Psychology... the poll

Does psychology matter in trading?

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What point is that? Unlike you I can't perform like a clown whenever demanded. I made my trades this morning with real money, but I'm sure I wouldn't be given credit AFTER the fact. Give up Mathemagician....please....

Yes, a single trade doesn't proof a lot. Anybody could have made losing trade. But as you and especially temptrader are questioning the credibility of other traders it's only fair you put your mouth where your money is.

Here is the thread I've opened where you and temptrader can display your abilities as a trader. I'd be more than happy to move the live trades I do in the DOW thread temporarily over to there. That way we can finally make closure on this and find out who's fooling who.

So how about it, temptrader..?
I'm long 12590 on DOW (stop 12580), but too late to record. I'm still kicking myself for missing that short at 12700 yesterday.

Yes, indeed too late to record... hindsight is 20/20. Fortunately there's always the next trade.
I am very much looking forward to that.
Yes, a single trade doesn't proof a lot. Anybody could have made losing trade. But as you and especially temptrader are questioning the credibility of other traders it's only fair you put your mouth where your money is.

Here is the thread I've opened where you and temptrader can display your abilities as a trader. I'd be more than happy to move the live trades I do in the DOW thread temporarily over to there. That way we can finally make closure on this and find out who's fooling who.

So how about it, temptrader..?

I've done it before and was warned against doing it again...and I understand why

Yes, indeed too late to record... hindsight is 20/20. Fortunately there's always the next trade.
I am very much looking forward to that.

that was a play trade. I too am not a performing seal. I'm also not that skillful to make nearly EVERY trade profitable (my longest was 23 winners in a row, followed by a disastrous day when I got big headed).
that was a play trade. I too am not a performing seal. I'm also not that skillful to make nearly EVERY trade profitable (my longest was 23 winners in a row, followed by a disastrous day when I got big headed).

Maybe a bit late but I am currently short (on paper) 2 contracts of the ESM8

I didn't realize truly succesful traders like yourselves, are still making "play trades".
I am no psychologist but this is a great insight into human interaction, which I love. It's great to sit in the background and watch the little details of people's personalities that come out (This is obviously my interpretation of personalities that could be way off the mark). Nobody knows each other (some of you may personally know each other ?) and yet all kinds of misinterpretation happens and discussions get off track. I wonder what our friends would say if they saw the way we behaved on here, would they be shocked. would they see a different you?

The thread was started asking a simple (hhmm maybe not so simple after all :whistling) question and it's got a few people smoking at the ears. The vast majority voted yes and a small few voted no. Does that mean the minority are the successful ones here? Back to the 95% and 5% discussion :clap: I'll stay out of the arguments and keep reading with interest where this thriller will go.

I suppose it shows that everything in life relates to psychology and analysis. You just have to understand the enemy to beat it, n'est-ce pas? That's what this trading game is all about after all; pitting your wits against others to get what you need. Yet who really understands what happens and for what reason in the market? Do you even need to fully understand? And at the end of the day, not everyone can win in this game can they?
I didn't realize truly succesful traders like yourselves, are still making "play trades".

What you can and can't realize isn't my concern. Now, the stage is set for PKFFW. Some live calls please, just 1 will do. Then, you can have this thread back, forever.
What you can and can't realize isn't my concern. Now, the stage is set for PKFFW. Some live calls please, just 1 will do. Then, you can have this thread back, forever.

No thank you, I believe my point has been made. There's nothing left for me here to discuss. I wish you and temptrader best of luck in your endeavours. After all, I'm positive that only time & effort is required to succeed. So there's still hope left! :cheesy:
No thank you, I believe my point has been made. There's nothing left for me here to discuss. I wish you and temptrader best of luck in your endeavours. After all, I'm positive that only time & effort is required to succeed. So there's still hope left! :cheesy:

Nowhere have I, or n_t, or anyone else for that matter said that you can't make it. Nor that PKFFW can't make it. We have NOT said that.

We are saying that some of your "beliefs" are just plain wrong and utterly absurd.
No thank you, I believe my point has been made. There's nothing left for me here to discuss. I wish you and temptrader best of luck in your endeavours. After all, I'm positive that only time & effort is required to succeed. So there's still hope left! :cheesy:

What point have you made? It seems in the process of making it you have missed many others.
Nowhere have I, or n_t, or anyone else for that matter said that you can't make it. Nor that PKFFW can't make it. We have NOT said that.

Exactly. I don't remember saying it, but maybe I did. I am certain derogatory comments have been made about my ability to trade though...

