Best Thread Potential setups

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My perception of the dow futures:


X = ok short but not one I feel has the best odds. My issue with this level, is depending on prices move towards it, it could be an attempt to break that level and go higher or try to resume the trend line. Trend lines are broken often, but it's what happens after the break that's important. A lot of breaks can lead to quick recoveries. Just something to remember. It's still a level I would short at if I saw the right accompanying PA, but I don't feel as confident shorting this area as I would the one below it.

check mark = great imo. If price gets below the 7330 level and happens to show it as R, and price shows on the lower time frames to have a bearish sentiment, I would feel confident in selling. This would also increase my confidence that this trend line break isn't a false break, but an actualy break down of price. Also, depending on what occurs after that, would give me an indication if there's going to be another attempt to the lows.

This is all opinion of course. Just like all trading!


  • ym3-19h4.gif
    9.7 KB · Views: 697
It's got a Trojan attached searching your hard drive for bank a/c details.

i only have an "under the mattress acc" at the mo! lol

d,ont trust these dodgy banks that have ****ed up this country and beyond :mad:
Hey TD,

When you become more advanced do you ever manage a trade from a higher TF (like daily) on a lower TF (like 4H or hourly)? I recall you mentioning only look up a TF but never down. Just wondering if you look down ever as well?
Is it me or are cable, EU, USDCHF, AUDUSD, etc. all putting in double tops/bottoms?
Think I will watch these a bit longer, I hate screwing up a good week on a Friday.
Hi Nicola

I'm a novice but I think we could be heading higher?

Gold should head higher today after breaching 964..perhaps signalling a further weakness in the dollar?

Oil should go to an intermediate high today...I'll be selling in the afternoon US time.

Not an answer to your question but maybe part of the puzzle! :)


Is it me or are cable, EU, USDCHF, AUDUSD, etc. all putting in double tops/bottoms?
Think I will watch these a bit longer, I hate screwing up a good week on a Friday.
Morning everyone - pretty new here, been trading awhile, got the same story as so many others have posted here and had mixed results through similar reasons to everyone else.

Now (and mainly because the banks have screwed up the world, and corporates dont currently like to be seen doing the things my business caters for !) I have alot more time on my hands to trade. I've been trading S&P stocks purely because the only person who ever helped me at the start did just that, but then I found T2W and have been reading Trader Dantes excellent forum and from there have moved to J16. I'm incredibly impressed Tom, that you took so much time to educate others and your information is invaluable. (don't you get fed up with people blowing sunshine up your backside!?) Anyway my question is this, (and is probably aimed at Trader Dante but not wishing to disregard the others whos excellent contributions make this place what it is) what charts people use (I have Telechart2000 which doesn't list many of the tickers you guys mention) or do you just use the charts that are linked to your trading accounts? And would you recommend Forex over equities or commodities? I realise that all markets go up and down and each can be as good as others, but I just feel I am barking up the wrong tree and it would be great to get a list of tickers other "one man band" traders use, and how many items you keep in your watchlists? I am sure these type of questions should be posted elsewhere on here and apologies if they are stupid questions. (I'm sure I've seen a list of TD's posted on here somewhere, but just spent an hour trying to find it) Thanks
I'm short this IB on the Euro. Double top. Ahead of last nights blue rectangle.


  • ib_euro.gif
    16 KB · Views: 224
Double Tops

Is it me or are cable, EU, USDCHF, AUDUSD, etc. all putting in double tops/bottoms?
Think I will watch these a bit longer, I hate screwing up a good week on a Friday.

Looks like you were right on those double tops! I'm short on cable.
Aggressive trading can make a lot of money...with good risk management.

Entries on PA and exits at targets are good...but sometimes when price hits a MAJOR area for a trend reversal like the blue rectangle in last nights chart, you have the green light to go for the kill.

My Euro trade so far with plan...

Sell the break of the two IBs at the double top.

Wait for the intial hard break into the obvious bounce area (lower of two lines on chart)

If you are long several you can cover half here - it will bounce the majority of the time.

As soon as it retraces to the breakout point (again, the majority of the time), sell more - or the half you just covered lower down.

Do the same thing at the lower line.



  • ib_euro.gif
    16.4 KB · Views: 248
same sh1t,different day,you can see the first trouble area but ive got my eye on it


  • Mitchells & Butlers Plc (20-MAR-09).png
    Mitchells & Butlers Plc (20-MAR-09).png
    8.9 KB · Views: 149
Aggressive trading can make a lot of money...with good risk management.

Entries on PA and exits at targets are good...but sometimes when price hits a MAJOR area for a trend reversal like the blue rectangle in last nights chart, you have the green light to go for the kill.

My Euro trade so far with plan...

Sell the break of the two IBs at the double top.

Wait for the intial hard break into the obvious bounce area (lower of two lines on chart)

If you are long several you can cover half here - it will bounce the majority of the time.

As soon as it retraces to the breakout point (again, the majority of the time), sell more - or the half you just covered lower down.

Do the same thing at the lower line.


man nice call,still trying to get my head round pins and now you throw inside bars into the mix:cry:

how much a point on this trade tom??
WTF is all that advert $hit about Andre?? Not the right place for it I would suggest as I fail to see the 'set-up' or do I????
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