Post your bad spread bet fills here, research needed!

Jon, I ask again, how do you think for example PC at CMC would 'react' with his advertising budget if he sees you actively encouraging threads such as this..? They're your biggest advertiser and you're allowing someone, in fact actively encouraging someone, to trash their reputation based on falsehoods...

You've allowed this guy to do the same on each spread betting firm you can delete this post but IMHO a few of the sb firms are discovering and beginning to question the point of simply chucking cash at need a re think on this, it's damaging..
I don't like the way you keep trying to discredit CMC in every way you can, We will not go for it. I want facts nothing else, and if you can't deliver it this rant about CMC is quite useless.

Good questions Ross. CMC are not delivering what they are advertising, that's against the law in this country, and it goes for other spread bet companies too. If you can't deliver what you advertise then you have to change your advert, it's that simple.

So - now you are a lawyer. Do you really think a company is deliberately flouting financial and commercial law simply to grab your meagre grubstake😕
Jon, I ask again, how do you think for example PC at CMC would 'react' with his advertising budget if he sees you actively encouraging threads such as this..? They're your biggest advertiser and you're allowing someone, in fact actively encouraging someone, to trash their reputation based on falsehoods...

You've allowed this guy to do the same on each spread betting firm you can delete this post but IMHO a few of the sb firms are discovering and beginning to question the point of simply chucking cash at need a re think on this, it's damaging..

The topic of the thread is of legitimate interest to members and people are free to criticise so long as it stays within bounds ( which is why an earlier post was edited to exclude allegations about CMC's history). To allow it to stand is hardly "actively encouraging such threads". You also know that other threads have roundly criticised T2W when it has been felt that critical comment has been removed "to protect advertisers" - can't win can we 🙄
The topic of the thread is of legitimate interest to members and people are free to criticise so long as it stays within bounds ( which is why an earlier post was edited to exclude allegations about CMC's history). To allow it to stand is hardly "actively encouraging such threads". You also know that other threads have roundly criticised T2W when it has been felt that critical comment has been removed "to protect advertisers" - can't win can we 🙄

Jon, I disagree, you can win. IMHO the balance is easy to obtain. This thread subject is hardly novel, this type of gripe has been done to death in my 3 years of's pointless, it'll have no traction, merely serving as a magnet for a fringe element.

However, you're inviting a situation here were, for example, PC might begin to think "wtf is the point in spending money on there if they actively encourage a lunatic fringe to set the agenda?" Similarly Rob at ETX might go back to the decision makers there after having scurrilous remarks about their firm posted up. Now is truth seekers unhinged 'free speech' worth the risk? It won't stimulate debate, it adds nothing. It's a journal of bitterness..
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Here's something for you to look into. How many SB companies advertise cost free wire transfers and how many of them actually carry out 'wire syphoning'? I know you can't help yourself but PC really needs to tell you to knock it off before you do any more harm.

Legal scam: Wire Siphoning - Personal Finance

Is this what FXCC are doing do you think?

2.9% to deposit and a fee for withdrawal by card. They jump up and down telling you how it is the payment processor charging. I could never get them to tell me the withdrawal fee though, all they would say is that it would be less than that to deposit.
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The topic of the thread is of legitimate interest to members and people are free to criticise so long as it stays within bounds ( which is why an earlier post was edited to exclude allegations about CMC's history). To allow it to stand is hardly "actively encouraging such threads". You also know that other threads have roundly criticised T2W when it has been felt that critical comment has been removed "to protect advertisers" - can't win can we 🙄

The only person I see here who is adamant on getting this thread and myself banned is one person, and we both know who that is. Now he's trying the veiled threat approach to the Trade2Win staff themselves! I know what I would do, and you have already warned him to which he has completely ignored. Maybe a more stern approach is needed?

This thread is a legitimate meeting place for spread betters to report their findings, I have asked for screen shots and proof for all spread betting companies concerned. There's nothing underhand going on here, and I'm sure this thread will grow with interest. The cream will rise to the top.

It's a shame we don't have the option to ban certain people off threads though, then this would solve so much in a click of a button, maybe an option for the future? It would save you so much work with people who don't listen. 🙂

Right that's enough on that subject, I'm off for a round of Golf to unwind and prepare for next week 🙂
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Is this what FXCC are doing do you think?

2.9% to deposit and a fee for withdrawal by card. They jump up and down telling you how it is the payment processor charging. I could never get them to tell me the withdrawal fee though, all they would say is that it would be less than that to deposit.

You are welcome to pursue this further and come up with some more facts, maybe this is happening to other members? The more proof we obtain, will help us to get this looked into.

