Posting a Chart

Chart Test

Just trying out the posting of a chart for the first time


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Mmmm! The green colour hasn't come out too well. I could only save as a jpg or bitmap, I didn't get the option of saving as a .gif in "paint". Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Hi Optimist,

The problem you have you've already spotted. Saving as a jpeg just isn't an option if you want to show a nice clean chart. Now I'm a little suprised you can save as a gif, in my version of Paint you can save as a gif (Win XP Pro)... but if you can't then you're probably best using a free or shareware paint program as a replacement to paint. Paint shop pro - springs to mind, but I'm sure there's free ones on somewhere like or

Paint shop pro 7 you can have for free, but you get little pop ups when the program opens. No big deal..... saves to .gif perfectly.
Thanks for the info.

I have downloaded paintshop pro and save the file as a .gif so here goes.


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had some chart attachment problems before, so testing..........


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This business of scrolling left and right to read text is a pain in the ass!!! Anyone coming to the site for the first time will be put off by such, and I therefore suggest if it is not possible to restrict the size of charts without creating such hassle, better the charts are sent email to those who request same. Otherwise i fear there will be lost potential.
This has been covered in depth. Just a reminder max chart size should be 850 x 650 pixels nominal. That will give a chart size and text that doesn't need sideways scrolling on a 17" monitor set to 1000x768 resolution.

I had trouble posting a chart from SierraCharts as I was getting broken lines, so a test posting now to see if I've overcome the problem..............

(a small section of chart appears to be ok!)


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Now posting a 'full' chart, the broken lines problem has returned - any advice to overcome the problem would be welcome!

Thanks, TradeSmart


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Known bug in Sierra.

It's going to be corrected in the next release.

The workaround is to increase the line thickness on the charts.

Thanks JonnyT!!
By increasing linewidth to 3 and font height to 18, the 'broken-line' syndrome has disappeared, but the result is somewhat garish and the graphical balance is lost!!

I'll look forwards to the next release of SierraCharts to overcome the problem.

(but a lot of people seem to be posting charts from Sierra without any problems!?!)

Regards, TradeSmart


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Hi tradesmart

The way I do it is to reduce the size of the sierra window and then take a screen-shot from there. I'm presuming your getting a screen-shot, then trying to reduce it.

Second thoughts. Are you picking up the picture using sierra to capture the picture, if so that might be the problem. Best thing to do is press Print Screen and then go into Microsoft paint (or any paint package) and paste the image in.

Yes, reduce the chart size in Sierra from "full screen" to a reduced size with about a 1" gap all round the chart to the edge of your screen.
Thankyou FTSE Beater and Chartman,

Using a reduced window and editing in MS Paint worked wonders!

Witness a 'normal' (unbroken/unthickened!) chart below - I will now be posting charts everywhere! (only joking!!) :cheesy:

Regards, TradeSmart


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First trial

OK, let e see if I can get this right...


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