Question and challenge Is there a person on the planet can double his capital only once every year?


Junior member
hello all members
an important question .. in the form of an open challenge
is there anyone who can double his capital every year?

i mean is there anyone who can achieve 100% annually of Forex?

This challenge you may see is easy or simple or you say that 100% per year is a simple thing

I don't want someone who earns 20% or 30% a month because it's already impossible

But the challenge is there anybody who can earn in a year 100% of the capital ???

I'll tell you a simple equation ..

If there is someone who can earn 100% a year, if it starts with a capital of $ 10,000, they will become $ 10 million after 10 years !!!

I offer you this simple equation

Starting $ 10,000

After a year they become $ 20,000

After two years they become 40,000 dollars

After three years they become 80,000 dollars

After four years they become 160,000 dollars

Five years later they become $ 320,000

After six years they become 640,000 dollars

After seven years they become 1.28 million dollars

After eight years they become 2.56 million dollars

Nine years later they become 5.12 million dollars

Ten years later they become 10.24 million dollars

Conclusion :

If there is someone who can only earn 100% per year
If it starts with a capital of $ 10,000, they will become $ 320,000 in five years and become $ 10 million in 10 years

Accordingly, the challenge will be:

anyone can offer us a real account statement for 5 years that earns 100% annually
And if he has no ...

anyone offer us any account statement to any Arab, foreign, Chinese or Russian
Or anyone on the planet earth that has been able to achieve 100% annually of its capital for five or 10 years

Do not tell me these responses are unacceptable : ....

"Yes, I know people who win more than this."
"I personally earn double the number"
"I know traders make millions of dollars from Forex"

please all these responses are unacceptable
The reason is that it is easy and easy to talk. I can tell you that I earn 50% in a month or I know people who make money and make millions of dollars from Forex.

The only thing acceptable is evidence.

The proof is a real account statement ....
5 or 10 years account statement for a person who only earns 100% per year

I think such a person is not exist
I believe that if he exists, he will become a national wealth and will deal with banks and international institutions and large banks or even major countries
If there is a person who can double the capital every year once, this person would become a real legend
It was a national wealth and dealt with the major banks and major economic companies in the world

Eventually the challenge is still open

Awaiting responses

Let us give us clear and unequivocal evidence of that person's existence
Thats me out!
Upto year 3, I would still be on T2W and FF, just shooting the breeze with other traders.
By year 6, with 640K and gunning for 1Mill, I wouldn't be on T2W anymore, and would likely be looking to Personal Wealth Managers for advice and help.
By year 8, with 2.56M, I would probably have relocated to a tax haven, and started to diversify my money into other assets.
By year 10 be living on a yacht in Monaco, possibly.

This forum is unlikely to find the audience your are marketing to.
Try advertising to Yachting Monthly, or Mansion Owners Journal, Faberge Egg Collectors Digest, or something upscale.

Dreaming ........
Do you really think there will be someone like that reading this forum and wanting to make YOU so rich? Keep dreaming bro! LOL 😀😛
Doubling your money per year only requires a 6% profit per month. This sounds like child's play. In practice the consistency element is very demanding. That plus the need to avoid wiping out of course.

When I'm making this target I'll post up the winning strategy. It will be one of those I have already posted on T2W or other forums.
hello all members
an important question .. in the form of an open challenge
is there anyone who can double his capital every year?

i mean is there anyone who can achieve 100% annually of Forex?

This challenge you may see is easy or simple or you say that 100% per year is a simple thing

I don't want someone who earns 20% or 30% a month because it's already impossible

But the challenge is there anybody who can earn in a year 100% of the capital ???

I'll tell you a simple equation ..

If there is someone who can earn 100% a year, if it starts with a capital of $ 10,000, they will become $ 10 million after 10 years !!!

I offer you this simple equation

Starting $ 10,000

After a year they become $ 20,000

After two years they become 40,000 dollars

After three years they become 80,000 dollars

After four years they become 160,000 dollars

Five years later they become $ 320,000

After six years they become 640,000 dollars

After seven years they become 1.28 million dollars

After eight years they become 2.56 million dollars

Nine years later they become 5.12 million dollars

Ten years later they become 10.24 million dollars

Conclusion :

If there is someone who can only earn 100% per year
If it starts with a capital of $ 10,000, they will become $ 320,000 in five years and become $ 10 million in 10 years

Accordingly, the challenge will be:

anyone can offer us a real account statement for 5 years that earns 100% annually
And if he has no ...

anyone offer us any account statement to any Arab, foreign, Chinese or Russian
Or anyone on the planet earth that has been able to achieve 100% annually of its capital for five or 10 years

Do not tell me these responses are unacceptable : ....

"Yes, I know people who win more than this."
"I personally earn double the number"
"I know traders make millions of dollars from Forex"

please all these responses are unacceptable
The reason is that it is easy and easy to talk. I can tell you that I earn 50% in a month or I know people who make money and make millions of dollars from Forex.

The only thing acceptable is evidence.

The proof is a real account statement ....
5 or 10 years account statement for a person who only earns 100% per year

I think such a person is not exist
I believe that if he exists, he will become a national wealth and will deal with banks and international institutions and large banks or even major countries
If there is a person who can double the capital every year once, this person would become a real legend
It was a national wealth and dealt with the major banks and major economic companies in the world

Eventually the challenge is still open

Awaiting responses

Let us give us clear and unequivocal evidence of that person's existence

Who needs money when there are little red paperclips everywhere.

Well maybe there is someone who does, but I don't know about anyone and I don't think so either
It can be done but you do need very good conditions – like the just-died Bull market! You need to be very good at trading with superb control of your psychology/money management/ system discipline/ + everything else. It's also (I'm pretty sure anyway) much easier with a small account where you have only limited funds at risk thus enabling you to sleep at night. My self-imposed small account test/target has always been to double in a year – it is extremely difficult because there are so many gotchas. I'm also making the proviso that you don't take silly risks et cetera – anybody can get lucky that way.

Really – just forget whether it can be done or not in theory. Go ahead and try it: you will be amazed at what you learn during the process.
Well i wouldn't say no one can, but surely the number of people who can do it is pretty less to be practical.
I finally have the Big Ben strategy working well and this has the potential to double my account. I am running the strategy now and hope to meet this target in less than 10 months from here.