Nothing to do with this discussion, just wondering if anybody has registered for the ProSpreads training day.?

What's the point? They don't put all the limit orders to market. They have an average of 1+ pip spread on the eurusd displayed and they charge you 1 pip BOTH sides so you end up paying 3+ pips spread for the eurusd and that's not including potential slippage which happens!!!!! Good for scalping are they? That's hidious. Give them a few more years and they will be gone like before unless they cut back to 0.5 each side TOPS, it's just pure greed, we have CMC offering instant fills with no requotes at 0.9 spread with an easier to use platform, you do the maths.
What's the point? They don't put all the limit orders to market. They have an average of 1+ pip spread on the eurusd displayed and they charge you 1 pip BOTH sides so you end up paying 3+ pips spread for the eurusd and that's not including potential slippage which happens!!!!! Good for scalping are they? That's hidious. Give them a few more years and they will be gone like before unless they cut back to 0.5 each side TOPS, it's just pure greed, we have CMC offering instant fills with no requotes at 0.9 spread with an easier to use platform, you do the maths.

I trade the spot forex with them, and its .5 a side there charge, at the moment the market price is .8 wide so total spread is 1.8. Try and trade on the CMC price when there price is out you 'WILL' get a window showing nothing done and now the price is???
is that not a requote.?
Also i'll make you a .9 spread when i know what your position is.
I trade the spot forex with them, and its .5 a side there charge, at the moment the market price is .8 wide so total spread is 1.8. Try and trade on the CMC price when there price is out you 'WILL' get a window showing nothing done and now the price is???
is that not a requote.?
Also i'll make you a .9 spread when i know what your position is.

You must be trading with a lot of volume then to get 2nd tier pricing as standard is 0.8 PER SIDE (2.6 inc) for eurusd and 1 pip PER SIDE for eurusd mini, at the moment their eurusd is 1 pip spread ( 3.0 inc) so best to quote the whole facts and not selected, and I'm running 2 accounts side by side and my CMC (0.9 spread) account is well up against Pro Spreads. I tell it as it is.
You must be trading with a lot of volume then to get 2nd tier pricing as standard is 0.8 PER SIDE (2.6 inc) for eurusd and 1 pip PER SIDE for eurusd mini, at the moment their eurusd is 1 pip spread ( 3.0 inc) so best to quote the whole facts and not selected, and I'm running 2 accounts side by side and my CMC (0.9 spread) account is well up against Pro Spreads. I tell it as it is.

You must be trading the mini contract.?
Nothing to do with this discussion, just wondering if anybody has registered for the ProSpreads training day.?

Free Financial Spread Betting Demo Account|ProSpreads

I see that our Trader Training Day has been mentioned; this is open to all, although we are limited to 25 places. The Training Day is a great opportunity for you to see just how good the ProSpreads platform is, with your own trading station, while being monitored by a professional trader. If you are interested in attending just let us know.

why is pro spreads still in gib?

because of the 3% gaming duty on client losses.. as you can see from all the spread betting companies (that announce results) clients lose many millions of pounds. the SB company must pay to the revenue a flat 3% on the client loss (NOT the difference between the client loss and the hedging loss). In gib there is no such gaming duty.

for this reason DMA does not really work as if the clients lose in total £10,000,000 and the Spread Betting company loses the same £10,000,000 hedging ... then the SB company will owe the customs and excise £300k ! the only offset the SB company has is the comms charge.... which is why the comms charges on DMA spread betting are so high!

not only this but we cannot even carry one month over to the next so if clients win in one month we cannot offset it against losses made in the next!

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why is pro spreads still in gib?

because of the 3% gaming duty on client losses.. as you can see from all the spread betting companies (that deliver results) clients lose many millions of pounds. the SB company must pay to the revenue a flat 3% on the client loss (NOT the difference between the client loss and the hedging loss). In gib there is no such gaming duty.

for this reason DMA does not really work as if the clients lose in total £10,000,000 and the Spread Betting company loses the same £10,000,000 hedging ... then the SB company will owe the customs and excise £300k ! the only offset the SB company has is the comms charge.... which is why the comms charges on DMA spread betting are so high!

not only this but we cannot even carry one month over to the next so if clients win in one month we cannot offset it against losses made in the next!


