Posting a Chart

Guys I am able to paste a chart into paint through shift and print screen - but it tends to paste all of my 3 screens. Is there any other way I can copy my single chart from esignal. I now I can modify the chart once in paint but wanted to save the hassle especially when busy trading.

Esignal itself only allows the chart to be saved in their own format which is .ach
Neither it gives an option for cutting.

Thanks in advance
Hi anmolway

In ESignal you can send the image to file, which will save that chart as a .PNG file, which you can then read and edit in Paint 😎

Hope this helps
pressing Alt and Prt Scrn will print just the active window, if thats what you want.


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Bramble your a s* there nowhere to hide on this site?????
What do you mean big???
What about this little fella then...huh..huh...huh



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