
javster said:
thats what i am useto, as I studied FinMath....so any good books you can recommend

To begin with:

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator - Lefevre
Market Wizards - Schwager
New Market Wizards - Schwager
Getting Started in Futures - Lofton

For some good stories:

Liars Poker - Lewis
FIASCO - Partnoy

If you get a job as a trainee you'll want to read, amongst others :

Trading in the Zone - Douglas
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets - Murphy

Hope this helps.
Best of luck,

alpha_monkey said:
Hull's book will be of almost no use to you whatsoever. It was used on my uni course - great for theory and underlying principles, just above zero relevance to trading. Imagine a book trying to teach you how to play golf. Until you do it for yourself, you won't know.

And in reply to my "??!" comment on LCG, they were less than honest with a friend of mine. I spoke to them (in Curvalue guise) about 3-4 years ago. Dodgy outfit. Try elsewhere: Saxon, Atlas, Mac, heard good things about Trading Connections as well.

I applied to trading connections, they have had 400-500 applications and the lady who is dealing with it has gone on holiday...!!!
javster said:
I applied to trading connections, they have had 400-500 applications and the lady who is dealing with it has gone on holiday...!!!

400 - 500 hundred people, most theoretically willing to pay £2000 a month, with access to only one broker - the house.

going back to the thread's title, which possibility should be looked at?!
are they the desk fees at trding connections.....have you got any contacts there??

i dont think it is justified sending your CV to a HR, the filtering system can sometimes stink, but I have had no compalints so far.... but sending to a trader helps....
javster said:
are they the desk fees at trding connections.....have you got any contacts there??

i dont think it is justified sending your CV to a HR, the filtering system can sometimes stink, but I have had no compalints so far.... but sending to a trader helps....

haha, that's not really what I meant.

have a look on the boards for friendly contacts. unfortunately i can't help you there.
javster said:
are they the desk fees at trding connections.....have you got any contacts there??

i dont think it is justified sending your CV to a HR, the filtering system can sometimes stink, but I have had no compalints so far.... but sending to a trader helps....

hr departments are a waste of time. they know nothing about the business (what ever business it is) - just procedure of hire n fire

youre right - go talk with the organ grinder - not the monkey
traderboi said:
What do you want to know about Trading Connections

I just wanted to know the company invests in training, whether they pay a retainer to graduate traders etc... Based on what I heard, I applied to them as they seem an exciting outfit....

However, I have a feeling as a great number has applied I might not get through the HR sifting...

Anyone know of any Directors etc I can send an email to...???

Thanks a Million, j
I'd like some advice in follow up to my initial question please

I went along to london capital...they have offered me a deal for trading Euribor outrights.

I go simulator based for 2 weeks -1 month to prove my worth.

then once live i will be 50/50 with the company on profits..the contract will be a 2 year one

the problem being they will only set me up on the crossfire trading system rather than tt trader.

at a reduced desk charge of £1250 per month

what do the experienced fellas think? can i have your opinions?
did they say specifically why they want you to use Crossfire?

do other traders there have TT?
stevet said:
did they say specifically why they want you to use Crossfire?

do other traders there have TT?
they said they have a contract with tt that has 15 terminals...and all 15 are taken by more experienced traders...5 workstations have crossfire...but he did say that once profit is shown it gives much more room for manoever with the big boss to have another put online..if i'm rite the desk cost would be dearer with tt...dont get me wrong if crossfire is quick and has a good link then its fine...

what is ur opinion on this should i sign this contract?
my opinion - is to grab any deal like this and thank whatever god you have for the luck and good fortune to have chance at being shown how to trade - there is the only way to learn how to trade properly - with ongoing support in a professional trading outfit

however, 'twalker' on here has queried this point with me before - since he feels that these companies end up screwing you on the deal - i dont really agree since the laws of this country make these contracts pretty difficult to enforce if it means your livliehood is at risk - and even if it was the case - to get a grounding in trading for a couple of years at someone elses expense is no bad thing regardless of the problems

people lose hundreds of thousands trying to learn to trade -and dont learn a thing - and others **** around for years trying to learn on their own playing for peanuts and get nowhere

but send a pm to twalker - hes been in your situations and he knows what hes talking about - at least to the extent of someone having done it - not sure he wont change his ideas in a few years when hes started backing his own traders though!

also, not sure why they are putting you on outrights though - it would be at least a year before i would do that - you should really start with somesort of arbing style - but if thats what they want to do and its their money at risk - go for it
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