Pursuit Of Women

Hi guys,

I'm in basically the same boat as JTrader, only I'm a girl. I would like to hear your opinions on something.

I met a great guy the other day at a sporting event, so conversing isn't a problem as we have a lot of the same interests. I think there's something there, but I can't say for sure if he feels the same way.

I would like to know how guys, in general, feel about the woman asking the guy out. Would I be perceived as too forward or what?

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Hi guys,

I'm in basically the same boat as JTrader, only I'm a girl. I would like to hear your opinions on something.

I met a great guy the other day at a sporting event, so conversing isn't a problem as we have a lot of the same interests. I think there's something there, but I can't say for sure if he feels the same way.

I would like to know how guys, in general, feel about the woman asking the guy out. Would I be perceived as too forward or what?


I dont see why it should be a problem. Although i can see how it might take him a little by surprise, as isnt that traditionally the mans job....
love is in the air

Hi guys,

I'm in basically the same boat as JTrader, only I'm a girl. I would like to hear your opinions on something.

I met a great guy the other day at a sporting event, so conversing isn't a problem as we have a lot of the same interests. I think there's something there, but I can't say for sure if he feels the same way.

I would like to know how guys, in general, feel about the woman asking the guy out. Would I be perceived as too forward or what?


Hi rider5,

i dont see a prob with the girl asking the guy out not in this day and age.

Guys usually do one of two things, they tend to either go for a stunner and then not have the bottle to ask them out,(as in your case i'm guessing rider5) or they play it safe and go for girls they know are within there limits.

so you should ask him out, or get together with JTrader!

happy dating
I would like to know how guys, in general, feel about the woman asking the guy out. Would I be perceived as too forward or what?
Hi rider5,
My suggestion would be to think of the situation as if it were a trade. You want a stop loss if the 'trade' goes sour. Ask JTrader out. This is a safe bet because even if you don't like one another - let alone fancy one another - you'll at least have trading to talk about. JTrader will, I'm sure, be happy to accept an invitation to meet. That's your stop in place. Now the main trade. Ask the chap out that you referred to in your earlier post. Or, if you're uncomfortable doing the asking, you could always make it easy for him to ask you. For example, talk about films - what you like and don't like etc. When he says that he can't wait to see the new Bond film, you reply by saying that you really want to see it too (even if you don't). If he doesn't take the hint, then he's not worth bothering with anyway. Trade over and on to the 'stop' option with JTrader. If I was single, I'd offer my services as the stop option. As it is, I think Mrs. timsk might not approve and besides, I'm old, fat and bald. Anyway, good luck and do please let us know how you get on!
Thanks for the tips guys.

Will have to muster up the guts and ask him. There's probably always the risk of him declining the offer and feeling like a fool not knowing how to respond to that. But since he's quite the catch, I think the risk/reward is worth it.

I'll keep you posted timsk; will unfortunately be in December, as he's away at the moment.

As for JTrader, there is, of course, the small logistical problem.

Thanks for the tips guys.

Will have to muster up the guts and ask him. There's probably always the risk of him declining the offer and feeling like a fool not knowing how to respond to that. But since he's quite the catch, I think the risk/reward is worth it.

I'll keep you posted timsk; will unfortunately be in December, as he's away at the moment.

As for JTrader, there is, of course, the small logistical problem.


Small logistical problem! never, not for a young successful daytrader, flights around the world a mere issue for the lad.

Anyway, good luck with your local chap 😀
Will have to muster up the guts and ask him. There's probably always the risk of him declining the offer and feeling like a fool not knowing how to respond to that. But since he's quite the catch, I think the risk/reward is worth it.

Of course girls can ask out boys these days.

Don't make it a big thing though, light and easy handed always works best, have a fun talk with him, get him laughing, and then just ask if he'd like to go for some drinks later.

It's either yes or no, but with an offhand question like that you two can go on meeting at your sports venues without anybody having lost face or feeling hurt or anything. (Thats the dumbest thing anyway when you want to go out with somebody, if you're always afraid of the other side saying no you'll never meet anybody, somebody won't like your nose, or have just fallen madly in love with somebody else, or be having a really bad day, etc etc, there simply are some reasons why somebody who is otherwise attracted to you still isn't up for it at just this moment, but that's no reason to not try in the first place.)

