Price Action Trading

I dont know anything about those courses but i only trade price action... now, dont go accusing me of spam because I am not selling anything and the only reason i am telling you is because you have blatantly asked... but, it so happens that i publish all of my trades on a video blog that i have on my website. i have my trading plan published in a video format and all kinds of cool stuff on display for free. nothing there is going to point to a million dollar gains over night but it will show you how i have become consistently profitable trading nothing but disciplined price action...

you should check it out, i think it might answer a bunch of your questions, for free. ive totally treated it like a science experiment... :innocent:

It looks like there are some trading worksheets for sale though. 🙂
It looks like there are some trading worksheets for sale though. 🙂

it's unfortunate that is all you are looking for. what i have advertised belongs to another company on another site. if i could give it away for free i would, but the licensing software that company put on THEIR PRODUCT prevents anyone else from opening up the copy that i purchased from them on any other computer that is not my own.

therefore, since i like the product, i put a link to the 3rd party so that anyone else who wants to use the same set up that i do can... but since it is not my product, obviously, you have to buy it from the owner of the product... if you can give me a better way to share the knowledge i have then please tell me how to do so...

you should have spent more time reading my site, instead of looking to make a quick judgement. i make it very clear that i also use a premium product in my trading operation, which is why i have a link to it from my blog.

However, I am giving away the spreadsheet that i created for myself, which in all honesty, and dont tell the company that made the other version, but the free one im giving away is more powerful and more robust in its actionable capabilities...

so yeah, i have a link to another product i believe in on my site... so, i guess thank you for pointing out the obvious, but on my site, I have nothing for sale and out of my own good will, i give away for FREE, a real product that i developed myself over the course of the past 15 months....

the discipline it has forced me to adhere to help me to earn 200% gains in my forex account alone. the results i have produced have inspired me to share the tool i built for free because i believe everybody can be helped by a tool like this... i dont appreciate how your comment has made an attempt to convolute what my real intentions are, and i wonder why people dont take the time to fully understand a published message. maybe you have your own message of discord you would like to sow with others? im not sure, but that sort of psychology may one day affect your trading, i would steer clear from negative thought.... when your trading you want to be as neutral as possible... 😉

you know what though, your right... for the amount of effort i put into it, i should sell it because there are always going to be people like you who just dont get it... dont worry, your the only one i wont give it away to... for you, the price is $200... so in a way, i guess it is for sale.... thats the universal law of attraction for you i guess...

have a great day, and thank you for your well thought out contribution to the community and for sharing your opinion regarding a genuine act of kindness...

just in case your wondering the site is also a social network, designed so that any trader who wants to spend time on it to share free resources found on the net can do so... maybe you should join it and share all of the free tools you yourself have also developed with the rest of us... you know, to contribute to the cause...
...have a great day, and thank you for your well thought out contribution to the community and for sharing your opinion regarding a genuine act of kindness...

just in case your wondering the site is also a social network, designed so that any trader who wants to spend time on it to share free resources found on the net can do so... maybe you should join it and share all of the free tools you yourself have also developed with the rest of us... you know, to contribute to the cause...

Wow, talk about a defensive response. I don't really care man, you should chill out. Sounds like you are the negative one here. Defensive people usually have something to hide...because being defensive shows someone has struck an emotional cord with you, which is usually a result of having something to hide. Like a lie detector test.
Wow, talk about a defensive response. I don't really care man, you should chill out. Sounds like you are the negative one here. Defensive people usually have something to hide...because being defensive shows someone has struck an emotional cord with you, which is usually a result of having something to hide. Like a lie detector test.

how you can construe anything about what i said as negative is beyond me... you probably used the same associative skills you used to presume i had something to sell you... again, beyond me... listen, go keep on practicing your lie detector skills buddy... im sure it is going to do wonders for your trading...

since you went looking for a product to buy, i will sell you what i offer to everyone else for free, your price is $300...but then again, your not interested in discussing the topic are you... just interested in being just another troll with nothing to contribute and everything to take out on the world....

this isnt emotion or defensiveness... i am correcting you for assuming that my intentions are not exactly what i have said they are: which is to answer this gentleman's question regarding price action and how i developed a tool which his post inspired me to give away for free... well except to you now of course 😉

i only use psychology to understand myself and how it affects my trading decisions. you should refrain from using it to pass judgement & accept that i am offering this man a free tool because he asked for help..
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It looks like there are some trading worksheets for sale though. 🙂

next time stay on topic. i was trying to answer the guy's question the only way I could have answered it... i gave him the answer that helped me win...

if you dont want the FREE spreadsheet, dont test it, dont take it, & dont look at it.... but if you choose not to participate in its development, you also effectively remove yourself from figuring out if it really does what it is supposed to do:

---> which is to Help a trader make actionable and disciplined decisions based off of price action and sound money management procedures grounded in quantitative mathematics...

i wish most people would talk about the topics, like the ones mentioned above, instead of acting like children and posting to the discussion board statements like the ones you just made...

this isnt kindergarten, we're here to talk about the BUSINESS at hand.
Just noticing that the markets are moving again after the holiday break. I am currently short EURUSD from 1.3050 off the pin bar setup from December 21st still...yes that's right, I am holding this baby for a while because I think lower prices are in store this month...
Hi TradingKid


Where would bail out if it goes pear-shaped?
I am wanting to learn more about PA trading. I don't understand what exactly this actually en tales.. I have noticed the course from Nial Fuller but I also found another one by a John Templeton, trading in the buff and he also has a Price action trading course. Has anyone actually tried anything from John Templeton?

