quieter. We are now mostly daily on the FNT private forum, closed to the internet public and for FNT manual owners as such. If you dont have the manual (or at least be able to see a copy of it ) you wont be able to answer the entry question so please dont request to join then hassle us.

For invested Trappers this is the procedure to join the private forum.

1) Send a PM to SA Trader requesting the security question.

2) go here to this link ;

3) You will see a list of private forums, starting with "Real Live Trading" , at the bottom is ours "Forex Net Trap" the text looks like this ;

Forex Net Trap (XX Viewing)
A private forum for the discussion of Forex Net Trap.
Request access "here" if you wish to join.

4) On the "Request access "here" if you wish to join" click on the "here" link.

5) I think next you have to write a short message and submit or something not sure as I did not have to do it but plenty have and are now on the forum.

6) Answer the question from SA Trader in the manual back in a PM to SA Trader.

You should then be on the waiting list to join and I should be able to see you on the list. If you do all this SA Trader will check his PM's and accept you to the private forum asap.

Please keep to this order as it is hard for SA Trader to keep track otherwise.

Good morning.Yes another flat day. Can u enlighten me re INT/MNT/VNT ? if they are covered by previous posts do u have the numbers ? Thanks.

Hi there,

INT and MNT are covered in previous posts. Around early June I think. VNT is just Vanilla NT (following the manual.)

INT is basically if the criteria stated in the manual are met you place your buy/sell order instantly at market.

MNT is same as VNT, just with lower limit, if you feel that there may not be that much in it. However don't think this has proved too successful.

Hope that helps, without getting too detailed for obvious reasons, when you get granted access to the private forum they will all be explained in detail and more I am sure.

Just popped in to turn the lights out!


PS:- If anyone was wondering whether they should not trade in August, according to the sales blurb VNT made 257 pips last year!!

No not died Jim, but we have all gone to the private forum. So if you are a subscriber to the NT then look back a few screens on this forum and find Mark's instructions on joining.

Yes it was a sell today according to the system. But the system would have ignored the support level, the maximum if you were lucky was about 19-21 pips. Otherwise it was all over the place. I don't think many scored - I didn't - I should have had a limit of 18 and then I would have been very clever ;o)
oh. it has died here. will go find the private forum. think I'm down 3 days in a row now, which is never nice🙂
and did/does it work for you?

I did read a bit and ask some questions to some of the members on here

It appears to work for most but I made some stupid mistakes (my fault- not the system's) which mean I'm down at the moment. There are a number of variants which you can read about on here, and are explained in full detail on the private forum- these seem to be giving better results so far.
I have sent a message to SA Trader asking to join the private forum but as yet have had no reply. How long does it normally take?
I have sent a message to SA Trader asking to join the private forum but as yet have had no reply. How long does it normally take?

Steve, you are not in the members list as approved and you are not sitting in the waiting room for applicants applied and waiting for approval. SA Trader will not send you the security question until you are on the waiting list.

Please read this old copy post below and check which private forum you have applied to join? What are the names of the forum leaders?


Originally Posted by DaxM
I answered the questions weeks ago. I received this from SA Trader...
"Cool, you are in....
1) go here to this link ;

2) You will see a list of private forums, starting with "Real Live Trading" , at the bottom is ours "Forex Net Trap" the text looks like this ;

Forex Net Trap (XX Viewing)
A private forum for the discussion of Forex Net Trap.
Request access "here" if you wish to join.

3) On the "Request access "here" if you wish to join" click on the "here" link.

4) I think next you have to write a short message and submit or something not sure as I did not have to do it but plenty have and are now on the forum.

You should then be on the waiting list to join and I should be able to see you on the list. "

I can see myself on the pending, awaiting approval from the group leader called Sharky. I'm UK based so no problem there.

A lightbulb moment! :idea:

Dax you muppet! You have requested to join the wrong private forum!!!

Sharky is leader of "Forex Signal Providers" .

You need to apply to join "Forex Net Trap" , it should be the bottom one. Forum leaders sholuld be listed as Sa Trader and Mark120169.

I think I now may have the answer to several others who tell me they are in the waiting room and SAT and I can't see them.

Mark, I have already received a message from SATrader this morning asking me the security questions which I have sent to him. I am waiting for his reply.

I know some have applied to the wrong forum but I can assure you that I do have all my marbles. You are one of the forum leaders along with SATrader.

Mark, I have already received a message from SATrader this morning asking me the security questions which I have sent to him. I am waiting for his reply.

I know some have applied to the wrong forum but I can assure you that I do have all my marbles. You are one of the forum leaders along with SATrader.


😆 As I was just checking again you wern't in the waiting room, then I looked elsewhere and checked again and suddenly it jumped from 8 waiting to 9 waiting and you are in there now entry @ 2.51pm, few mins ago.

Did a certaim someone realsie a mistake? 😱

M 😛
You sussed me. After seeing your message I checked and realised I hadn't clicked a button to send the official request.

Maybe I need to recount my marbles 🙁

Thanks Mark