WAVE59 software


Established member
I'm researching software/feed combinations again right now because my Sharescope has no futures feed or scanning/backtesting capability, and no programming/scripting facility either.

I notice you have a link to Wave59 listed in the 'Black Box' section. I've been persusing their site and wonder if this is the right categorisation for it.

It looks like a solid TA package to me with a number of feed options, some unique features and an impressive looking scripting language. I've currently got it short-listed along with Updata, e-signal (whose feed it can use) and Tradestation.

Can't find any reference to UK users/support on the site. Do we have any users on T2W ? or can anyone offer any useful info?

Thanks in advance.
"Can't find any reference to UK users/support on the site."

Hi - I'm based in the UK not far from Windsor Castle.

I used W59 from its early days 2002 or so until quite recently 2012. It was wobbly to start but has since blossomed into something quite special and unique.

Overall I was very happy with it and when the scripting language was attached I was able to fully explore my own ideas.

The out of the box tool-set is incredibly extensive and some users have also made available their own tools which are cutting edge in this field. (Astro-cycles and harmonics)

A couple of years ago it was upgraded from Delphi to C++ and the speed improvement instantly went from a donkey to that of a rocket.

If you want free data and are not too much of a purist one of the members has provided a free tool to collect live & historical data from IB which also includes forex and commodities. Otherwise they offer an institutional strength live data feed subscription.

You can trade directly from the chart, write automated trading systems, use artifical intelligence, something called the hive, and stacks of other esoteric stuff like planet and aspect conversions up to and including advanced Gann methods.

Actually, I am considering re-subscribing as nothing else I've found can touch it for versatility.

The user group is very helpful too which is a major plus for something like this. You just missed their last 'power-user' conference which was held in London in March 2013.

I rate it pretty much 10/10.
"Can't find any reference to UK users/support on the site."

Hi - I'm based in the UK not far from Windsor Castle.

I used W59 from its early days 2002 or so until quite recently 2012. It was wobbly to start but has since blossomed into something quite special and unique.

Overall I was very happy with it and when the scripting language was attached I was able to fully explore my own ideas.

The out of the box tool-set is incredibly extensive and some users have also made available their own tools which are cutting edge in this field. (Astro-cycles and harmonics)

A couple of years ago it was upgraded from Delphi to C++ and the speed improvement instantly went from a donkey to that of a rocket.

If you want free data and are not too much of a purist one of the members has provided a free tool to collect live & historical data from IB which also includes forex and commodities. Otherwise they offer an institutional strength live data feed subscription.

You can trade directly from the chart, write automated trading systems, use artifical intelligence, something called the hive, and stacks of other esoteric stuff like planet and aspect conversions up to and including advanced Gann methods.

Actually, I am considering re-subscribing as nothing else I've found can touch it for versatility.

The user group is very helpful too which is a major plus for something like this. You just missed their last 'power-user' conference which was held in London in March 2013.

I rate it pretty much 10/10.

Interesting how people can differ in opinions
I found it pretty much useless. The power user conference will set you back a few grand each time, each "new" addon from Lars/Earik himself will set you back a fe grand each and every one I've enquired after all can't use them except the people who create them
There were some good tools, but it did nothing for my trading. Only when I moved to updata did my trading turn around.
3/10 for me.
Interesting how people can differ in opinions
I found it pretty much useless. The power user conference will set you back a few grand each time, each "new" addon from Lars/Earik himself will set you back a fe grand each and every one I've enquired after all can't use them except the people who create them
There were some good tools, but it did nothing for my trading. Only when I moved to updata did my trading turn around.
3/10 for me.


In the end I scripted up my own tools, which I could not have done with any other software.

The out of the box stuff is really extensive but, as you say, not everyone can use them.

I did not attend any conferences as they did not cover my line of interest.

I think you have to be an esoteric enthusiast to really get to grips with it, which is not everyone's cup of tea. But I still say it is a great tool for astro-numerologists and financial mystics.

The mundane stuff is all there too, and I'm sure a lot use those mostly and just dabble in the rest out of interest, or use them as an extra rather than their main indicators.

Lately there is a thrust towards cycles analysis and pattern matching.

I'm not using W59, or any other software at present, so I am a bit out of touch with the latest versions, but for me it was a great toolset.