Hi folks.
I apologize for my off topic post.
Please feel free to read with an open mind.
My views & voice aren't always going to be perfect or even right. These are just simple ideas. I'm just sharing my perspectives on ways we could all improve & things we could consider.
Anyways, feels Great to be working towards more independence & freeing ourselves from fossil fuel.
Renewable energy & electric vehicles really are the way of the future.
We can begin to achieve Peace in the Middle East by investing & buying electric vehicles.
Let's work together towards saving soldiers lives.
Why fight a war or risk your life if you don't have to. If we had an alternative solution for our energy needs & could free ourselves from foreign oil shouldn't we embrace that change. Let's avoid potential future conflicts over oil.
When you support electric vehicles you are also supporting a peaceful middle east. Saving our American soldier's lives as well as the soldiers in the middle east.
Electric Vehicles are already being produced & are becoming more readily available today. Although the cost is still a bit high, overtime electric vehicles will become more & more reasonable.
Our Government agrees & supports EV's. There are Government tax exemptions & rebates which are helping folks get into the new electric vehicles today.
Consumers can save a bundle on gas. Instead of paying the high price of gasoline, you can charge your EV at home for a fraction of the price.
In America, I do believe by 2035 gasoline combustion engine vehicles will no longer even be manufactured. For those folks passionate about climate change, this is a huge win.
We could also embrace more solar & wind power to help clean up coal. Coal is actually really filthy & extremely damaging to our planet.
Carbon emissions are at an all time high.
Renewable Energy is readily available now & is a very sensible solution in my opinion.
Our Government here in America also supports clean energy & renewable energy solutions by offering stimulus packages. To help aid in the cost of a new system our Government will cover some if not all of the price of a solar installation.
Another potential positive change could be in health care.
Right now, I do believe the Affordable Care Act actually allows health care insurance premiums to rise at an unsustainable rate.
Our Health Care System is really becoming a crisis.
We have Electric Vehicles to replace oil & gas.
We have Solar Power & Wind Power to replace coal.
Now we should try to raise some awareness to help lower health care insurance premiums so they are at least sustainable.
Believe in Change.
Let's attempt to embrace a positive change & correct the Affordable Care Act so that health care is actually affordable again.
We could attempt to change the Affordable Care Act so that our primary goal of health care is caring for people not obsessing over profit.
We have the stock market to make money & maximize our profit. Making money is awesome & could be a main priority while investing.
Health Care in my opinion is not the right place to maximize profit.
Let's Maximize success rates of breast & colon cancer treatments so we save more lives.
Let's Maximize recovery rates of viruses like covid so more folks return to good health.
Let's provide care for the sick so people are happy & healthy once again.
Please help me raise awareness any way you can.
The cost associated with health care insurance premiums is rising at an unsustainable rate right now.
Hospitals and Health Care are intended to treat patients. Help sick people recover & cure illnesses. Let's focus on saving lives and treating sick patients in the hospitals & in health care.
Let's make lots of money trading stocks & investing in the market as well.
Money can be a great thing & used to help design & build something beautiful. Please make sure to use our returns to build & create.
I do apologize for my off topic post.
I needed to express my thoughts feelings and emotions. I try not to let things stress me out or build up in my mind.
Safe, Sane, Calm & Stable is my daily goal.
Gratitude List
Very simple & basic, which is beautiful to me.
Trade 2 Win
Warm Home
That's all from me today.
I was hearing a lot of voices and was becoming stressed out. I decided to make a post instead of walk away from my problems.
Thanks for Reading
Have a nice afternoon.
It's nice & sunny here today in SE Michigan which is awesome.
Take Good Care