Reborn Clean & Green

I'm very happy for them but a little jealous at the same time. Wish I had a couple little ones to take to Disney.

Maybe I will be able to start a family of my own one day?

I love kids. I'm pretty good with kids as well.

Anyways, everyone enjoy our nice Sunday today.

Message you all tomorrow before we open for the week.

Take Good Care

Hi folks.

Sad day for America with another school shooting.

Makes you appreciate every day you are alive.

Why some people don't value life is a tragedy & such a shame.

We should all love & appreciate life. Be thankful & grateful for everything we do have.

Hatred & Killings are ruining America right now.

It makes me feel awful whenever an innocent human being dies because of a senseless killing. Life doesn't seem fair sometimes.

Let's spread love & appreciate life. Replace Hate & Killings with Happiness & Joy to be alive.

We were up like +0.48% today, but I won't bother posting up the results until tomorrow.

Gratitude List
Clean Drinking Water

Everyone try to have a nice night.

Replace Hate, Embrace Love

Value, Appreciate, Respect & Love People.
Whenever I get down I just think of how fortunate I am to have food to eat, a roof over my head & clean water to drink.

Why would you want to kill someone when you could love them instead?

It's just such a senseless act to kill someone when you could love them.

In my opinion, people who are full of hate need help.

If someone is mentally ill we have facilities to treat them. If someone is unsafe for society we also have jails & prisons to keep society safe. Unless it's self defense, In my opinion there is no justification for taking another human beings life.

Killing people is wrong & against the law.
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There are mental health hospitals to stabilize folks so people don't commit murder or suicide. There are mental health hospitals to protect society from unstable human beings that believe in killing people or themselves.

If you are unstable, contemplating suicide or homicide please get some help. There is help, love & care for people who become mentally ill.
Hi guys.

Let me apologize for my off topic posts.

Mass killings, any killings really depress me.

Sorry it was off topic, but at least I was able to express myself.

Anyways, hope everyone had a good day today.

Looks like we may of had a Great Success together. I checked at 3:30 & we were up 2%.

Just to catch up for the last couple days.

Day 14 - Monday


Thread Total


Day 15 - Tuesday


Thread Total


3 weeks in we were down 3%.

Not the end of the world.

We have today tho to tally up!

I believe it was a great day.

Hope for a great Success & long list of big Gainers.

Be right back.
Alright, pretty decent.

Day 16 - Wednesday


Thread Total


Big Gainers

INTC +7.61%
SPWR +7.13%
RUN +6.27%
PLUG +6.06%
CHPT +6.03%
ENPH +5.39%
SEDG +5.09%
CMA +4.56%
BLDP +4.45%
GM +4.32%
F +3.88%
MOS +3.53%
EVGO +3.23%
AMZN +3.10%
JKS +2.96%
NFLX +2.63%
FSLR +2.54%
TSLA +2.48%
NKE +2.22%
IPI +2.19%
NVDA +2.17%
DIS +2.16%
AAPL +1.98%
BAC +1.96%
MSFT +1.92%
EBAY +1.77%
CLNE +1.69%
DTE +1.59%
ADBE +1.54%
MA +1.47%
V +1.35%
CWEN +1.33%
MRNA +1.28%
VZ +1.26%
NUE +1.13%
ORA +1.03%
STLA +1.02%
JNJ +0.98%
LOW +0.94%
HD +0.90%
COST +0.84%

Great Success Today.

We should feel proud.

We didn't quit or give up.

Maybe we enter the green for our total tomorrow?

Everyone have a nice night.

Go Green, Go Green Graphs!

Take Good Care.

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Just wanted to take some time to thank everyone who believes in renewable energy & electric vehicles.

I'm not against anyone who supports coal, oil & gas. They are all just harmful to planet earth & also unsustainable forms of energy. Eventually we will have to convert to renewable forms of power that are sustainable, clean, green & reliable.

There is not an unlimited supply of coal, oil & gas. Eventually we will have to transition into alternative energy solutions which are renewable & sustainable.

I have nothing against coal, oil & gas they just all aren't the way of the future. There will be great opportunities for renewable energy backers & investors. The transfer of wealth will be enormous. Go Green for the Green Graphs.

We all will be able to embrace the latest & greatest advancements in technology like when we switched from pagers n pay phones to smart cell phones. High definition from standard definition televisions is another example of Embracing the change. Returning an investment in electric vehicles, solar & wind power really is a win for us all. Reduce pollution & help save planet earth from climate change and melting ice caps.

Besides, fossil fuel came from the Dinosaur ages. Embrace the change today, protect & save planet earth. Make tomorrow awesome for everyone.

Thanks for reading.

I'll post some text before we open up for the day tomorrow.

Take Good Care

Hi Folks.

Another Good Day Today.

We are in the green now.

Day 17


Thread Total


Big Gainers

EVGO +22.09%
CLNE +3.56%
F +1.99%
PLUG +1.99%
NFLX +1.93%
INTC +1.81%
AMZN +1.75%
NVDA +1.48%
SEDG +1.40%
SPWR +1.38%
STLA +1.35%
NUE +1.31%
DIS +1.27%
MSFT +1.26%
CHPT +1.20%
RUN +1.13%
JKS +1.04%
WMT +1.00%
AAPL +0.99%
MRK +0.95%
LAC +0.94%
AZN +0.82%
GM +0.81%

Nice list for today.

