Revolutionary Times (Spin Off from TEC)

Hi Packerboy, I did download the link but cannot open it. Maybe you can e-mail me a way to do so as I really appreciate your posts and have said so many times Thank you
[email protected]
Every Breath You Take

Columbia Business School's Dean Glenn Hubbard sings about wanting Alan Greenspan's job that went instead to New Fed Chair Ben Bernanke.

Parody created by Columbia Business School students.


Hi packerboy, its me again, just watched the revolution video, as you know I am with you to try to wake up the masses, is there an awareness in the US generally re the way that we are screwed by the club? Here in Oz it is not so much but we face the same problems, I would like to hear re the sentiment in the US.
Do you think the protest will happen in London on March 26?
Hi packerboy, its me again, just watched the revolution video, as you know I am with you to try to wake up the masses, is there an awareness in the US generally re the way that we are screwed by the club? Here in Oz it is not so much but we face the same problems, I would like to hear re the sentiment in the US.
Do you think the protest will happen in London on March 26?

is there an awareness in the US generally re the way that we are screwed by the club?

Answer is yes.

Do you think the protest will happen in London on March 26?

Answer is yes

Will you see it on the TV maybe maybe not.

If there is a lot of trouble then probably yes in a negitive way as the media will use this against the protesters.


A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin on January 9th states that the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations plan to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshals protecting him removed.
Talismanic Idols

"Sometimes the best way to effect change you wish to see in the world is to change the way you see the world."

Essential Viewing.

Watch the free video here it will explain a lot in particular just what is a birth certificate really, it might not be what you thought it was.

And what using capital letters means..

Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born In Kenya

This is Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Conference. Well, here it is.

There IS NO DENYING the truth now. Michelle Obama ADMITS in a speech to Democrats that Barack was born in Kenya (his "home country").

Watch the video and enjoy your wake up people.

Listen 40 seconds in...

I do believe that the ordinary man in the street is being screwed by big business interests, but I do not think
that we should stand by and get equally screwed by other ambitious people who simply want to get a large slice of pie for themselve.

It is all a repeat of Orwell's "animal Farm" and "1984" and is what happened in Russia and has happened in every dictatorship and democracy for hundreds of years. This is, also, what is going to happen in Egypt now that Mubarak has gone.

How to make a meaningful, worthwhile, difference to us all?

Packerboy, I'm very suspicious of you, too. In fact, no one convinces me that they have my interests at heart. Why should anyone be surprised?
Live Trafalger Square Web Cam.

I do believe that the ordinary man in the street is being screwed by big business interests, but I do not think
that we should stand by and get equally screwed by other ambitious people who simply want to get a large slice of pie for themselve.

It is all a repeat of Orwell's "animal Farm" and "1984" and is what happened in Russia and has happened in every dictatorship and democracy for hundreds of years. This is, also, what is going to happen in Egypt now that Mubarak has gone.

How to make a meaningful, worthwhile, difference to us all?

Packerboy, I'm very suspicious of you, too. In fact, no one convinces me that they have my interests at heart. Why should anyone be surprised?

I guess its all about self empowerment.

It’s ok to ask someone for advice or to read about what someone else thinks

Is the reason for the way things are when you don’t have enough information

to fully make up your mind on something, but let’s face it that advice can

Influence you in either a good or a bad way.

I think that The best way is to have one's own ideas on why you think things

are the way they are first before one goes looking for further information, then at least

one starts from a point of view where we don’t accept the first thing that comes along.

My reply is not aimed at you directly but I feel your way of being suspicious and

wanting to know more first I would think is maybe the best way to be.
I don't know why, because this is not my kind of novel, but I have recently read "The Dying Light" by Henry Porter and "Freedom" by Daniel Suarez. They both deal with what is happening to us because we are too complacent about our leaders and, supposedly, the security services.

The fear of terrorism which, I agree, is very real, has brought in police powers that have never been seen in our countries since WWII. They are being used all the time and we do not know about it.

Porter writes "The British have become more closely watched than any other people in the West. We have more CCTV cameras than the rest of Europe put together" and " the genetic profiles of hundreds of thousands of innocent people are now illegally held on police DNA databases" and he ponders on "the curious absence of concern" by the general population about all this.

Behind all of this is big money, I agree. However, who is going to watch the watchers and who would be the new poor and the new elite if corporate power was eliminated?