Profitable support trading on indices Dow ,dax ,Nasdaq and s&p

12428 long 12420 put long


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There postie enjoy your free bee , a lesson how to make 10 tick to 20 ticks consistently and be consistently profitable , before I put you on ignore soon with your risky trades.


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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.


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Profitable trading is so simple , yet the knobs like to pose as successful beavers , and impart their exclusionary holy grails on the world.
Agreed 😀 Me and you, we is largely the same bruv! We dont know shît! The difference is, I know I dont know shît!!

But you know where the market is going , according to your 3 moving averages ,you will sit infront of a screen and time the markets.

BTW put on same trade again 12426 + 12420 put for 20 target on cash 40 ticks
People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching. (Used to disparage teachers.