This reminds me of the thread about precognition.
there was some Dean Radin type work which showed people were shown randomly positive images, and disturbing images.
They were hooked up to an EEG and other equipment.
Upshot was, people seemed to "know" whether a disturbing image was about to be shown, since their heart-rates went up and their skin-galvanic responses showed tension or concern. But these responses went up just BEFORE the image was shown.
Maybe, you should wire yourself up, and trade. Then, when you are about to take a trade, if your heart-rate doesnt go up, take the trade. Maybe some part of your mind knows the outcome, and is trying to warn you of bad trades.
Hey! I might try that myself.
(More prosaicly, if you're engaging your brain, your brain sees too many inconsistencies and conflicts, and gets the heart upset.
That is, you are trying to force-fit a trade.
Maybe the easy, profitable trades are literally no-brainers.)[/QUOTE]
Good points buddy, more experienced traders than me often talk re. trading being boring, mechanical... I'm hoping to reach a state of mind where the competence is so thorough and the support/belief system so entrenched, that it becomes effortless and TBH once your strat. and edge is sound (and you've moved on to stripping off the indicators instinctively knowing where the price action is) trading should be effortless...
Again Douglas talks re. the opportunity flow, my better trading days have had flow to them, a relaxed rhythm. I likened it in the past to waterski-ing; smoothly taking each buoy (stochastic turn?😉) and concentrating on the next challenge...