Remote Access Software

I trade using Sharescope for charts, research etc, but Sharescope do not offer either a WEB-based version (yet) nor a version for tablet which I prefer to carrying a heavy laptop or underpowered Netbook.

So I have been researching software that would allow me to remotely access my desktop PC running Sharescope when on holiday and other trips, using my iPad.

Does anyone have any views on it? In particular does it work reliably? Plus how about issues such as dealing remotely with aftermath of powercuts on the host computer, waking up host computer after it goes to sleep, firewalls etc?

The software that seem to offer the best promise, in hotels etc, are LogmeIn, Teamviewer and Wyse Pocketcloud Pro.

I have tried all three at home so far and all three seem to be reasonably good but I note that LogMeIn is no longer free as it used to be. My leanings are so far towards TeamViewer.

Any views from those who have tried any of these type of programs gratefully received.

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Thanks. It appears from the research that I have done that it is not one of the better options these days. And I presume it is for PCs and I specifically want to use my iPad to access my PC.

I used to use PC Anywhere which was good but I am not sure how it fairs today.