Posts by Non-Humans

CPT 3 and other bots are now usually passing the Turing Test so they may be difficult to spot. amongst the newbies.
I am moderating an italian forum about trading, we intruduced questions on registrations and we totally solved the bot problem.
BTW if there are supersmart bots maybe they will post better content than real users so they are welcome. 🤣
This is just the beginning, there's the proverbial "elephant in the room" we also seem to be forgetting making T2W less enjoyable to read. A thread being populated by a complete turd, let alone non-human
The toilet has just been flushed.
as per the Psycho Groupies thread...

They must be bots!
I checked the profile of one of my new members / followers, and they themselves are also following people who joined within the last hour.
This is not normal.
I think we alway have a lot of bots registering every day but we don't notice it.
There are too many users with 0 or 1 message.
What's the point registering a forum if you do not post?
ther is a crowd of registere silent bots while this is a new annoying kind of bot.
But begs the question 'why would bots need to follow anyone?'

How would that assist or benefit the bot?

But begs the question 'why would bots need to follow anyone?'

How would that assist or benefit the bot?

Maybe it's a long-play scam.
Someone, in the near future posts a message about a stock that should be bought/sold, and the other bots reply supporting the initial post.
Theres some really interesting YT channels about scammers using fake "social validation" to coerce behaviour from others (real people).
Maybe it's a long-play scam.
Someone, in the near future posts a message about a stock that should be bought/sold, and the other bots reply supporting the initial post.
Theres some really interesting YT channels about scammers using fake "social validation" to coerce behaviour from others (real people).
Ooooooooh !

You mean we could be the source of the next Gamestonk frenzy ?

Fame on Global News here we come !!!

I think this army is here to test the vulnerability of the forum.
Or maybe someone is testing the efficiency of the bot generator.
I think that is the case also for other bots, nothing specific only experimenting malware.
Just wanted to provide a quick update, in the past few days we've implemented a bunch of new spam and multi account registration detection tools that already appears to be having a positive impact. I have tried using custom Q&A during registration instead of the Captcha technology, but it didn't seem to make much difference (it did years ago, but I assume the bots are more sophisticated. Please continue to report any bot like posts so these can be removed and the posters banned by the mods.