Revolutionary Times (Spin Off from TEC)

I am not doubting your views but things in the UK have been much worse than this and there was no revolution in terms of overthrowing government etc so why would it happen now ? Also most people don't care enough to do anything. Even in the 1930s when things were as economically bad as possible it did not result in revolution. What is happening in the ME is not the western world and the key difference is that we can vote out our governments.

I am curious as to what you think revolution will achieve and how it is going to come about ?

I am also aware that the UK debt is £4.8 Trillion which is why the government here want high inflation because it will erode the debt substantially.

Hi Paul, I understand where you are coming from, I never implied that the UK will have a physical revolution like the russian or german after ww1 but the people eventually will stand up and yes may be voting in a different government, remember why Hitler got voted in. If you guys get high inflation like fuel and food just see what happens.
Here in OZ thing are starting quietly but steadily it will take some time but the governments cannot continue to a: keep us dumm and b: do what they like .
Why is Assange so hated in the US ? he only reported the truth. Did not invent it, What does that tell you?
Sexual rape in Sweden for not wearing a condom? do you think any court would deal with this with a normal person? How can he be on bail for hundreds of thousands of pounds without a CHARGE???
This is just an example as to what is happening in the world and yes, you are right the population mainly thinks of copulation and intoxication and the majority has no clue why they are voting for whom. Same in the US and OZ.
You obviously do think about things and I am happy to discuss further,



Read the story here.


TWO GERMAN lawyers have initiated charges against Pope Benedict XVI at the International Criminal Court, alleging crimes against humanity.

Christian Sailer and Gert-Joachim Hetzel, based at Marktheidenfeld in the Pope’s home state of Bavaria, last week submitted a 16,500-word document to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Dr Luis Moreno Ocampo.

Full story here
If you guys get high inflation like fuel and food just see what happens.

We had all of this in the 1970s with inflation at over 25% and nothing happened (apart from Thatcher getting into power). I am still curious as to what you think people will hope to achieve and what form this revolution will take ? The UK has been so dumbed down that, as I previously stated, there are not enough people who care enough to do anything about it.

Need a laugh?.

How about this then....

Looking back on this it struck me that the volunteer from the audience could

just as easily be playing the part of a politician and the Ventriloquist could be

playing the part of his master.

Were this to be true then I guess the next time you see a Ventriloquist act and

you start to laugh then maybe in reality it’s the act that’s laughing at you!!.
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We had all of this in the 1970s with inflation at over 25% and nothing happened (apart from Thatcher getting into power). I am still curious as to what you think people will hope to achieve and what form this revolution will take ? The UK has been so dumbed down that, as I previously stated, there are not enough people who care enough to do anything about it.

Paul I agree, wait until people cannot pay their bills and get hungry! There are motions in the UK now where people want to govern themselves, Utopia ,of course, more later.
Aaron Russo made the film America: From Freedom To Fascism, in which he was

threatened by Sheldon Cohen, former IRS Commissioner and author of the tax code.

A few months later Russo was dead.

His death was reported as having been the inevitable result of a long-term battle

with cancer, which may or may not be the truth.

Before he died Russo was interviewed by Alex Jones.

This is a shortened version of that interview:

Here He talks of what Nick Rockefeller told him.
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Michael Moore tells it like it is.

Too good to miss.

"Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll

give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your

great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot,"

For America read Uk its all the same game plan thats being played

out on all of us and our familys.

Interesting email which might be worth a punt...


You may or may not be aware that for the last couple of months we have been conducting a very interesting experiment.

This experiment has proved very positive and we now need your help to make sure it stays that way and in return, you will have a fantastic opportunity to make some very good money.

IN short we are using a phenonomen called "CROWD INTELLIGENCE" to predict the winners in horse racing with some success.

I will not elaborate too much on the background to the experiment simply because when I launched it a while back, I had never heard of Crowd Intelligence, nor did I know what it was. It was introduced to me by friends in Thailand and they have since created some excellent software which we have been using to conduct this experiment.