To add. As a rule if you deposit using a Debit Card there is not usually a charge. 🙂
Jon, I disagree, you can win. IMHO the balance is easy to obtain. This thread subject is hardly novel, this type of gripe has been done to death in my 3 years of's pointless, it'll have no traction, merely serving as a magnet for a fringe element.

However, you're inviting a situation here were, for example, PC might begin to think "wtf is the point in spending money on there if they actively encourage a lunatic fringe to set the agenda?" Similarly Rob at ETX might go back to the decision makers there after having scurrilous remarks about their firm posted up. Now is truth seekers unhinged 'free speech' worth the risk? It won't stimulate debate, it adds nothing. It's a journal of bitterness..

Let's not forget you were the one moaning about getting slippage from FXCM saying you'd been robbed. Now anyone that actually agrees with you is in the lunatic fringe. Give it a rest, you are just inviting people to look into these issues even more.
The only person I see here who is adamant on getting this thread and myself banned is one person, and we both know who that is. Now he's trying the veiled threat approach to the Trade2Win staff themselves! I know what I would do, and you have already warned him to which he has completely ignored. Maybe a more stern approach is needed?

This thread is a legitimate meeting place for spread betters to report their findings, I have asked for screen shots and proof for all spread betting companies concerned. There's nothing underhand going on here, and I'm sure this thread will grow with interest. The cream will rise to the top.

It's a shame we don't have the option to ban certain people off threads though, then this would solve so much in a click of a button, maybe an option for the future? It would save you so much work with people who don't listen. 🙂

Right that's enough on that subject, I'm off for a round of Golf to unwind and prepare for next week 🙂

Make sure that the golf club is not to blame for your bad play. 😀
Re: stops not working
Originally Posted by Black Swan
Jason, as mentioned a couple of months back I opened a micro account with $500 for my eldest lad to trade with over the holidays, he started this week, had a couple of issues yesterday with his stops so I double checked the trading settings myself; he had the stops set at 20 under his settings, no trailing stop and GTC. Now on his last 4 losing trades the stops were breached and I had to manually close for him at 44, 43, 27, 26...and he had others breached up to 26 and basically through no fault of his, and it's not mine he's been robbed of 60+ pips or approx 5% of his account today.

Now if the micro is just a bit of a joke to let folk play in sandpit then you should make folk aware, but exercising good MM on short term TFs is absolutely crucial aspect of a newbies learning, put it this way the 'ickle account would be level if it wasn't for fxcm's failings over the past week...he's used IG in the past and the stops were spot on no debate, no issue

I honestly don't see how he can use the platform again, I wouldn't trust it ...shame on you you've killed his career before it's started... What can you do bud...anything?
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Robbed, killed his career, shame on you, can't use the platform again, account would be even if it weren't for FXCMs failings.
Make sure that the golf club is not to blame for your bad play. 😀

I played yesterday and the greens gave me six inches of slippage on every hole. If it hadn't been for that I would have shot a 62, no problem. I intend to sue the PGA immediately.
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Let's not forget you were the one moaning about getting slippage from FXCM saying you'd been robbed. Now anyone that actually agrees with you is in the lunatic fringe. Give it a rest, you are just inviting people to look into these issues even more.

I noticed you missed of the smiley emoticon I sent Jason when accusing him of "killing my eldest lads career.."

Slippage happens, poor fills happen, no idea at the time if the micro was a sandpit for kids to play in..we'd never used it before. The stops being breached in a series such as that was odd. Point raised, fxcm re instated a percentage of the losses. Kid has probably taken 500+ trades since then, hardly a fact and contrast that to the likes of you and your sad, bitter lunatic fringe element.

Now you can continue with your boring crusade that no one is interested in and gets you nowhere or carry on moaning your tits off with the rest of the bitter failures you seem to have found something in common with..your choice..
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On slippage I used 2waymarkets some years ago and I got slippage on my stops, I started if the price went past my stop I moved it slightly wider before they could close it and what happened the trade turned and went my way, but then all of a sudden my stops were closed dead on what I put and slippage disappeared. Recently with using ETX I had a ftse trade on and the market wasn't moving fast, quiet slowly but the price went 3 points over my stop, I complained and they said slippage, I stopped using them, they were taking the p in a big way. I think if they are told I am not using you because of your slippage they would start to get the message. In all my years of using SB's they are the only time I have had slippage and that includes very fast markets as well, its only when the markets gaps I would be caught out but luckly I have never been on a wrong side of trade when a gap has happened.

I used to use CMC many years ago under their old name and I would never use them again no matter how good they became, leopards never change their spots.
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I myself have experienced slippage to the level it is now expected. I will start to keep a record and go over my history.