Manipulation of human consciousness


Junior member
Hi all,

I start this thread, because so interesting what do you think about this.

Is information agency, analytic , or someone else can do it and use this methodics for make money on financial markets?

B]What the methodics of manipulation do you know and used or, may be, you know how it work and saw anybody used?[/B]

How to be successful trader or investor in this financial world? :

Thank you for your reply

It is difficult to answer your question since I am not sure what you are asking. Do you have access to price information for the worlds financial markets? If you are thinking about trading the markets you need a reliable data source.

I visited Ukraine in 1999 and 2000. I went to Kyiv and Kremenchuk. And of course I am familiar with Shaktar Donetsk in European football.
Pippppin said:

It is difficult to answer your question since I am not sure what you are asking. Do you have access to price information for the worlds financial markets? If you are thinking about trading the markets you need a reliable data source.

I`ll give to you 2 examples:

1st of them- you can see in my posts in Forex (thread eur)- that`s typical situation.
If you thoroughly analyse my posts and pictures - you`ll see 2 sides in it: how can think simple speculators
and how and why finconsultants or someone else (for example, me🙂) gives them such recommendations. You may understand
how some people get profits on finmarkets and majotity lose money. I`m interesting- why
more and more people thinks as I showed. Why they see right exit and go exactly the wrong way?
2nd example - manipulations by energy their conciousness. You can named this as you wish - magical or something else))But
human organisms consists of water mostly. And water may change its own quality
when exert influence on it by energy or human energy too. It`s known to all and proven fact.

Is this facts insufficiently to think about different kinds of manipulations on financial or other markets in the world?
Difficult to understand what you are saying/ writing.
Perhaps you should read the contents of the "Knowledge Lab" and "Resources" tabs at the top of this page. Lots of info on psychology and it's all FREE.
I suspect Andoprime is asking how big players move/manipulate markets and if elemental or extra-terrestrial forces play a part.

Personally I do feel energised when trading but that's probably because I charge myself up prior to market open.

"And water may change its own quality
when exert influence on it by energy or human energy too."

I didn't realise this was an influence on market movement.
What about other elemental forces like fire and wind up ?
If you can`t see or feel what happening behind you - it`s not to mean that nothing happened.

Push on the Pause button and look around - You`ll see many and interesting little things - analyse them and you understand why they happen.

Thats what I mean
Wind Up

Andoprime said:
If you can`t see or feel what happening behind you - it`s not to mean that nothing happened.

Push on the Pause button and look around - You`ll see many and interesting little things - analyse them and you understand why they happen.

Thats what I mean

We used to say that at Christmas Pantomines : " He's behind you."

As a great trader once said, " Never mind the ball locks - just trade ! "

Bear in mind that a wind up one's rear can distract you from a trade



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neil said:
We used to say that at Christmas Pantomines : " He's behind you."

As a great trader once said, " Never mind the ball locks - just trade ! "

Bear in mind that a wind up one's rear can distract you from a trade


I asked your own opinion, but not great traders saw, if u havn`t your opinion -so don`t f*** our mind and just trade :|
... if u scared to talk about it 😉
from my experience of Ukraine, you need to watch your back. The financial markets of London and New York could not exist in Kiev. They would be rigged
Thank you Pippppin, I know it, and watch my back and don`t scare for myself. Because I know how they work in my country, and know their fears and my own risks, and know what I want from this life.
If you are interested in the psychological influences on the financial markets there is an audio interview with Ken Fisher in the last week on the following link.:
In large part to do with our own primeval fear of large numbers arises from a fear of heights, that sort of thing Therefore think in relationships.
I don't know if is true but he does have a good record as a financial manager