I had someone add me as a friend recently who i used to work with, play football with and go to school with. We both worked in the same town for a short while a few years back, and would pass each other on our dinner hours. I'd look at him, he'd do anything but look at me! (perhaps he was embarassed by the nancy boy fake tan he was sporting at the time!).But now he wants to be my friend? would he still ignore me in the street? 😕
I've also had someone who i am just about presently in contact with, add one of my friends as his friends but not do the same with me, despite the fact I've given him lifts places etc.
It's all this petty BS, that i don't have much time for, playground antics, that i didn't even engage in when in the playground, so why bother on the Internet 😕.
I know people who have people as their "friends" who i know for a fact cannot stand each other! I've heard of keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer etc...
So yes, overall i agree that facebook is BS in many ways. It'd be lovely if we lived in a bitch free world where everyone wants to get on & help their fellow man, but in my experience this isn't so. A lot of people like to laugh at each other, practise one-up-manship, feel superior, play tricks, tell tales etc. (fu** me - he's turned into a fat bast***, jesus, she used to have such perked breasts! and to think he used to get all the girls - LOOK AT HIM NOW 😆:clap: etc.).
And as for all the crappy, pointless meaningless games like - zombies, mob wars, etc. that i get endless invites to add, until i give in and add, I just dont get!
Many see facebook as a platform to show off - and there's nothing wrong with that, they're only human.
So yes, i do have a facebook account, but the info i put on there about myself is a minimal amount.
Besides being able to stay on contact with people who i genuinely like/d, basically i like facebook so that i can say - here's a picture of me and my supermodel girlfriend supping cocktails in Antigua, here's a photo of my 6 bedroom mansion, oh, and here me sitting in my new Range Rover!..........(just kidding, I'm not that shallow!)
So, i think Facebook probably started out as a nobel venture, but has turned into a bit of a monster, all things considered - such as pointless apps., huge revenue stream for the owners, etc.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was actually the govt or CIA behind facebook - with the aims of -
1) conditioning us to interact with other people by computer rather than in person (divide & conquer etc)
2) Get everyone into the habit of spying on our neighbours, telling tales etc. in this "big brother" world that we live in.
Apart from these minor gripes, i love facebook 🙂.