Price & Volume & Other Things (possibly indicators too at some stage...)

Afterall, what percentage of traders trade a written plan, stick to it rigidly, don't take stupid boredom trades, stand aside if appropriate, don't break the rules etc etc etc?


Very few, me included. That is why so many of us are mediocre traders, at best. I am financially ahead of the game, but not in time. I've wasted so much in short term trading. It is quite apparent when I see how my share portfolio has grown, without any apparent effort after the initial stock picking.

Anyway, as I said. It is all very interesting and I shall continue to do it, so write on!

Oi! Who's nicked our locations? You used to be a Brit in Spain SL and I used to live in Surf City.

Now we're all anonymously located in random cyberspace....HELP!!!!

(You can tell it's Sunday - can't you... 😆 )
Splitlink said:
Afterall, what percentage of traders trade a written plan, stick to it rigidly, don't take stupid boredom trades, stand aside if appropriate, don't break the rules etc etc etc?


Very few, me included. That is why so many of us are mediocre traders, at best. I am financially ahead of the game, but not in time. I've wasted so much in short term trading. It is quite apparent when I see how my share portfolio has grown, without any apparent effort after the initial stock picking.

Anyway, as I said. It is all very interesting and I shall continue to do it, so write on!


Splitlink: Yeah, I'm not yet making money trading (only just starting to be able to do the things I mentioned). I am however using some of my profits from longer term investing (up about 50% in 18 months) to trade with.

If I could just follow my own plan then I am sure I would make money, or at least breakeven. I've made a real effort to do so recently, and in 25 short term trades since Christmas, have made a very small profit.
I have been waiting around for more posting directly related to your original question. Hope more get involved. This thread has the potential of really going somewhere. Since, I threw in a concept that I dubbed HH I'll also throw out the following:

What about LL?

That is today's low minus yesterday's low.

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Perhaps this is why there never has and possibly never will be any book/seminar/post on trading which 'explains' the entire basis of the phenomenal aspects of any market scenario and optimum approach to take based on that scenario. There are simply too may factors which have to be Unconsciously taken on board - and we are largely unaware of what these factors were/are consciously. Which might also explain the apparently wide difference in opinion and style evident among any given group of traders.

It might also explain the seemingly endless round of posts on this and other trading sites which quite literally, go round in circles. Chasing the tail of a dog which doesn't exist.

In spite of valiant efforts and good intent from many, I am coming to the conclusion that trading skills can not be defined, taught, described or discussed - sensibly. Only exposure and experience to markets, information and yes, books and boards, can bring about (in some but not all) the gestalt that is successful trading ability.

Well said Brimble. Therein lies much of the agony, mystery and beauty of trading. Our trading experience is perhaps proportional to our disabilty to satisfactorily explain our methods in a cogent, watertight, theoretical manner. The more we learn, the more knowledge there is to be hidden from us, by us, yet for those whom it works, it works, and that is enough: a delicious paradox to be enjoyed, questioned and, given time, reluctantly (though gratefully) accepted. Deconstruction becomes increasingly futile, in the same way that language is an approximation of meaning, or that the efficient market adherent will eventually find a fiver reposing in the road that nobody has pocketed. Intuition, memory and the subconscious are far mightier than the cold rationalist might like to believe. There's an edge in there somewhere 🙂

I clearly need a holiday, tomorrow. Back in a week! :cheesy: