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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

  • YES

  • NO

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Well, if you have been around trading for as long as you say, you may understand why people are skeptical about someone who constantly changes account every few month, finding excuses to start again when there are sudden drops in his account.
You can understand why someone is skeptical about someone who claims to make 3% per month with a risk around 0.15%. Actually, if you have been around for as long as you say, I doubt that you can hold back from laughing on a statement like that.

Anyway, we will see in 12-24 months. I hope we can all succeed. I don't see how someone's failure can benefit another trader.
I go back to my trading, have a good weekend.

Edit: being skeptical doesn't mean that we say that he's no good. I have the impression that he's not a good trader, from the things he says, but I tend to agree with CavaliereVerde and wait for results in the long term. So for now, he might be or not be the best trader in the world, who knows. We will see.
No I can't agree. Except that there are trolls online but he is not one of them. I've known him so I know he is different.
He has not seeked excuses but put up efforts of explanations. You find problems where he foresees solutions. The marriage cannot go well lol
I'm not laughing at your statement but I pity it instead. In other words, you prefer to present many years of so-so track record of poor quality and value, instead of taking this time and efforts on the side of the market in order to develop yourself and the understanding of trading, what he did ? So you plugged your bot and voila, it gives you the right to make bold statements at your turn ?
It's fucking ace the ways he is managing his capital, including to be very conservative on his testimonial account ! There are just too many reasons to list why it's clever to do so. To tell you the truth, I'll follow his footsteps and somehow mimic a similar approach. All that despite the fact I'm used to have skin in the game. Also, why do you imagine that he does not drive assets outside of Darwinex ?! Have you seen the environnement he evolves in ? I can attest it is not invented. Just like I said, ya'll are focusing on the tip of the iceberg. Your loss!
I'm not laughing at your statement but I pity it instead. In other words, you prefer to present many years of so-so track record of poor quality and value, instead of taking this time and efforts on the side of the market in order to develop yourself and the understanding of trading, what he did ? So you plugged your bot and voila, it gives you the right to make bold statements at your turn ?
What you fail to understand is that I'm not a systematic trader, I use both algorithms and manual trading with different accounts, so I don't vouch for any kind of approach.
I'm open to new possibilities and if he has something valuable I can learn from, then I appreciate it.
So far, what I see is 3 months of track-record, a lot of blah blah and a lot of s**t on other people and systems and an attitude to be the only one to know the secret of trading. Any different approach is diminished or ridiculed. It doesn't sound so open minded to me.
As I said, we will see in a few years.

If you knew how much i make you would cry babe.
Why would I cry? If you are rich and have a happy life, I'm happy for you. I think we have two different views of life.
Enjoy the rest of the conversation.
He has more than 3 months or TR and showed it.
What can I add
You (PurePip) look like that guy who goes to have a coffee at Starbucks and then says: "this is a successful coffee shop? I can do much better".
Then years pass and he either keeps only trash-talking about Starbuck or open a shop, sell a few cups of coffee and then blame the government or the cold weather or other people for his failure.
This is the american mentality, hard to criticise. How many success stories started like this ? Well, many ones. Would I invest on a trader who has the “I’m gonna eat the world” spirit and trust in himself (not just pure faith. He might not apply systems but his sense of logic and assessment are developed, I saw his questionnements and they were not lullabies to put you to sleep) ...or would I invest on a trader who is a wimp ? Well, my answer is already suggested inside. We’re at a fucking battlefield, not child’s play. If you believe that humility is a necessity in the equation of performance, then you’re limited. You must be able to criticise and that’s perfectly fine to do it onto others when it’s the illustrations you also got under your eyes to evolve. You then take the opportunity to observe and take decisions. So it makes him 2 matters to build up knowledge on, his and yours (you all) which is predominant. No wonder he comments on it if he believes that you’re out of your mind... he could also not care and turn away. It would be the easy choice, but no, he chose to confront you. But you imagine he’s here with air. He knows he’s not. So he’s making a fool of yourselves rightfully. It’s like he is conscious to hold a pocket pair as his poker hand but you don’t know it... you believe he bluffs, you call out a ripped illusion. Those losses burn when you don’t see them coming, sure thing.. He has something you don’t have which makes him unique. Therefore, you can’t help but be intrigued and really you should.
I’ve seen him study a lot, and train a lot. I can’t tell the same for anyone here. I only see people chat, big deal ^^
The only useful thing I learned from this discussion is that he is pyramiding.
Ok good stuff AND ??? 🙂
That alone does not prove an edge.
Everything else is narcisism and teasing the others as losers.

We’re not speaking about edges but opportunities 😉 The edge is firstly to not rely on one, but be flexible and prepared tactically to extract. An edge is about probabilities and maths, a framework creating an illusion of stability, which prevents you to catch instabilities in a clean optimal way. It’s totally ruled out, thank god. That’s the starting point, or the root of all evil to chase if you prefer.

That said, I’m a sucker cause I started to use an automated helper myself. What it does is that it auto-clicks to take positions every half seconds. Talk about sophistication ! 🤣 There’s a world of difference between ingeniosity and adaptation versus basic equations. We just don’t speak the same language, which makes it even harder to explain, but brings about a lot of laughter on the basis of misconceptions !

Ok he is workingh is ass, and? I think everyone is doing that, differently we would not be here.
He is differnt, ok everyone is different.
What we cannot accept is the attutude: "I am the genius others are stupid losers".
With this attitude everyone will think he is just a clown.
From the facts that I know James Simons is the only one that could say something like that.
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Ok he is workingh is ass, and? I think everyone is doing that, differently we would not be here.
He is differnt, ok everyone is different.
What we cannot accept is the attutude: "I am the genius others are stupid losers".
Split the assertion. Which part is wrong ?
With this attitude everyone will think he is just a clown.
No and who cares ? 30k AuM isn't a bad start ? Who reads us here ? Nobody (that is part of your will to keep it a closed circle). Nobody cares but you
From the facts that I know James Simons is the only one that could say something like that.
What if he won't. I don't understand these arguments, sorry. You're trying to find correlations in the human nature.
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No and who cares ? 30k AuM isn't a bad start ? Who reads us here ? Nobody (that is part of your will to keep it a closed circle). Nobody cares but you
Here's a point, maybe the move of Darwinex to shutdown communication means will be an achievement, cause it'll help to keep out some pollution.

If somebody who doesn't have a TR of 5years is given no rights to convince now, are you waiting for the next 5 years to realise you should be invested now ? Take a travel machine, what did you do for, I don't know, NTI 5 years ago ?
Who is going to be the next THA ?

You consider that the past is the future and that the present lies. That's what we try to avoid to do in discretionary trading (actually not all kinds at all - some discretinary traders are applying rules - meh)

Personally I absolutely don't consider myself as a scientist when approaching the markets, more in the vein of an artisan
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It would be the easy choice, but no, he chose to confront you. But you imagine he’s here with air. He knows he’s not.
Just to clarify.
My guess, from what I read and what I see, is that he's not capable of sustaining long term gains. This is just my opinion and it doesn't mean anything for the time being. With time, I hope he will prove me wrong and I will be the first one to admit that my first impression was not right. Claiming to be the best is not a proof. Talking bad about other people's strategies without facts is not a proof. Trashing other people's hard work and beliefs just because it's not your same trading style is not a proof.
Sorry but I'm having a hard time to figure things out.
Is "this trader is a clown" a new Investible Attribute ? 🤣 is this factual logic applied ?

This trader is a clown >5 AND this trader's humility sucks balls >5 = this trader has no futur ? 🤣
Just to clarify.
My guess, from what I read and what I see, is that he's not capable of sustaining long term gains.
Wrong. He did it and showed you. The outcome is positive and the ratio to DD favourable.
Again why is a sliced TR not valid.
Who are you kidding here ? Isn't it the likes of @Pulse07 or @TradingSignalMachine who own 15+ Darwins as well as many closed negative ones ? Their assembled TR look like mashed confetti. Why are you not commenting them but PPP ? What's with their own credibility ?

Are you waiting for proofs when you trade ?!
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An edge is about probabilities and maths, a framework creating an illusion of stability, which prevents you to catch instabilities in a clean optimal way. It’s totally ruled out, thank god. That’s the starting point, or the root of all evil to chase if you prefer.
Personally I absolutely don't consider myself as a scientist when approchaing the markets, more in the vein of an artisan

Now, you have been doing a sterling job communicating on behalf of PPP, maybe he should hire you.

But lets not pretend he is here to help lol

PPP has dusted off the standard basic bitch Guru Playbook.

1 - invent Jargon term "Muh TIME DRAWDOWN" and endlessly repeat said term over and over, claiming the is the secret sauce. if you only understood. A vague term with no meaning that you repeat over and over.

2 These gurus can write thousands of posts without ever penetrating the vague meaning, because there is nothing there. Just like PPP said, he won't talk about it, just explain the "philosophy" lol. Philosophy = more Vague Blather

PPP isn't playing anyone here, we are trolling him and he reacts like a little girl to every wind up


Now, you have been doing a sterling job communicating on behalf of PPP, maybe he should hire you.

But lets not pretend he is here to help lol

PPP has dusted off the standard basic bitch Guru Playbook.

1 - invent Jargon term "Muh TIME DRAWDOWN" and endlessly repeat said term over and over, claiming the is the secret sauce. if you only understood. A vague term with no meaning that you repeat over and over.