Whats always awkward and embarrassing and somewhat off-putting however is if you notice the other side is making a big deal out of it, if they are trying too hard, neither girls nor boys like that.

But if you're going in there, charming, carefree and easygoing, making him laugh, and all its about initially are some drinks, hey, chances are pretty good, and what happens then is up to you guys.

Good luck

Of course girls can ask out boys these days.

Don't make it a big thing though, light and easy handed always works best, have a fun talk with him, get him laughing, and then just ask if he'd like to go for some drinks later.

It's either yes or no, but with an offhand question like that you two can go on meeting at your sports venues without anybody having lost face or feeling hurt or anything. (Thats the dumbest thing anyway when you want to go out with somebody, if you're always afraid of the other side saying no you'll never meet anybody, somebody won't like your nose, or have just fallen madly in love with somebody else, or be having a really bad day, etc etc, there simply are some reasons why somebody who is otherwise attracted to you still isn't up for it at just this moment, but that's no reason to not try in the first place.)

Whats always awkward and embarrassing and somewhat off-putting however is if you notice the other side is making a big deal out of it, if they are trying too hard, neither girls nor boys like that.

But if you're going in there, charming, carefree and easygoing, making him laugh, and all its about initially are some drinks, hey, chances are pretty good, and what happens then is up to you guys.

Good luck


yeah i agree, my bird asked me out and we have been together for almost 2 years now, when she asked me out it was the first time i met her and we had only met on this occasion for about an hour. she got number via the person we were both woring for then asked me out for a drink....took us 2 months to go for the drink as i was on holiday but it was worth the wait. when we met i thought she was hot but would not have asked her out so just gos to show what can happen.😍
also these things tend to happen when your not looking for it, ie. all you really want to do is get laid and shag around....then you meet the love of your life or you want to find a mrs and you end up humping anything that moves and running scared the next morning.
yeah i agree, my bird asked me out and we have been together for almost 2 years now, when she asked me out it was the first time i met her and we had only met on this occasion for about an hour. she got number via the person we were both woring for then asked me out for a drink....took us 2 months to go for the drink as i was on holiday but it was worth the wait. when we met i thought she was hot but would not have asked her out so just gos to show what can happen.😍

Good stuff mate 🙂
also these things tend to happen when your not looking for it

I used to think that, so I always went to discos and nightclubs blindfolded.

Never pulled though. 🙁
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Looking back, in my younger adult days, I subconsciously tried to repel women. By turning off the charm - anti-charm - in situations where in hindsight a mild bit of subtle charm & a slightly more open & forthcoming approach would have had big effects 🙄. It was the best thing for them. Its not fair on them for a guy like me to lead them on!!....i was more interested in playing football, basketball, cricket etc 🙄
Looking forward, now my focus is on letting my subtle charm flow & to hell with the the consequences! - be like water - formless, shapeless! (bruce lee)😉
(Thats the dumbest thing anyway when you want to go out with somebody, if you're always afraid of the other side saying no you'll never meet anybody, somebody won't like your nose, or have just fallen madly in love with somebody else, or be having a really bad day, etc etc, there simply are some reasons why somebody who is otherwise attracted to you still isn't up for it at just this moment, but that's no reason to not try in the first place.)

I totally agree.

I actually met his parents a couple of years ago, before knowing of his existence, and they've always treated me like something the cat dragged in. Apparently I'm not in their class. He, however is somewhat different.

I'm thinking, to hell with them; give me a couple years more trading and they'll be thinking twice.

Thanks for all the great advice.
I totally agree.

I actually met his parents a couple of years ago, before knowing of his existence, and they've always treated me like something the cat dragged in. Apparently I'm not in their class. He, however is somewhat different.

I'm thinking, to hell with them; give me a couple years more trading and they'll be thinking twice.

Thanks for all the great advice.

In some ways i'd actually prefer not to get on with a girlfriends parents. Its not like you have to live with them is it.
Also, i wouldn't care less if a girlfriend didnt get on with my parents. Neither do i a lot of the time!