Qualifications needed?

i think personally theres a very easy answer for this, does having qaulifications make u you a better trader ? no of course not but if you want to get into an ib or hedge fund then despite this you will need qualifications
(certain)Qualifications CAN make you a better trader and certainly help one to understand the concept. As always it's the right ones that count and of course whether you use them or not and how.

Try some of these qualifications for size then tell me they wouldn't help.

Business and administration
Business management

This list is by no means exhausted but please feel free to comment on how any one of these courses could not enhance/help with your trading.

i think personally theres a very easy answer for this, does having qaulifications make u you a better trader ? no of course not but if you want to get into an ib or hedge fund then despite this you will need qualifications
yes but then again thats all theory and no practice i know plenty of people who graduated from top universities a lot of them from LSE with first class degrees and yes they have gone to top investment banks but none into trading and i know for a fact if you stuck most of them infront of a trading screen they would not have the guts to pull the trigger so to say.
Theory is no gd without the practical aspect behind it, i could read in a book all about how to fly a plane but does that mean i would be able to do it or that i would make a gd pilot ?
Of course not..thats what I'm saying but practice before diving in...If you read a book on all the controls of a plane, what to do in an emergency, how to use a radio and call for help ...then flying a plane would certainly give you more of an edge. The sensible thing to do of course is go to flight school where they'll teach you how to fly...Same with trading..Dont be fooled for a second that anyone can pick it up and run with it..As with most things..It takes time and patience, a bit of skill and a lot of learning.

I may have misread you but your starting to sound as though you believe you can be up and running and earning in no time...Good luck if this is the case..

yes but then again thats all theory and no practice i know plenty of people who graduated from top universities a lot of them from LSE with first class degrees and yes they have gone to top investment banks but none into trading and i know for a fact if you stuck most of them infront of a trading screen they would not have the guts to pull the trigger so to say.
Theory is no gd without the practical aspect behind it, i could read in a book all about how to fly a plane but does that mean i would be able to do it or that i would make a gd pilot ?
The thing is though you can be up and running and straight away start earning money in no time then again you can blow your account in that same amount of time. The thing about trading is it really is an individual thing i personally know plenty of people who from starting trading to a year later were paying themself a substantial amount of money 2 of these did the magical million pound figure, then again yes i know people who blew there account in under a month.

The thing about trading is like i said its simply down to the individual some people will go straight into trading and make gd money instantly, some it may take them a while to start earning consistant money and other well sadly they might find trading isnt for them.
You cannot put a time limit on how long it will take to earn money and how much some it might be a day others it might be 5 years

Of course not..thats what I'm saying but practice before diving in...If you read a book on all the controls of a plane, what to do in an emergency, how to use a radio and call for help ...then flying a plane would certainly give you more of an edge. The sensible thing to do of course is go to flight school where they'll teach you how to fly...Same with trading..Dont be fooled for a second that anyone can pick it up and run with it..As with most things..It takes time and patience, a bit of skill and a lot of learning.

I may have misread you but your starting to sound as though you believe you can be up and running and earning in no time...Good luck if this is the case..
O.k I give up..you win..

I'm drawing this particular conversation to a close on the basis of sillyness.

Good luck.

The thing is though you can be up and running and straight away start earning money in no time then again you can blow your account in that same amount of time. The thing about trading is it really is an individual thing i personally know plenty of people who from starting trading to a year later were paying themself a substantial amount of money 2 of these did the magical million pound figure, then again yes i know people who blew there account in under a month.

The thing about trading is like i said its simply down to the individual some people will go straight into trading and make gd money instantly, some it may take them a while to start earning consistant money and other well sadly they might find trading isnt for them.
You cannot put a time limit on how long it will take to earn money and how much some it might be a day others it might be 5 years
its not sillyness at all part of life is allowing people to have different opinions you will not get anywhere in trading if you expect everyone to agree with you and as ive said to you before i do not need luck i already trade for a large oil firm and before that was an IB so my trading career is coming along fine, but good luck to you