On the web site there are many links to information which you can use to read far more about Crowd Intelligence than I could ever tell you. Put in simplistic terms it is the use of a random selection of peoples opinion to find the answer.

We have been asking people to select the winner in every horse race and submit their selection and recording if the most popular selection does become the winner.

At first, I was like many very very sceptical about if or how this could/would work.

What is very interesting however is that we soon shot to a healthy profit and it became quite apparrent that there was something to this. As time went by we kept creeping up the profits steadily day by day.

However, there is one single area on which this experiment is currently struggling to continue to be profitable.

Quite simply we need more people to participate !!!

The experiment results quite clearly show that when we have upwards of 20 people per day particpating we do far better than when we have lower numbers.

The facts show that we need something in the region of 25 to 40 people to get involved to ensure that we have true Crowd Intelligence and get the results that we need.

It can be fairly onerous in that we require you to look at every race every day and select the winner. How you do this is entirely up to you and it is not essential that you are a horse racing expert. People with varying abilities seems to work best. Even tough it can be a little onerous, we have helped you as much as we can with the software which means that once you have made your selection you simply tick a box and submit for each race.

To see how this works, please visit the following link:

You will need to choose a username and password and then use these to login. Once logged in you can click on member area to see how simple it is to submit your selections.

So how have the results been to date? I have attached the spread sheet wich shows the experiment so far. Just to explain simply, if two or more horses are slected as the most popular in the same race then the results are shown having dutched those horses.

If you feel that being able to do every race every day is too onerous then no problem, if you can only do one or two meetings per day, that is fine. What we need are people who can commit to make this a success for us all.

How will you benefit you will be asking?

Very simply, if you are able to contribute to create the Crowd Intelligence that we require on a regular basis, I will turn on an extra tab on the web site which is "LIVE BETS". This shows the Crowd Intelligence as it happens, i.e from the moment the racecards are released the evening prior to racing, you will be able to see the "votes" as they come in.

Just one important note, please if you are on Live Bets do not use these to follow others, this is a very important part and explained on the web site.

Currently we have circa 20 people who have contributed on a regular basis and have live bets turned on.

For this to become hugely successful we need to double the participants.

If we do then I am sure we will make some very nice profits!

To coin a very corney phrase, "you have to be in it to win it".

If you are not contributing on a regular basis, the live bets tab will not be available.

So please do take a look and jump on board what is great fun and potentially very very profitable.

Kind regards.

PS. My apologies if you have received this email a couple of times, I am sending to a couple of lists.

63 Barton Exchange, Manchester
I don't know PackerBoy why we are now into Horse racing, I guess there might be some similarities to trading??
Hacker Group Anonymous Brings Peaceful Revolution to America: Will Engage in Civil Disobedience Until Bernanke Steps Down

by Tyler Durden

The Anonymous manifesto:

* We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.

* One-tenth of one percent of the population has consolidated wealth in unprecedented fashion and launched an all-out economic war against 99.9% of the population.

* We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket.

* Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlement and World Bank.

* We demand that the primary dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy, effective immediately.

* As a first sign of good faith we demand Ben Bernanke step down as Federal Reserve chairman.

* Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience.

* In our next communication we will announce Operation Empire State Rebellion.

Above information was sourced here...
BREAKING:YouTube IS CONTROLLED and Has Been Restricted In Japan AND USA.

A Last Message Sent Out from Man in Japan Thursday, 17 March 2011 10:52

At the request of a French Citizen who lives in Japan.... reposting

everyone WATCH and LISTEN..

this is happening NOW and also to US here in the USA.

Main stream media... you will pay for not letting the world know.

This video is no longer available on YouTube...

It is interesting that YouTube states that they removed the video due to spam, scam,
commercially decptive.

Follow the link...

Please download and share.
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