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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

  • YES

  • NO

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Was this comment directed at me ?
No, sorry to give you that impression. I read only the first 2 pages of comments, I don't even know what you wrote.
I saw free attacks to genuine strategies and traders like AZG or SYO and that comment was for PurePipProducer.
You (PurePip) look like that guy who goes to have a coffee at Starbucks and then says: "this is a successful coffee shop? I can do much better".
Then years pass and he either keeps only trash-talking about Starbuck or open a shop, sell a few cups of coffee and then blame the government or the cold weather or other people for his failure.
You can do better than AZG or SYO? Go on with your account, build a serious track record and show what you got, like anyone else here. You are no exception. Show that you can go also through bad period, because so far, you always quitted at the very first bad trading day that burnt all your profits and more.
I think yes... 🤔
Half half, I’d say 🙂

My reply will be that I didn’t have an employer for the last 12 years, unlike many here who feel like complete traders on their high horses when it comes to exchanging point of views, but really are locked in with a narrow mindset.

I wasn’t making a comment for free. To back it up, I guess I can from time to time trade more volume in 1 day than some in 5 years.
Here recently I was holding the max position sizes on 4 instruments of LMAX
(I didn’t claim for virtual money as the URL at the top proves it’s not demo)

Until now, I wasn’t interested in Darwinex. I failed to see a point in incentive at driving AuM. I apply my own hall of fame 🤣 Also I trade in non-othodox ways so what I apply hardly can be a match

What can I say, it amuses me when I verified all the disbeliefs on this thread doubting several of PPP‘s claims when in fact I can back them up.

I’d call you guys a bunch of skeptics with shrinked opinions, in need of some love treatment to gather momentum for reassurance at either own doubts or own limitations 😉
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Ok fine @itstradingtime . I also can give the impression foolishly that I do not trade while in fact it’s my life

edit: I don’t share the opinion that PPP gives free attacks at all. He means what he says and I would disagree that his claims are void of meaning, but quite the opposite to say the least ! He‘s here to help and deep down he is a caring soul, believe it or not
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I’d call you guys a bunch of skepticals with shrinked opinions, in need of some love treatment to gather momentum for reassurance at either own doubts or own limitations 😉
The world of trading is full of wonderful theories.
the fact that @Pure Pip Producer believes what he says doesn't mean that it is real.
There is people that believe tha squirrels rule the world or the earth is flat.
I am scientist and I believe in facts.
Facts in trading mean a trackrecord.
I ma not happy about my results but I try to compare them to real professionals with a long trackrecord: hedge funds.
I compare results to results, noobs compare short term result with their expectations.
The market do not care about our expectations.
It 8 years that I deal with people that think to be the only one or the best one, they always fail.
Maybe now I am wrong but I am assuming to be right.
Ok fine @itstradingtime . I also can give the impression foolishly that I do not trade while in fact it’s my life

edit: I don’t share the opinion that PPP gives free attacks at all. He means what he says and I would disagree that his claims are void of meaning, quite the opposite to say the least ! He‘s here to help and deep down he is a caring soul, believe it or not
Helping people? I think we don't have the same opinion 🙂

I’d call you guys a bunch of skepticals with shrinked opinions, in need of some love treatment to gather momentum for reassurance at either own doubts or own limitations 😉
Well, if you have been around trading for as long as you say, you may understand why people are skeptical about someone who constantly changes account every few month, finding excuses to start again when there are sudden drops in his account.
You can understand why someone is skeptical about someone who claims to make 3% per month with a risk around 0.15%. Actually, if you have been around for as long as you say, I doubt that you can hold back from laughing on a statement like that.

Anyway, we will see in 12-24 months. I hope we can all succeed. I don't see how someone's failure can benefit another trader.
I go back to my trading, have a good weekend.

Edit: being skeptical doesn't mean that we say that he's no good. I have the impression that he's not a good trader, from the things he says, but I tend to agree with CavaliereVerde and wait for results in the long term. So for now, he might be or not be the best trader in the world, who knows. We will see.
If you knew how much i make you would cry babe.

Darwinex accounts was simply VaR control testing... what a curiosity it was... i needed to discovered that concept.

You should read Charles Darwin and the full artwork of Nassim Nicholas Taleb about that..

The test-error method is the method that takes you here as a human being..

I use it.
@CavaliereVerde I can only speak for myself, not others. I don’t respect to trap myself in small cases. The main issue I had and still have with Darwinex is that their model enforces a single vision about how to achieve success. They are convinced that the only way out for retail traders is to leverage with investments, meanwhile in order to achieve the goal, their framework invites to apply a long list of restrictions that becomes shortcomings.

In the past, PPP complained a lot about the lack of freedom that the old risk manager and the Darwin product was enforcing... It was a valuable opinion cause it was emphasizing that it can block people who knows what they are doing and have a specific model that they worked on and which differs from the norm.

They also never understood arguments that some traders value. For instance, they minimised the need to open up towards more advanced and ergonomical trading platforms. It’s as silly as claiming that it’s okay to use a poney to run a horses’ race ! Guess where the people who neglect details are now... nowhere principally
But sincerely, members of Community acted as sheeps just the same by ridiculising the fact that the tool doesn’t make the trader...
I’ll tell you what, there is no way in the world I can process my frenetic manual trading with a shit tool like MT4. It becomes hellish times and could make me lose alone, by itself. Even the LMAX platform gives me a hard time and when I need to apply alternate tactics, I will switch my broker and software because I need it to custom fit a tailored made solution versus my needs.

