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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

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you don't have a business kid. you have wasted 10years of your life.

and the best thing you came up with is get a few wins and hold on for dear life
Kid? I'm pretty sure i'm older than you ! 🤣 🤣

By the way, i don't need to trade for living. I live in 5 stars without the pressure of trading.

That's probably why i can trade better than you.

Nobody deleted my account Pure Pip Producer at Darwinex... it's still work very well, thank you. Do you want i create a trading account from it?
No, I don't need to see a trading account out of Pure Pip Producer. But serious, Pure Pip Producer is untraceable in Darwinex, while it wasn't in the last few weeks. Maybe you have reasons for it, I don't care.

But through my years in forex trading, I have seen the craziest things: fake persons, deaths, self-proclaimed gurus on remote islands and so on. I'm sorry that I couldn't resist to make a joke about it.
common words from you and your investor: Pressure, Stress, comfort

Its very telling. lots of information to be gleaned from your rants. OPEN BOOK
I can say whatever i want, that will never impact my mental structure.

My mental structure has been built that way.... to exterminate people like you on the market.

Because, YES! It’s me who take your money in your bloody red trading account. Wake up! Open your eyes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
A long bleeding trackrecord does not impress noob and dreaming investors but adds a lot to CREDIBILITY.
And credibility is an extremely rare good in this field.
The web is full of pleasant ans short trackrecord, long trackrecords are very rare, and we know tha the value is on rare things.
No, I don't need to see a trading account out of Pure Pip Producer. But serious, Pure Pip Producer is untraceable in Darwinex, while it wasn't in the last few weeks. Maybe you have reasons for it, I don't care.

But through my years in forex trading, I have seen the craziest things: fake persons, deaths, self-proclaimed gurus on remote islands and so on. I'm sorry that I couldn't resist to make a joke about it.
Don’t worry! It’s ok my friend 🙃
A long bleeding trackrecord does not impress noob and dreaming investors but adds a lot to CREDIBILITY.
And credibility is an extremely rare good in this field.
The web is full of pleasant ans short trackrecord, long trackrecords are very rare, and we know tha the value is on rare things.
Interesting point of view, that is absolutely not mine... 🤷🏻‍♂️
lol Yes , you made 1% on 5k acccount in 4 month. congratulations on the 50 quid.
Absoltuley not. We have invested $15 000 in total (5k trading account + 10k on the Darwin)

We have decided to proceed that way to make money by using the Darwin and absolutely not by using the trading account.

Wake up! 🤓
Despite the extreme amount of narcisism of @Pure Pip Producer I think @Emanita is real and I think she is his girlfriend.

user is active
You're giving this class clown too much credit IMO. The "risk manager" is a figment of his imagination. Companies that can afford risk managers won't be bragging about it online nor using the supposed risk manager's name or nickname to open broker accounts. They'll also certainly have more than $15k to make noise with.

Anyone that looks at his profile you linked above can see what we already know: 2 Darwins, both closed immediately after the first loss.
1- https://www.darwinex.com/darwin/EON?version=4
2- https://www.darwinex.com/darwin/XRT?version=4
I am sure the other two that are no longer loading will be similar.
Anyway, I love the entertainment his type brings. Keeps the place busy. I'm sure the forum owners are also enjoying all the advert impressions too. 🤣
Let see if we find the real relation 🙂 Some hack can be good 🙂
She is not my girl friend at all ! We don't mix private life and business! Each of us have his private life that has notthing to do with our business.

@Pure Pip Producer can we say игра окончена

When I read : https://www.trade2win.com/threads/ltcm-quants-averaging.238504/post-3164463
You tell us:

When I look some info I found this : (https://www.darwinex.com/account/D.34900 )
Max DD is not -10.89% but -27.90% just for EON


Case closed for me. You don't tell correct numbers and thinks you are the best but you are not.

( If your russian is bad .... https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=ru&tl=en&text=игра окончена )
You're giving this class clown too much credit IMO. The "risk manager" is a figment of his imagination. Companies that can afford risk managers won't be bragging about it online nor using the supposed risk manager's name or nickname to open broker accounts. They'll also certainly have more than $15k to make noise with.

Anyone that looks at his profile you linked above can see what we already know: 2 Darwins, both closed immediately after the first loss.
1- https://www.darwinex.com/darwin/EON?version=4
2- https://www.darwinex.com/darwin/XRT?version=4
I am sure the other two that are no longer loading will be similar.
Anyway, I love the entertainment his type brings. Keeps the place busy. I'm sure the forum owners are also enjoying all the advert impressions too. 🤣
LMAO!! so his best performance was to last 5 months .

no wonder he doesn't like to trade much. keep the illusion going for another couple of months. pretend to be a profitable trader
And so what? That’s all, muppets?

My failed are not secrets 😂😂😂

I explained them in all the forums 😄😄👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I tried to control the VaR BY USING THE TRADING ACCOUNT... when i absolutely didn’t know how it worked

It’s exactly because i’ve failed that i could finally achieved the level i wanted...

Then, with the help of a Darwinex salary, i could find how to control the VaR 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’m not mentally weak like you all to always average down and expecting another result... 😂😂😂😂😂😂

So, now... you are trapped !

You are obliged to watch me.

Exactly what i wanted...

To try to not check my performance every beginning of the month will be impossible for you anymore... as i could manipulate your so weak mental structure... soooo easily 😂😂😂

That’s why, from now, you are all my muppets

If var risk manager and "darwinian stuff" were the main problem you could show a nice old myfxbook account with 3+ years of trackrecord, you are claiming 15 years of experience... 😉
If var risk manager and "darwinian stuff" were the main problem you could show a nice old myfxbook account with 3+ years of trackrecord, you are claiming 15 years of experience... 😉
No problem with understanding VAR in winning months.. Until the losing month happens. 😀

The new glorified demo account strategy is an attempt at avoiding losses. The Risk Manager will shock him soon.
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