Thanks for the explanation. I knew there must be a good reason, but I had no idea what tangled webs were weaved by our glorious Gov.🙂 From what you say, FP and any other DMA Sb will have an uphill struggle, no matter how good the product.

we believe so but you never know .. maybe they have an edge that we are not aware of .. or maybe their tax advice is different to us

Very interesting....I wondered why they are steep on the spread charges each side, also you have no protection if they go belly up like you do if you trade with a spread betting company in the UK as a retail trader.

Simon, how high can a trader go with trades (£pp) at CS before the games start (larger slippage, dealer referral etc?) Looking at giving CS a go, I trade FX mostly.
I have another question for you Simon,
If your prices are derived from the real market where does your orderbook Level 2 data come from.
Is that a mirror of the orderbooks from CME or LIFFE etc? Or the Prospreads orderbook?

prospreads is not Capital Spreads

Prospreads takes its prices directly from the futures/equity exchange markets and delivers it to their clients. This is (of course) expensive as Prospreads must pay the exchanges extra for permissions to do this. Which is one of the reasons why DMA/DMA functionality is more expensive than derived price market making.

Very interesting....I wondered why they are steep on the spread charges each side, also you have no protection if they go belly up like you do if you trade with a spread betting company in the UK as a retail trader.

Simon, how high can a trader go with trades (£pp) at CS before the games start (larger slippage, dealer referral etc?) Looking at giving CS a go, I trade FX mostly.

Hmm, Simon didn't answer my question...This can mean a few things..

(1) He missed my question (even though he replied to a question just under mine).
(2) He deliberately didn't reply because once he does whatever he writes in written form can be used in court.
(3) He doesn't want a successful trader eating away at his bottom line profits by knowing the 'bounderies' to keep away from.

So what's to think? Well, I would say as he's obviously not a silly guy, so in my opinion he knows the games go on (slippage/dealer referral etc), and is not willing to share this inside information by replying because it would put future customers off and present customers close their accounts.

So to conclude in my opinion, too not reply is to admit these type of underhand games do infact go on within his company.
Now unless he proves me wrong and states in writing these games do not go on, what else are we expected to conclude?
Hmm, Simon didn't answer my question...This can mean a few things..

(1) He missed my question (even though he replied to a question just under mine).
(2) He deliberately didn't reply because once he does whatever he writes in written form can be used in court.
(3) He doesn't want a successful trader eating away at his bottom line profits by knowing the 'bounderies' to keep away from.

So what's to think? Well, I would say as he's obviously not a silly guy, so in my opinion he knows the games go on (slippage/dealer referral etc), and is not willing to share this inside information by replying because it would put future customers off and present customers close their accounts.

So to conclude in my opinion, too not reply is to admit these type of underhand games do infact go on within his company.
Now unless he proves me wrong and states in writing these games do not go on, what else are we expected to conclude?

Don't get too paranoid again, TS. At least Simon sticks around here and tries to be helpful, unlike some others. Don't scare him off, too!🙂

plus the fact that this is the Prospreads thread. Which has absolutely no 'size' / 'scalping' etc issues as it operates off DMA functionality. You can see the market depth via the level II information. If you trade and there is sufficient volume you should get the deal (so long as somebody else has not beaten you to the trigger!)

I do not believe that anyone at all is 'referred to trader' (but i may be wrong).


plus the fact that this is the Prospreads thread. Which has absolutely no 'size' / 'scalping' etc issues as it operates off DMA functionality. You can see the market depth via the level II information. If you trade and there is sufficient volume you should get the deal (so long as somebody else has not beaten you to the trigger!)

I do not believe that anyone at all is 'referred to trader' (but i may be wrong).


