Wondering if anyone can give me some real life examples.

Marting, I think this one's a bit of a troll, It has sucked in a couple of appendage hoovers who talk about spread trading as if it is a non gormless thing to do for a beginner. Tring to leverage that amount with say $5000, what would you do as a broker? Apart from fix the price, send out a stoprunner and wipe out the account.:smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart:😴:whistling

Aha, so you are the one who's been running over my stops, even though I have no stops, and grabbing my money ? Well, you ain't getting any more from me because I ain't doing no more forex BS.
Simple. When I touch little emotional nerves I weed out the weak and hopeless. The ones who want to learn from me and my methods are totally without emotion, like all good traders, and soldiers.


Unfortunately your targeting is askew 🙂 because the nerves you stretch are mine and not the op. If you want to disagree with what's said, then do so constructively. Just swinging your handbag won't cut it.


100:1 leverage sounds like too much. I personally trade on maximum 50:1 leverage only when stop-loss is around 5 pips, making the risk ~2% in some cases, and much less (more like 25:1) usually (for 6-7 pips stop amount trades).

Risking too much on a trade is definitely not the best way to become successful trader.
Okay, so I currently am working about 70 hours a week, so I haven't yet gotten the opportunity to really dive into the forex market just yet. However, upon learning about the level of leverage you can get when trading currencies, I feel I should dedicate the next ten years of my life trying to master the markets. Anyway, my question is as follows. Assume were talking about the top 5% of forex traders. If they started at their current level of expertise with $5000 in a brokerage or ecn account, leveraged 100:1 on every position, and then came out ahead of the spread by 800 pips at the end of the month. Wouldn't that account hold a minimum of 45K at the months end? I realize that most traders lose money, but it seems to me that those who are successful multiply their capital extremely fast. I was hoping to hear some real world stories from people who after becoming wise to the market have managed to amass capital like this. Other than the obvious challenge of becoming one of the top 5%, is there anything I'm discounting here?

If you are still in the game after about 4 years you will learn for yourself anything is possible with fx.