Go figure...
Ahhh, the sweet smell of verbiage....

Been a while, but it’s good to see the same old same old. Plus ca change…

This thread was initially ‘about’ psychology in trading and of traders and then, as these things tend to when the blind lead the blind, became its own case study. LOL.

Assign psychology as a component of consistently successful trading at zero percent.

Look at some charts. You’re trading fundamentals and technicals, real world business needs and changing asset values based on fundamental supply and demand and moving toward technical aspects and setups as you head off into the shorter timeframes. Interest rates, inflation rates, and expectations and anticipations of both. Exchange rates, relative strengths of economies, global supply and demand: agro, Pharma, gasoil, foodstuffs, minerals. Impacts on the underlying market by a very large derivative market in just about everything (the derivatives dwarf underlying markets in some cases).

Now assign psychology as a component of consistently successful trading at one hundred percent.

Look at some charts. You’re trading the same charts, same world conditions apply, but you’re going to ‘assign’ psychological ‘value’ to every single twitch and shake. Support and Resistance become ‘where people sold/bought’ last time. Trends become self-fulfilling and trading ranges can have an entirely adequate psychological basis for their existence worked up a treat.

The fact of the matter is you’ll see what you expect to see. And you can base what you see on all manner of explanations involving from no to virtually all psychological aspects. Rationales for taking positions are largely post hoc. For those few consistently successful traders I know personally, the decision on what and where and when to trade is largely intuitive, but intuitions based on experience and effort and exposure – in their markets. What they see. Right now.

My personal view is that it is largely irrelevant whether you ‘believe’ trading is 0% psychological or 100% psychological or anywhere in between. Any attempt to codify, rationalise, define, explain or in any way attempt to understand anything other than price as it is right now, and where it is more likely to go next, is an intellectual arrogance and largely a waste of time unless you’re out to impress those who know less than you do and are easily impressed with stale explanations and are embarrassed to challenge the subject of so many texts (and posts) even though the challenge is screaming out to be made.

If you know nothing about psychology, you’re not wrong-footed in starting your trading career and consider it as an element to be examined with due diligence and empirical experimentation. Or if you ignore it completely.

If you have a higher degree in Psychology when you come into trading, you’re not wrong-footed if you forget everything you thought you knew about psychology and looked at it afresh and considered it as an element to be examined with due diligence and empirical experimentation. Or forgot about it completely.

The real danger is in spending too much time away from the charts and the price…
And the exquisite lightness of chat is that no one but grantx will understand you Bramble.

I don't know if you ever trade STW up there in Thai land but I realised after the market closed yesterday that yesterday was a first (for me). I had not seen a day like that since I began seriously trading Taiwan in November last year - price to volume relationships were perfectly counter trend.
Now, PKFFW, how about some live calls from you? paper trades or real, I don't care which.
new_trader said:
What you can and can't realize isn't my concern. Now, the stage is set for PKFFW. Some live calls please, just 1 will do. Then, you can have this thread back, forever.
Why this attempt to bring me into the live call part? I have never claimed to be a consistantly profitable trader yet. In fact I have freely admitted on these boards that I am not consistantly profitable at this point. Thus there is no point in my trying to make live calls to prove something I have never claimed. Further, no where on here have I requested live calls from you.

Nice to see you are consistent in your behaviour. Once again you have completely ignored a post of mine and decided misdirection is needed in an attempt to disguise this fact, thus trying to drag me into something I have no part in.

Why have you decided not to address my last post? Post number 289?

MP -- whew --- this aint MY old debating club !

Why this attempt to bring me into the live call part? PKFFW

my golly gosh --- how you boys do go on !

i would imagine that ANY discussion of psychology vs. aptitute, socio-economic class, education, being in the right place at the right time, exterior temperature in the region one lives (are BETTER traders from COLDER or WARMER climes, and since its pretty darn cold in Russia, do they make better traders ?), age, working class vs Harvard grad (is Wharton better in this case ?) or any of a zillion more things, should create some interesting discussion, and might even be worth a PHD disertation if one is bored, but WHY OH WHY BOYS do you always have to let the testosterone rise above your brains ?

which brings to mind an interesting conversation a few of us had at the session today ---=- since a man requires a tremendous amount of blood to raise the flag from half to full staff, we decided, considering the way men act, that all that blood OBVIOUSLY came from the HEAD, simply because you all become SO STUPID !

enjoy your discussion -- show live trades on a live trade thread, but leave the PHD disertation role model to a nice and clean scholastic bent !

hugs to you all, allthough that might get the blood rushing again !
