BBB said:So you'd call someone who left school at 16, no qualifications, yet was earning £4 million pa by the time he was 21 a boffin would you?
I dont want to sound too harsh here - and I hope you dont take offence at this, but you obviously haven't been involved in the markets too long have you kid.
Maybe your idea of a 'shed load' and mine are at very different ends of the spectrum.
Go stick your head in a book, or go back to Uni for another 6 years if you think it will give you an edge (for someone else). Id rather be taking money out of the markets for real, not reading about it or developing theories about it.
Ok, do you think these 16 yr olds now a days can be earning £4M pa by the age of 21????
What do you class as a big earner??? and I mean dont pick the outlier that eanrs £40M a year....
SOme 16yr old leaves school, and by the age of 21 is making £4M a year???? maybe 1/1000000 yeah....but otherwise, go back to sleep and dream man!!!!!