you for sure are not making money trading - and unless your real life attitude is different to how it seems on here -i would definetly be on a safe bet to say - you will never make a cent trading
trading is a real skill and normally people who learn that skill might get arrogant about the skill when they have been successful for a few years
but it takes a special kind of prick like you to be arrogant when you are still looking to get free streaming charts and dont have a clue about markets or trading
and for others on here who genuniely want to learn - the underlying of the ftse futures is not the index - it is the stocks that make up the index, and a ftse contract gives you a hedged method to gain or lose based on the value of the underlying stocks that the ftse contract gives you exposure to, hence the interest input for the valuation of the different contract months periods due to the leverage afforded by the ftse contract
but the main thing is that if you are trading, you are trading the ftse futures - so that is the main thing your trading should be based on - this is key to trading - and until you get that fact - you will be really up against it to make money