Don't know why I'm bothering but I shall try one last time.
No misunderstanding whatsoever until you explain in detail your
the reason for that comment.
If I don't understand whatever it is you're on about then it is
up to you to explain further and until then I will remain with my present view.
First statement about odds.
Maybe an example.........
A casino has a statistical advantage of winning each spin of the roulette wheel. The odds favour a win by the casino if you will.
Now, since the odds favour that the casino will win each spin does this constitute proof that the casino will in fact win each spin? Of course not.
Just like "the odds favour that God does not exist" does not constitute proof that he does not exist.
Therefore to take the position that God does not exist and claim that this position is correct based on the odds favour it being correct is taking a position that is not supported by any conclusive evidence.
Now I can't make it any clearer than that. If you still do not understand it is not because I have not made it clear it is because you do not have the cognitive ability to understand or you are simply pretending you don't understand.
cofton said:
'Even the idea that the odds favour there being no God is a bit laughable when you examine it further'
Another cop out until you show us your 'examine it further' comment in detail. No good saying things like
'a bit laughable' without backing it up otherwise it is a nonsense statement.
I did examine it further in my response regarding how much knowledge we humans have regarding the universe. I then gave an example I would think you would understand since it is based on trading(you know, what this website is most about)
cofton said:
You may be right about 'less than 1/1000th of 1% of all the knowledge about the universe' but as it it not quantifiable
then your statement in itself is made up. But even it were true then this percentage is far more than the knowledge we
have about death or a so called god or supremem being, so I say again the odds are indeed with the theory that there
is no god.
Yes my statement is made up.
Since your statement about there being no God is not quantifiable then I guess the same logic is made up.
Further to that, just because you have more knowledge about one subject than another does not mean the odds favour the conclusion you draw regarding the subject you know more about.
Taking the casino example, you may know a whole lot more about how balls roll around a roulette wheel and how they bounce before coming to a stop and how gravity plays a part in all this than you do about statistical advantages in games of chance but the odds still favour the casino no matter what.
cofton said:
'if God were to come down to earth right now and perform any miracle any scientist asked for and provided any
"evidence" they asked for the scientific community would simply take the stance that the miracles and
evidence can not be explained but they do not prove the existence of God'
But of course God has never done this and will never do this so probably not an argument. If he did however
come here and perform miracles then everyone would have to listen and consider the fact that he not only exists
but he can indeed perform such miracles that we previously denied. But until this happens then we go with the
odds that he doesn't exist at all. Quite a sensible decision given that we have absolutely zero evidence that he
even exists at all at present.
Nope God hasn't and likely never will.
Let me ask you this then....if some being came up to you and said they were God and could do anything you asked them to do in order to prove it would you start believing that being was God?
We both know the answer to this and sure as sh*t aint yes.
cofton said:
And if you believe otherwise then I think you are seriously deluded but of course your answer will be the
'we don't understand' again.
Actually I do believe that if God came down and attempted to prove he/she was God and performed all these miracles it would be a completely sensible decision to open our minds up to the possibility that he/she was God.
We both know that any scientist that does not believe in God will simply not do that though. They will simply take the stance that even though the phenomenon presented to them could not be explained there was simply no evidence that this being was God. There is only evidence that this being can do things that we currently can't explain.
If you disagree with that then you are deluding yourself.
cofton said:
'No you never did say that people who believe in God are not sane or intelligent, you merely implied it.
Much better that way so you can always say "I never said that." '
It was merely a figure of speech to express my feeling toward the subject, maybe I should have phrased it differently
but it put the point across and you obviously have no other rational answer to the contrary so your only defence is
that I used an inappropriate phraseology. Another cop out i'm afraid, you seem to have a knack of getting out of
an answer, maybe you should be a politician.
No you said what you said. At least have the conviction to stand by it. You fully meant to imply that any person who believes in God is either insane or unintelligent and you know it.
As for a cop out. You weren't making any point or asking any question with that remark and as such no response is required. So there is no cop out. You were simply implying what we both know you were implying.
cofton said:
'Have you ever considered that people do not believe Harry Potter or Star Wars are real is because the author/creator of those two stated they were fiction?'
