Ok, i saw some TV on stress blood and heart rates and brain reactions.
Now then the experiment concluded that stress is good for the brain as it means typically your heart will pump 400% more blood to the brain enabling it to react quicker. Putting this in your trading situation I can remember when i could detect a harder or heartier thump of the ticker when being drawn into battle, not conscious stress,(just conscious of the thud of your heart ) but more like a tiger waiting to pounce on a calf with a limp and catch dinner.
Now is it fair to say that eliminating all stress, will have a negative impact on a traders performance? ie you will not get that blood pumped aiding the brain to act even swifter, if so what techniques do people use to pump themselves up? 😀
I guess answering my own question then it doesnt matter if you have a resting heart rate whilst trading, dont get me wrong ive had physical symptoms of shaking stevens whilst trading years back, typical (i didnt know what the hell im doing and im getting spanked by these guys ) stress.
Stress symptoms should we induce them to aid performance?
And also knowing this now for rookie traders how can they use the fact that actually 400% more blood to the brain aint no bad thing for fuel injecting the brain to act?
Now then the experiment concluded that stress is good for the brain as it means typically your heart will pump 400% more blood to the brain enabling it to react quicker. Putting this in your trading situation I can remember when i could detect a harder or heartier thump of the ticker when being drawn into battle, not conscious stress,(just conscious of the thud of your heart ) but more like a tiger waiting to pounce on a calf with a limp and catch dinner.
Now is it fair to say that eliminating all stress, will have a negative impact on a traders performance? ie you will not get that blood pumped aiding the brain to act even swifter, if so what techniques do people use to pump themselves up? 😀
I guess answering my own question then it doesnt matter if you have a resting heart rate whilst trading, dont get me wrong ive had physical symptoms of shaking stevens whilst trading years back, typical (i didnt know what the hell im doing and im getting spanked by these guys ) stress.
Stress symptoms should we induce them to aid performance?
And also knowing this now for rookie traders how can they use the fact that actually 400% more blood to the brain aint no bad thing for fuel injecting the brain to act?