Post Your Stats: Risk:Reward Ratio, Win:Loss Ratio, Time in Front of Charts?


Junior member
For me obviously it's the best if you achieve the best reward:risk and win:loss ratios with the least amount of time spent in front of the charts. 😛

And also you need money management but that's another story.

Do the above stats make sense to you? No matter what markets you trade and what method you use.
For me obviously it's the best if you achieve the best reward:risk and win:loss ratios with the least amount of time spent in front of the charts. 😛

And also you need money management but that's another story.

Do the above stats make sense to you? No matter what markets you trade and what method you use.

The above stats gives me confidence the next time I pull the trigger. I probably take 1 trade every day. That trade has a 77% probability (based on prior backtesting and real results) that it will be a winning trade or breakeven and a 23% probability it will lose. Those stats gives me the immense confidence that
1) I am doing the right thing
2) that if I suffer a loss, chances are the next one will be a winner. So I have less trouble pulling the trigger the next time.
As for money management, I also have stats that suggest that not only will I have a 77% winning average, that those figures will be a 2:1 ratio.
So yes, those stats make a lot of sense, simply because I am working on the laws of average. And my averages stack the odds in my favour. Without them, I'd not have that confidence to cut my losses, or to go two/three without a win.
For me, they are crucial
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For me obviously it's the best if you achieve the best reward:risk and win:loss ratios with the least amount of time spent in front of the charts. 😛

And also you need money management but that's another story.

Do the above stats make sense to you? No matter what markets you trade and what method you use.

Funny you should ask cos i just done mine for the first time since i started 3 months ago. I am actually shocked by the results. win 30% loss 50% and break even 20% but still managed to make some money. If I count the break even as a loss my risk reward is 1:3, if i dont include them in the results then its slightly better than 1:2. I spend very little time at the charts, max 1 hour per day, although today I did more. I usually take a trade and then just leave it due to work commitments and just check it when i can. Exit strategy is my weak point at the mo. Also I hate watching a trade i am in and the break even trades are usually due moving the stop too early.

So whats your stats?
Open a demo Signal Provider account on Zulutrade and you will see your trading stats so much easier and clearer.
Now I don't actively trade but my mentor has this:
win:lose : 2:1
risk:reward: 1:1
Time in front of charts: 45 - 90 min

Sounds good. Is it your intention to trade his methods eventually and would you outline what he teaches.
System Success % Success Ratio
S1 65% 2.100:1
S2 33% 2.468:1

EOD S1 58% 1.948:1
EOD S2 46% 1.370:1

Online Screen Time is 14 Hours Per Day , I trade multiple systems for multiple market conditions so my live trading has success% of 59.5% and success ratio of 2:1 on an average.
Well trading 1-4 lots sizes is hardly successful , the day i will be having the stomach to pull trigger for 100 lots only then i will consider myself successful. For a guy my age i am doing okay.
It seems that the majority here are or know someone who is making money.
This week was good for me and for the first time in my trading career i traded with largest position size ever for me personally , 5 lots per commodity, it may seem small but considering my a/c i was leveraged to the hilt in commodities , I was short most commodities with few exceptions. luckily my win% was 87.5% this week taking my Live trading % to 62% from 59.5% mentioned earlier. Closing this week after payouts a tad above 5%
I had prayed like crazy that "before world ends" please make my "last trading week" a good one LOL 😆
Winning Percent - 83%
Risk Reward 1:1
Time in front of charts - 1 hour or less.
Time placing trades - 1 hour or less.
Average trades per day - 2

I keep every trade equal in terms of profit or loss in terms of a dollar amount, so one isn't weighted higher than another.
i spend at least 12 hours a day in front of charts and i trade europe and usa session .in recent two months .i am trend follower in 5 min timeframe and i only risk 1% of my equity on each trade .it is my results on 6E instrument (euro / dollar) :

55 setups traded (40 % profitable and 60 % loss )
on average 1.3 setups per day.
profits : +562 points / loss : -188 points // net profit :374 points and approximately 9 points net profit per day.
totally : 44 % profit on initial equity in 2 months
on average each pofitable trade had +25 points while each loss trade has -6 points
.and my system expectancy was 1.65 $ gain vs per one dollar risked .
the measurement of comparing different systems is expectancy, so it is useful to state expectancy of your system .
Well i have made some changes in my trading plan after analyzing my performance strengths and weaknesses.
In 2013 I have not had a single Red Day and my hit rate has been touching 68%
, Average 2.5 R-Multiple and each market i trade gives me 3-5 signals daily.
The reason behind this is i am gravitating away from charts towards the tape/market depth ,
I am trading "movement" not the trend , rather i am using trend as a filter for position size increment or decrement.
My screen time is the same 10:00 am to 11:55 pm both the Morning & Evening Sessions.
What i have realized now is that proper trend following trades emerge less than 3 times in a year on
average BUT in Crude Oil in 2012 5 trades emerged
[3 wins,2 loss and with proper hedging 2 losses won't be pinching any one that much 😆 ]
Example :- The Primary Trend is Bullish in MCX Crude Oil since Dec 2009
(for the way i analyze on monthly charts) , I took only "Buy Signals" for Positional trades.