Oh that makes sense, if the author says it's true or fiction then we believe what they say ? What a strange world you live in.
Our courts of law take personal testamony into account. If it is good enough in that arena then I think it only reasonable to lend some weight to the personal testamony of the author when discussing whether a book is fictional or not.
cofton said:
'Now please note, I am not suggesting that if someone were to claim any old story they wrote is real that this constitutes proof that it is real'
Now you are doing exactly what you accused me of doing, you imply something then reserve the right to have not implied it.
I can see I am probably wasting my time here. It's not your fault, all supporters of religion and god do this.
You do it because your defence has no substance and you have no rational explanation.
I put this caveat in because I knew you would immediately suggest that I am saying we should absolutely take for granted whatever the author of a book says. Good to see you didn't disappoint.
If the author of a book claims it is non-fiction then of course they must show verifiable evidence that it is non-fiction if they wish it to be accepted by the scientific community as such. If they can not do so then from a scientific viewpoint the claim has not been proven. At that point, and in the abscence of any verifiable
"proof or evidence of it's veracity or otherwise" it is up to each individual to take it on faith as to whether it is non-fiction or not.
On the other hand if the author claims it is fiction then there is no burden of proof required as the other isn't claiming it is true. I think it is a reasonable decision on the part of the community to accept that the book is fiction simply on the authors say so don't you?
cofton said:
'if you truly do not understand this concept then there is no point discussing the issue any further'
Yet another cop out. You keep doing this 'you don't understand' but you don't explain it. And why ? Because you have
no rational explanation, you have no answer, you have no logic and no reason just a belief. It's fine having your
belief but remember not to enter any debate because you will just not be able to continue without sensible answers.
What part of if you don't understand do you want me to explain?
Understand: To comprehend.
Don't: Do not
In short it means if you don't comprehend the simple facts I am putting forward, which I can't make any clearer, then I couldn't be bothered trying to teach you to comprehend them because it is clear you do not possess the cognitive ability to comprehend.
cofton said:
'Some people who do believe in God believe that through the creation of the universe God has had a hand in everything'
So that means that God has has a hand in rape, crime, killings, child abuse ? Aferall you did say everything.
And if god did have hand in all these things then I am not so sure I would like him. And before your answer talks
about all the good things in life that he has also had a hand in then that still does not make him right because
you can't trade off the bad things with the good.
Whether you, cofton, personally like God or not doesn't really factor into the equation when someone decides to have faith in God or not I'm sorry to tell you.
As for giving thanks for all those evil things that God must have had a hand in......
Do you understand the concept of thanks? To show gratitude? Do you know that one usually does not thank someone for something they do not want and do not like even if that someone is directly responsible for the thing.
Maybe an example would help........
If someone came up to you with a gun and shot you in the stomach would you thank them for doing so while you lay there slowly dying? I'm guessing not.
So yes, even though God would have had a hand in everything, including the evil things, why would you assume someone would thank him/her for it?
I'm sorry to say it again but if you don't understand the concept of giving thanks then I'm not going to bother trying to explain it to you.
cofton said:
'What you think personally does not constitute proof one way or the other'
I am talking odds for and against not what I think personally.
Yes you keep bringing up odds.
I've already shown that just because you know more about one subject over another that does not mean the odds favour your conclusion.
Further, you keep suggesting that because you believe the odds favour your conclusion then this shows that your conclusion is correct. I'm sorry but it simply doesn't.
cofton said:
I think we must just agree to disagree as you too frequently use the term 'you don't understand....' which
just does not contribute to a debate or discussion at all.
Yes we can of course agree to disagree. We can even disagree without agreeing to do so if we wish.
Odds don't really bring anything to the discussion either but you seem to think they do. I freely admit I don't understand how you can believe the "odds favouring" something means that something is correct but there you have it.
Rather that try to explain how odds favouring one thing over another constitutes proof that that is thing is correct you simply question peoples sanity and intelligence which also doesn't contribute to the discussion.
P.S This time I really am done because it is obvious to me you are now intentionally misinterpreting my remarks just for the sake of argument and that doesn't really interest me.