The crowd of Darwinex and online FX trading in general mostly caters a vision about code code code. pfff they didn’t simply put out the efforts of pain and struggle to walk the North Face of the mountain, and now they crawl and wonder why. This is so plainfully wrong. When using a saw to cut the branch of the tree you’re sitting on, then you shouldn’t be allowed to complain. When you say 99.9% of traders fail, imho that’s exagerated. Maybe 99% of automated retail traders with binary views rather. It showed at the global social trading scene.
Imho you need to be creative and that’s why Darwinex was not suiting me because I felt and I still feel that the environnement is narrowing down my possibilities. They listened to many remarks but until now not fully, too bad
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When you decide to NOT understand that PPP has invented a complex protocol which is directed at dealing with the specificities of Darwinex... I do not know whether ya’ll followed Darwinex’ evolution or not. PPP is in the process to address issues you should have considered yourself. That’s my convinced POV anyway. And in fact, I understand his theories and am following his evolution with great attention. He is a source of inspiration and I thank him for that

I saw PPP work hard since many years and I can vouch that he is very serious about trading and a lot more than that, gaming theories, life, etc
He is someone really curious and open minded who always researches and never sits on his ass with certitudes, while some mechanical traders spend their time at chatting or at work lol ! Really, be humble for a moment...
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When I see a trackrecord of 10-30 years of an hedge fund I dont' know if they code or not, if they have 1 mindset or 100 mindset, I neither know the ergonomy of their trading tools.
They make pips and grow the fund of a sinlge trackrecord.
The trackrecord gives credibility to your skill and consistency, everything else is fried air.
No, sorry to give you that impression. I read only the first 2 pages of comments, I don't even know what you wrote.
I saw free attacks to genuine strategies and traders like AZG or SYO and that comment was for PurePipProducer.
You (PurePip) look like that guy who goes to have a coffee at Starbucks and then says: "this is a successful coffee shop? I can do much better".
Then years pass and he either keeps only trash-talking about Starbuck or open a shop, sell a few cups of coffee and then blame the government or the cold weather or other people for his failure.
You can do better than AZG or SYO? Go on with your account, build a serious track record and show what you got, like anyone else here. You are no exception. Show that you can go also through bad period, because so far, you always quitted at the very first bad trading day that burnt all your profits and more.

Yet again another problem, you comment while not knowing, since you didn't undergo the hassle to read, let alone care to understand novelties that PPP applies. Maybe that's why you're all here hanging around with your tongues out, while pretending he's an asshole. Meanwhile he shares his knowledge and you cannot see it. What do commentators bring to the table ? Nothing... certainly nothing new.

That's Schopenhauer who says, that firstly, fresh ideas are put down as ridicule, then they're fiercefully opposed. It's only much later that they're understood and admitted as valid.
You'll go nowhere by not following this path, except that you chose to hurt along the way. PPP will go his own way, no matter what. That's the stance to adopt
What you don't get is that he already confronted himself and feedback before. He indeed as a few chess moves in advance. Hence, he is troubling the shit out of people while having some fun with toys that he could break through play lol. He doesn't have manners and that is precisely why and how he is treating you respectfully. But he really is a smart ass gentleman.

I'm out. Bye
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When I see a trackrecord of 10-30 years of an hedge fund I dont' know if they code or not, if they have 1 mindset or 100 mindset, I neither know the ergonomy of their trading tools.
They make pips and grow the fund of a sinlge trackrecord.
The trackrecord gives credibility to your skill and consistency, everything else is fried air.

Yeah I don't do that. I'm not interested but I'll take a chance for the fun of it, knowing that I don't have the baggage to triumph cause that's not how I trained myself. I never trained myself like anyone else and never had in mind that there was a need to show off a track record. I aimed at earning money, not stuck myself at a dead end. I mean, who out of you here have 20-30 years track record to pull ? Nobody, well that's my point. Why are you pursuing this goal by repeating ways that most everyone has visited before. Do you enjoy failure ? I disengaged at this BS myself. On the other hand, it was a complicated path but PPP decided that Darwinex could suit his needs, all good ! So he worked his ass off to ACCOMODATE whereas with fixed strategies, you're trying to make an elephant pass through the wall hole of a mouse... what do you expect ? You cannot brute force illogicilaties. If you maintain this attitude, it'll take you forever to not arrive anywhere. PPP is generous enough to be patient with ya'll to commnicate the achievements of his background but that's never enough, you ungrateful people lol 😉
The only useful thing I learned from this discussion is that he is pyramiding.
Ok good stuff AND ??? 🙂
That alone does not prove an edge.
Everything else is narcisism and teasing the others as losers.
Of course, he doesnt gift out for free. I mean, you must deserve it lol why would he share with the public all of his secrets ? Trading is competitive. Despite the fact he is here to crush you, he is gracious enough to simply tell you: wow guys, watch out, what you do equals pain, then tries to put you on better tracks... do you hear it or are you self-sufficient ?
I donno but I swear that I learned valuable lessons from him and continue to do so... period !
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