2 These gurus can write thousands of posts without ever penetrating the vague meaning, because there is nothing there. Just like PPP said, he won't talk about it, just explain the "philosophy" lol. Philosophy = more Vague Blather

PPP isn't playing anyone here, we are trolling him and he reacts like a little girl to every wind up

Guru playbook: that’s a victimisation syndrome. Are you persecuted ?
Who is an authority here ? Klondike with 60k lifetime perf fees ? Which I beat in half a day w/o AuM ?
Did PPP pickpocket you ? I advise you to go to the nearby police station ! He prolly knows you’re broke and too chickened out to invest serious money. Like many, you likely don’t even trust in your own results, how would you believe in anyone else’s ?

1. A vague term with no meaning to you because you didn’t dig. Now you remember 2 words, his communication penetrated your psyche and functioned.
On the other hand, care to synthetize us in a few words who does what here, outside of black box or martingale ? What do you complain about ?
2. If you start with a wrong assumption that he’s a guru, you won’t go far. All the logic that follows is flawed. Now hypothetise he owns advantages, why would he share. Are you his wife ? In France, we have an expression “Don’t feed the pigs with jam”. Own his respect and he’ll eventually share more. That’s what happened to me
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Having many darwins doesn't mean you are a trackrecord farmer.
If you have 10 darwins, 9 run on 500 and 1 runs on 10k it is rather clear which is the flagship.
Same story if 9 darwins have 1 year of trackrecord and 1 has 5 years.

I prefer a trader that shows everything than a trader that darwinizes only his luckiest stuff and hides everything.
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Nothing is clear to me. Because the principle of doubt is something I apply by default.

Talking about confusing investors, it is the best way to proceed.
These people don’t have many AuM at all despite a “dinosaur“ existence. It can’t be proven wrong.

It’s a sure lack of anticipation. Almost a Basic 101 error. But I don’t think that trading is their priority (both have a daily life job and one works for Darwinex), so that’s okay.
These people don’t have many AuM despite a “dinosaur“ existence. It can’t be proven wrong.
Because investors are stupid and believe in perfect grails
PUL and WFJ are the best darwins of my portfolios, the oldest and the ones with more stacked profit...
Maybe after 4 years of investing I am able to discern hard work from hard manipulation. 😉
Because investors are stupid and believe in perfect grails
PUL and WFJ are the best darwins of my portfolios, the oldest and the ones with more stacked profit...

Investors look for something slick. They don’t have time to spend online at dissecting in fine details like you do.
Please find me 3 months of TR which look as slick as PDC, I mean just the same with a progression in steps. He got more AuMs than Pulse in just 3 months, of peeps who likely don’t read forums
PPP understands what pleases investors, yet doesn’t make the mistake to achieve it through toxic trading, or by complicating an already complicated experience which potential investors don’t want, and which would only betray that the mind of the manager is a shit show.
Einstein used to say that simplicity is sophistication. He outsmarts you all. Period
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About the last monthly performance (Risk -0.15/Gain +3.04%), i would add that it's about the process, not about the performance.

I had 48h of serious work (tuesday 29th and wednesday 30th sept.) about the move of the 1st day of the month.

At 4.30am the thursday 1st october, i changed my mind.

I had only few minutes to take the decision to throw in the bin 48h of my work. I entered at 5am in the market in total opposition with my 48h hours of hard work.

That decision could costs me a lot of regret if it was finally not the good one.

What is important here is that i don't know a lot of Darwinex traders who are able to change their minds in real time for the best of their intrests.

The big majority are simply traders who apply decisions that have been taken a long time before without the cerebral capacity to take the opposite decision.

Mainly because they didn't train their brains to do it... me, i trained years and years to never apply a system. Especially to never enter at the same point of entrance.

I'm the opposite of most you.

The fable that to apply a set up will takes you to be an consistent trader is very common. Too much common to fight with all the believers who believe in that so stupid thing.

If you think that, sonner or later that will happen : Percentage Profit < Percentage Drawdown

If not that would mean you would be at Miami Beach, drinking cocktails while your bot works for you, since a long time.

That's not you who do that. It's me.

And i do that because, i change my minds every time. Or, to be more precise, i've trained to change my mind every time... you should try.

A set up/system will bring 'the big drawdown moment' closer to you in time while an overtrained brain will make this moment move away from you.

Now, of course, all my monthly Darwinex performances will not be so exceptional.

I just wanted to illustrate: The capacity to change our mind Vs. The capacity to apply a set up

Count the days of the Equity Curve at the Top and then count the days of the Equity Curve past in Drawdown.

Add these two numbers.

The result is + or - ?

This is the new standard that I will impose on the mighty force of my synapses.

Have a nice day and a nice week-end 🙃
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I prefer a trader that show everything than a trader that darwinizes only his luckiest stuff and hides everything.
You cannot state that a trader ever shows everything. Jim Simmons apparently doesn’t. Darwinex neither is life nor the only vitrine.
I’m exactly the opposite as you, if I see more than 2-3 Darwins, it’s an immediate exclusion. And yet again, I’d prefer to see 1-2. Apparently investors tend to agree with me, yet I‘m not irresponsible to call them blatantly stupid.
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