I have been with them for many years, started slowly and small size then increased my volume and size, I have never been requoted or referred.
Hmm, Simon didn't answer my question...This can mean a few things..
. . .
blah blah
. . .

This thread is 57++ pages long. there are plenty of posts describing in detail their simple business model (ffs, see post #6 ON THE FIRST PAGE.

If you don't understand it then simply say so. Your straw-man arguments and ad-homin attempts at point scoring do you no favours.

Like Pit-Pony, I have also been using them years and recommend them without reservation as long as you can afford "futures contract" size (which I suspect you can't).

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My first post here!! So be gentle with me..I'Ve been trading for about 3 years, for myself (Dukascopy FX) and for Prop houses..Now I'm trading for myself again and find myself at a cross roads with whether to go with Prospreads (tax reasons) or Velocity.. and after reading 58 pages of this thread I'm none the wiser..However I did find this...

HMRC 8.10 Other types of trading and payments – Financial Spread Bets (FSBs)
This is betting on financial instruments and works in the same way as sports spread betting. It involves speculating by placing a bet on an index – one that is not created by a bookmaker – for example, commodity prices or the FT-SE100 index. In the same way as sports betting, financial spread betting is liable to General Betting Duty and is exempt from VAT under the VAT Act, Schedule 9, Group 4. Duty is calculated by the bookmaker based on the total amount due from customers less any winnings paid out. The duty rate for financial spread bets is 3 per cent of the gross margin. It remains exempt from VAT under the same Group.


I actually spent ruddy ages trying to establish the position of spread betting with the revenue, and in the end it was pretty clear - perhaps this will ring true with those who have investigated this with the revenue themselves? If you have a 'subsistence income' (i.e. enough to live off) from an independent source that you pay tax on, then HMRC can't tax you on your spreadbetting activities. It's only if you have no other source of income and you use it for your primary income source that the tax advantages may disappear. Spoke to the revenue office in Nottingham with a technician there, who specialize in people who make a living from gambling, so I guess he knows his stuff. He deals with people playing the horses, dogs, poker, even casino games (!).

The bottom line is that if you are a tax payer who wins at spread betting (or any other forms of gambling for that matter!) you should not be liable for tax on winnings. If you do not have any other regular taxable income other than gambling you will probably be classified as a professional gambler (your trade) and may loose your BIM22017 exemption. In any case if you are employed and pay PAYE you cannot be classed as a professional gambler and so do not need to pay tax on gambling winnings even if they exceed your employed income. The reason HMRC are reluctant ot classify anyone as professional is that a professional gambler could then claim relief against losses from gambling and against the spreadbet companies proportion of their gambling tax.

The vast majority who spreadbet, I would opine, do not do it for a living, and therefore they are completely safe from taxation. Those who do it for a living have enough cash to hire clever accountants who sort it all out for them. Nothing to stop a millionaire trader having a self-employed 'subsistence income' from a bit of consultancy work that he pays tax on. The revenue can challenge it, but due to the nature of current legislation, they're unlikely to win. Thing I discovered after starting work in the Financial Services industry is that tax law is much more open to interpretation than I ever imagined beforehand!

That said, I have never heard of anyone being taxed on spread betting but then people probably don't advertise the fact..

So is Spread Betting really tax-free?

BIM22017 - Trade: Exceptions & alternatives: Betting and gambling - the professional gambler

I don't know about anyone else.. But my take on that is just open a company and pay yourself a salary from it that you can live on.

Problem solved .. Pro spreads here i come..
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Tried you out, crappy platform, when you link up to ninja or create a decent platform I will gladly join you as you seem a good bunch of lads.
Tried you out, crappy platform, when you link up to ninja or create a decent platform I will gladly join you as you seem a good bunch of lads.

Horses for courses I guess. i've been using the platform for a few years and takes some getting used to but it has so much functionality. The trade fills are instant and no requotes or trader intervention.

Also agree that they have a great support team also.