Free realtime streaming chart

Szabo Geza

Hi everyone.I was doing pretty good untill stopped their free demo and now i'm left without a good free intraday strea🙁ming chart.I've tried a few but no is terrible,it streams allright but even if you set the chart to intraday,it still shows the 10 year chart.Tried pc quote but it shows only the last 7 minute(who comes up with ideas like that?)and i wasn't able to find any option in the program to change it so that's why i ended up here and if someone knows about something similar that used to have i would very much apreciate it.Thanx
Hi everyone.I was doing pretty good untill stopped their free demo and now i'm left without a good free intraday strea🙁ming chart.I've tried a few but no is terrible,it streams allright but even if you set the chart to intraday,it still shows the 10 year chart.Tried pc quote but it shows only the last 7 minute(who comes up with ideas like that?)and i wasn't able to find any option in the program to change it so that's why i ended up here and if someone knows about something similar that used to have i would very much apreciate it.Thanx

Why not signing up a demo account with any broker? They will provide you realtime charts and tools during your free trial.
Use Metatrader4 for FX and the few commodities they have on there, other than that you are probably looking at paying or constantly switching from free trial to free trial with various brokers