I'm glad you recognise we need more science.
And if science answered the questions it could answer for you, there will always be people who still want to believe in God . . . dear oh dear!
Because man needs God. As has been pointed out number of times. Because man needs to believe in God. Way before organised main stream religions whether the Aztecs or the Egyptions there is a genuine need in man to know and find out. A quest perhaps?
This isn't me saying it, it's just man in aggregate wanting these answers.
Man does NOT need God. In fact, for some strange reason, the thought of a God probably never occurred to him in prehistoric age because he was too busy trying to stay alive and evolving into the present state he is now.
does not need to believe in God. YOU need to believe in God, along with a few others. Me and a few others do NOT need to share your personal views. End of.
Out of interest what happens if science did prove that God existed, but that he just did the kick start of the process of existence (big bang etc . . ) and then he just b*ggered off/disappeared and NEVER intervened in any affairs again? Would you feel betrayed since you think of Him as "good" and "right" and he left you all in the lurch?
All because you ask questions it doesn't necessarily follow that you will get answers. Some questions do not concern science because it's not in science's repertoire to answer them, even though humanity has the utmost interest in finding the answers.
I have reason alright. Your BS head of yours fails to grasp the essence of faith - whether you agree with it or not. I'm puzzled as to how you can grasp kg, mph and even zero - the absence of everything and reject faith as BS. Your opinion fair enough by me
Faith is unfalsifiable - hence "BS" when subject to logic, evidence and reasoning. Like believing in pink elephants that defy observational attempts. But there's nothing to stop you in indulging. Man can live quite happily having NO faith in a higher power etc, and there are plenty on this earth who do not and choose not to.
And just for the record, I prefer hippos in tutus myself . .
You've lost the plot. I'm entitled to ask what ever question I like. As this is www anybody is free to engage or dismiss discussions. YOU DON'T GET IT do you?
They are YOUR questions. Get it? Not mine - or a vast majority of individuals who do not believe and do not care. They are not central to one's survival, nor a necessity, nor important. They are just yours, and a few others etc. . . etc .
Simply making the point - like you we don't have all the answers. Evolution goes up the shoot in failing to explain it self. If you bring homosexuality into it - in the absence of medical assitance - humans can cease to exist.
There is a very real need to examine and scientifically study these behaviours and explain exactly what is going on here.
Look if you lack the mental intelligence to perservere you are always at liberty to go and play cards or something. Don't know why you are getting all worked up effing and blinding. Obviously you are upset but no need to be.
We NEVER had all the answers!! (And I could argue on philosophical and psychological grounds that we NEVER WILL because it's the human condition.)
And now you interject an issue with evolution hoping for me to answer it for you? No, evolution did not shoot itself in the foot, and it does not need to explain itself. You haven't been doing enough thinking or homework about it to understand what it's about. Yes, if human's evolved into homosexuals we'll all cease to exist unless we have another reproduction mechanism. But who cares, species go extinct all the time, just another nature of Natural Selection . . .
I'm upset because you seem to think that science would answer everything and that they should answers YOUR questions. I'll say "b*gger off" and leave me in peace to work on what I'm working on, and if it happens to have any direct bearing on what you want to know, well you got to make the connection yourself.
I was hoping Evolutionist would explain the abuse and murder of ones own children. I've never seen animals eat their own offspring to get more food. Perhaps others but not their own. Why do you always bring God into it?
Wrong!!! Horribly wrong!!! There are animals who eat their own offspring, but I'll spare you the gory details. It has only been observed to happen in extreme circumstances so far. Funny enough some theorist predicted it would be so before observational evidence came about - a fact I find rather disturbing.
And why would you care for if "Evolutionist would explain the abuse and murder of ones own children"? You are not going to get answers you want to hear. In fact, come to think of it, the amounts of murder, doubt crossing, aggression, violence etc . . that are continually occurring in the the natural world would emotionally overwhelm most religious people to the point of questioning the existence of a "kind and loving" deity.
My previous blog was to point out that there is not enough science at present to answer all questions. Philosophy, social studies and sciences all have a part to play.
I also raised some points that contradict the touted evolution theory as the creator of man via mutations or what ever.
To my mind there must surely be a creator.
Evolution by Natural Selection is a theory about a process - nothing more. Whether a creator started it or not is nothing to do with the theory of evolution. You have not contradicted evolutionary theory.
"to my mind there must surely be a creator" is a statement of your own belief, just as spurious and valid as my belief in invisible dancing hippos. . .