Now before anyone goes accusing me of SPAM.... I am merely asking the question as I am looking at buying one or the other.
Also is anyone currently trading using just PA and can help me learn this by recommending journals or certain threads that I could read for free. thanks

i would like to help as long as you'll be in live trading with me ...
when to get in , when to get out including the reasons ...
my strategies based on price action : Pin Bar Or 50% candlestick entry
Go into a book store and read the introduction to "Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar" by Al Brooks. Great intro. Unfortunately the rest of the book is really badly written. He has brought out a new one just recently but not sure whether it's in the stores yet. What market are you talking about? It's probably easier to go with a forex teacher if you want to trade forex, or an index teacher if you want to do ES. Not a massive difference, more like accents rather than language.
Go into a book store and read the introduction to "Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar" by Al Brooks. Great intro. Unfortunately the rest of the book is really badly written. He has brought out a new one just recently but not sure whether it's in the stores yet. What market are you talking about? It's probably easier to go with a forex teacher if you want to trade forex, or an index teacher if you want to do ES. Not a massive difference, more like accents rather than language.

I put up a few links to the only books that were of any help to my trading business in regards to understanding technical analysis & price action on my website... It turns out that the best books i read were actually the very same books that are required reading for anyone interested in becoming a Chartered Market Technician as defined by the Market Technician's Association...

If you're interested in learning how to read price action, without paying a "mentor", check out the books at this link (i promise you, the best mentors will only be regurgitating what is in these books anyways):

TradeSocial Network ProTrader Library & Bookstore
Go into a book store and read the introduction to "Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar" by Al Brooks. Great intro. Unfortunately the rest of the book is really badly written. He has brought out a new one just recently but not sure whether it's in the stores yet. What market are you talking about? It's probably easier to go with a forex teacher if you want to trade forex, or an index teacher if you want to do ES. Not a massive difference, more like accents rather than language.

One good mentor to consider is Nial Fuller, he's got a lot of good free info and his trading course and community are well worth the price, in my opinion.
Uh huh. Where do you start your stop at then?

I trail my stop too - mostly.

I will typically initially place my stop on the opposite high / low of the price action setup I am trading, but sometimes I will move it to near the 50% level of the setup, it depends on the setup's formation and market structure at the time.
I am wanting to learn more about PA trading. I don't understand what exactly this actually en tales.. I have noticed the course from Nial Fuller but I also found another one by a John Templeton, trading in the buff and he also has a Price action trading course. Has anyone actually tried anything from John Templeton?

Now before anyone goes accusing me of SPAM.... I am merely asking the question as I am looking at buying one or the other.
Also is anyone currently trading using just PA and can help me learn this by recommending journals or certain threads that I could read for free. thanks

Hey, I just learned that Nial has a free beginners' course now. So, if you want to learn the basics of Forex and price action trading, check out his free forex trading training course.
Haven't really been active much here recently...let's get some price action discussion going!

To start, here's a cool article from Nial fuller that I read recently on pyramiding into positions:

Read it and then let's talk about it here...
OK. Here's my take: what he says about scaling in makes good sense. Essentially what he is saying is, when the position looks good, add to it and adjust your risk via your stop. What he doesn't say is, if the position doesn't look good, get out. But he doesn't say whether you should just bring in your stop or exit there and then.

I disagree with what he says about scaling out. He just doesn't like scaling out and what he says about it doesn't justify his view at all. I think scaling in and scaling out are of equal merit, but I don't consider myself good enough with all-in, all-out (yet) to try either.
I am short eurusd 1.2480 stop 1.2535 - pin on 4hr chart and good adx/dmi set up.

after initially going my way, the trend still seems intact but its now formed a bullish candle with lots of bounces from the days low on the lower TFs- showing strong support.

don't know what to do!!
Re: Price Action Trading -

What he doesn't say is, if the position doesn't look good, get out. But he doesn't say whether you should just bring in your stop or exit there and then.

I disagree with what he says about scaling out. He just doesn't like scaling out and what he says about it doesn't justify his view at all. I think scaling in and scaling out are of equal merit, but I don't consider myself good enough with all-in, all-out (yet) to try either.

Hello Adamus, I have to agree with you here. This article paints a rosy picture about pyramiding and doesn't address the risk side of it, mainly;
1) what about your stops on the new positions and how that adds to the risk
2) what happens when the positions go bad or turn against you?

The reality is there is no one money management system that is the be all end all. Pyramiding works under the right circumstances, but without understanding the risk of ruin mathematics behind it, you could be putting the math against you which you never want to do.

Scaling in and scaling out can be done effectively, if you understand the mathematics behind it.

All-in-all-out can be effective (again - if you understand the mathematics behind it.

One can actually have what is called a dynamic economic risk model which changes over time as your strategy's performance changes. So there are many models and approaches to risk that can be employed, and it really depends upon the performance and data for your system.

Anyways, for those of you who are Price Action Trading fans, feel free to check out a host of free articles and videos I have on my site (2ndSkiesForex).

I'll also be starting a new thread here shortly on price action trading, beginning with how I approach it differently (understanding the order flow behind it, impulsive and corrective moves, etc.), then building the base knowledge and approach to price action from there.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre
I am short eurusd 1.2480 stop 1.2535 - pin on 4hr chart and good adx/dmi set up.

after initially going my way, the trend still seems intact but its now formed a bullish candle with lots of bounces from the days low on the lower TFs- showing strong support.

don't know what to do!!

Hello DDI,

Can you post a chart of what you are looking at?

I'd be happy to do a brief analysis and give some feedback.

Will wait for your response

Kind Regards,