
Now I have vindicated myself in my fear of having anything to do with Facebook, or Twitter, for that matter You may all do as you wish but, if you ever go on Facebook, you'll be on it forever and used as a reference every time that you get talked about.

All of those who like a drink and private fun....watch it---you could be being watched. Remember what happen to Prince Harry in Las Vegas.








On a slightly different tack for Internet retardedness, I thought this was pretty funny

I had to stop reading on page 2. I think I've overdosed on lulz.



Actually made it as far as page 6 but can't see anymore as I'm actually crying with laughter. This is a standard of lulz to which t2w can only aspire.
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I don't care what you say, you love it here...what else would you do all day !

That about sums it up for most of us who post a lot, but don't sit on your laurels.

Just because it has so many icons of the trading world does not mean that it cannot improve.

Rolls Royce thought that it was perfect but look what happened. The Jerries have got them!
Facebook is fairly simple.

Friends - a nice way to keep in touch/share pics, see what everyone else is doing. It is unique and excellent in that respect, especially if you have friends all over the world.

Business - not really anything unique. There is not much it does that can't be done elsewhere BUT the whole package is what makes it. It's good for blogging and linking to other people's content. People come along, "like" you and then their friends see this like and come to look at you too. Nothing else really has that ability to make content viral. There is just a lot of noise.

With any tool, there will always be people that don't understand it or do understand it but aren't able to leverage it. There will be people that love it, people that hate it & those that are ambivalent.

It will of course be 'cool' not to like FB. Just as it is considered 'cool' not to like Microsoft and a whole bunch of other stuff. If your customer base is the small fringe percentage that considers FB uncool, then it is a medium you should ignore. If on the other hand, this is not the case, then you might have to cast aside your own personal feelings and use it to reach people you might not otherwise reach.

One of the issues with tools like FB, Twitter, search engines, linked in etc is you do have to learn a lot to use them. In this respect it is a huge pain in the a$$.
It will of course be 'cool' not to like FB. Just as it is considered 'cool' not to like Microsoft and a whole bunch of other stuff. If your customer base is the small fringe percentage that considers FB uncool, then it is a medium you should ignore. If on the other hand, this is not the case, then you might have to cast aside your own personal feelings and use it to reach people you might not otherwise reach.

I just don't want to use it plain and simple 😆