Cheers to EVGO their supporters & backers.

Tomorrow should be even better.

Have a nice night.

Good Morning T2W

Let's end our week with another great day.

Big family get together for us tomorrow.

Let's put up a success post this afternoon.

Green, Green, Green.

Support our stock market. Please believe in Renewable Energy, EVGO & Electric Vehicles.

Go Green for Green Graphs.
Premarket figures look good.

Yes Indeed.

We may be able to end our week with another great day.

Go Green, Go Big.

Help correct our climate & make a nice return on your investment.

Let's keep this thread in the green.

Get excited to help save our planet & make some money.

Believe in the win + win.

Win for the people, Win for the planet.

20 minutes until we open.

Everyone have a nice day.
I would love to write up another great success post today for all of us.

Feels awesome when we work together to help improve the world.
Decent Day.

Looking forward to our great success post & daily recap.

You can dig & dig for oil... but eventually you will run dry. Believe in solar & wind power, because you eventually will run out of coal as well. Electric Vehicles are awesome. Free yourself from the high prices at the gas station. Protect our military from future conflicts in the Middle East. Fossil Fuels came from the dinosaurs. Electric Vehicles are awesome & available today. The new technology is here. Embrace the positive changes, freedom from war & pollution.

We can all be more independent. You can celebrate this 4th of July independent from coal, oil & gas.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Go, Go, Go. EVGO

Go, Go, Go. Tesla, Ford & General Motors

Go, Go, Go. Solar Power

Go, Go, Go. Wind Power

Let's make some money & use it to build & create.

We could all share with each other.

We could all give back to help the poor folks who struggle with no food to eat.

If we all believe in positive changes maybe we could make a huge difference.

Save folks from losing.

Save folks from losing their lives & homes in natural disasters.

Help feed the hungry & look after the poor.

We can do it.

It is very reasonable.

Keep believing & supporting green companies.

Sorry to ramble, I'm excited & the market is up.
Its 11:50 here in Michigan.

We are at 1.71% in Clean & Green for today.

Let's see if we can make it to 2% for a great success.

I would love to keep this thread full of big gainers every day.

If you are reading this & supporting our Clean & Green future I must thank you.

I do love & appreciate everyone investing in a sustainable planet earth.

Wealthy folks have a great ability to mold our future & world.

I'm not sure who followed me through my Bitcoin & Nividia progression but I'm very confident renewable energy & electric vehicles will achieve great success as well.

Excellent progress. So far so good.
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EVGO is having another great day.

Help make a positive difference.

Let's get to post up a great success today. It will be awesome for my mental health. Awesome for the world as well.

We are getting close, almost there.
We are making great progress today.

Maybe anything over 1% should be considered a great success.

Really Glad to be here & grateful for another good day.

Its been over a year, but we were able to post up over a 50% gain in one of my threads.

Let's make the stock market awesome again. Let's spread love & help improve the world. The more money we generate the more folks we can save from hunger & help out of poverty.

The more we invest in renewable energy & electric vehicles the less likely we are to have conflicts in the Middle East & the less damage we will do to our home, planet earth.

If you were to invest in EVs, Renewable Energy & Charging Stations strictly for the profit, in my opinion it would generate you a huge return in the long run.

There are many reasons to invest in Clean & Green Sustainable Energy. I love people & planet earth.

Raising awareness to great investments can help those with the ability to make positive changes make those changes. I hope to be able to provide a little insight & inspiration for the really wealthy folks capable of making a huge difference.

I'm not a climate scientist but have studied climate change a bit & know the longer we wait to correct the climate the harder it will be to change. We can all become involved & achieve great financial success as well as save people, their homes & planet earth.

Sorry for so many posts.

If you are wealthy here is your chance to make a huge return, save people & planet earth.
Congratulations Folks!

Trade 2 Win

A Great Success Today


What you believe you can achieve.

We actually did it.

Very Cool.

Yes Indeed.

If you put your mind to something, don't quit until you accomplish it.

Let's be humble & honest. 1 good day won't change the world. This is only the beginning of a beautiful new day.

Please believe & stay committed towards positive changes & correcting our climate.

Global Warming & Climate Change is very real & will take a combined effort from everyone for years to come to solve. We didn't create this crisis overnight & we won't be able to correct it overnight as well.

We did have a great week tho & for that we should all be happy.

Cheers to everyone who contributed today.

Thank you.

Clean & Green Thread


Everyone have a nice night.
Hi folks.

Looking forward to this coming week.

This last week was a great one.

We are in the green again.

Feels awesome to be back posting up long lists of big gainers.

Anyways, everyone have a nice Sunday.

Believe in great success & let's achieve great success together.

Take Care

Good Morning T2W!

The start of a new week!

Green, Green, Green.

Renewable Energy


Electric Vehicles


Charging Stations


Go Green, Go Big

Boogety, Boogety, Boogety.

Time to make some money boys!

Let's make it a great week.