anyone heard of London Global Investments

he's just grumpy.
I have offered to be his guinea pig with London Stone Trading. If i fail and make a fool of myself then you can watch the horror unfold at my blog Trading Trends , if however something good comes of my trading career then hopefully it will inspire others to learn good money management. Who knows, though I am not going to pick a fight with anyone here.

I am a remote proprietary trader with them, I am looking to learn a new skill for life, to start by supplementing my income by learning for an hour or two a day, my goal is to become a professional.
I am just curious as to why you critiscise all the other companies, as looking on numerous forums, you are critiscising almost every other company (LGI, Savi, London Stone, Gtex (granted Gtex have gone bust, so that was a good call)) that is trying to operate in the same space as Amplify, yet not saying anything bad about Amplify (when they are the only company you have ever had any experience with - correct me if i am wrong).

Why i find it strange is that if i had a bad experience in a company that made me believe the industry was one that could not work (ie - yours at amplify) i would first and foremost critiscise them, above anybody else, but you seem to have taken the opposite view, that anybody else trying to break into the industry on a similar model to Amplify is a scam, whereas say nothing bad about them at all. I have looked through their forum and i think at one point you were saying that people should pay them for training as they are professionals and that is the only way to learn, but i have never seen any negative comment from you about them, which is very strange....

It is almost like you want all the other companies to fail except from amplify, when it seems they are the ones you have experience with and failed to make it with.

I think I've said several times that you shouldn't give your money to any of these firms because it is highly unlikely that they will make you successful. That includes amplify, even though they and a couple of others make a good faith effort to train you the chances are you will not stay with them long. It is therefore not a good idea to enrol on any of these schemes.

As for the companies who have disappeared off the top of my head there was...

TCA Markets, closed owing money
TCA Futures, closed
Be a Broker, closed owing money
GTEX, changed overnight into an insurance hotline
City Financial Traders, disappeared overnight

Plus at least two others whose names I don't recall. Add to that outfits like London Stone who charge people 3.5k for a 1.4k spreadbet account and tell people they are prop traders and youll see why I tell people not to get involved in any of these schemes, even the honest ones.
Oh and Savi had a first gazette issued to strike them off but it has been temporarily suspended.
Pboyles! He is the one causing all the problems. HE is the one who is working for one of the prop companies and spreading angst among the community. HE is the one who started world war I. HE is the one who caused the JPY earthquake. HE is the one who killed the dinosaurs with a meteorite!


...and I shot Gadaffi last week, you forgot about that.
There's going to be a few angry people when they read that. Let me put it this way. Do not pay a company for training, any company, whether that is LGI or any of their competitors. Whilst you may learn something they will not turn you into a successful trader and you will not walk into a trading job.

Now do you still think I work for a training company?

Here are my comments from March 2011, the last time this allegation was raised, is this clear enough for you?
he's just grumpy.
I have offered to be his guinea pig with London Stone Trading. If i fail and make a fool of myself then you can watch the horror unfold at my blog Trading Trends , if however something good comes of my trading career then hopefully it will inspire others to learn good money management. Who knows, though I am not going to pick a fight with anyone here.

I am a remote proprietary trader with them, I am looking to learn a new skill for life, to start by supplementing my income by learning for an hour or two a day, my goal is to become a professional.

I thought you'd be a bit more appreciative of me informing you that you had a spread bet account at your prop firm.
I thought you'd be a bit more appreciative of me informing you that you had a spread bet account at your prop firm.

Whatever Pboyles! I made several hundred pips this month and they are documented on my blog Trading Trends which means that someone is teaching me how to trade successfully. You however, are teaching everyone jack! You are filling peoples minds with your negativity. You have thousands of posts to your name. All of them have emotive words and phrases. After that many posts i imagine you trade with emotions where as I am now trading like this. Emotions Out , Stops In.

Probably best that you now stop commenting on my posts and I will stop commenting or directing posts to you. You are a waste of my time Mr. Pboyles , see ya! 😴
Here are my comments from March 2011, the last time this allegation was raised, is this clear enough for you?
Pboyles, No it is not clear enough, as the main point i am trying to make is you are happy to write negative things on any forum where somebody writes anything positive about any other company that is a rival to amplify, however do not actually write anything negative directly about amplify on their own forum...if i have missed something negative you have wrote, then maybe you could show me...

recently on the amplify trading forum, a few people have written positive comments about them and you have not responded on there at all to say 'i did the training and i did not make it, so it is unlikely you are going to make it as well, etc', whereas when a guy called iamnev was writing that london stone was a good program, you got on to that forum quick enough to slate him and them. i agree that the spread betting account thing was pretty bad, but the point i am trying to make is still the same, you have never written anything bad on the amplify trading forum, which is the forum that most people looking to sign for amplify will check, rather than the london stone forum.

after writing on there initially something along the lines of 'you should pay these guys because the only way to learn is from the professionals', having taken the course and not succeeded, anyone would think that you would at least write something along the lines of ' i took the course, it didnt go well, i would not recommend to anyone as you will not make it, and that you retract your previous statement about saying that people should pay them'...but no nothing(from what i can see anyway)

anyway i am sure you will reply 4 or 5 times to this to try and make it look like you have written bad things, etc, but i am sure most people can see from my comments that you are not exactly consistent in your degrading of any firms trying to operate in the same space as where you studied, amplify
Pboyles, No it is not clear enough, as the main point i am trying to make is you are happy to write negative things on any forum where somebody writes anything positive about any other company that is a rival to amplify, however do not actually write anything negative directly about amplify on their own forum...if i have missed something negative you have wrote, then maybe you could show me...

recently on the amplify trading forum, a few people have written positive comments about them and you have not responded on there at all to say 'i did the training and i did not make it, so it is unlikely you are going to make it as well, etc', whereas when a guy called iamnev was writing that london stone was a good program, you got on to that forum quick enough to slate him and them. i agree that the spread betting account thing was pretty bad, but the point i am trying to make is still the same, you have never written anything bad on the amplify trading forum, which is the forum that most people looking to sign for amplify will check, rather than the london stone forum.

after writing on there initially something along the lines of 'you should pay these guys because the only way to learn is from the professionals', having taken the course and not succeeded, anyone would think that you would at least write something along the lines of ' i took the course, it didnt go well, i would not recommend to anyone as you will not make it, and that you retract your previous statement about saying that people should pay them'...but no nothing(from what i can see anyway)

anyway i am sure you will reply 4 or 5 times to this to try and make it look like you have written bad things, etc, but i am sure most people can see from my comments that you are not exactly consistent in your degrading of any firms trying to operate in the same space as where you studied, amplify

Do not pay Amplify for training, the chances of success are extremely low and it is not worth the risk. Is that clear? Is there some part of that statement that you feel is advertising their business?

Your problem is that you thought you'd found a smoking gun, a vast conspiracy to discredit all other companies. The fact is I havnt criticised them all, I have criticised the ones where there is proof they have been operating dishonestly.

Show me one statement I have made about any company that is not backed up with proof.
jk301; said:
i agree that the spread betting account thing was pretty bad,

What do you think about City Financial Traders? That's the company I criticised because they used fake testimonials, guess what happened, they disappeared after taking money off some people.

What do you think of Gtex? I warned there was something wrong with them (dont recal the details) They changed into an insurance hotline overnight, more paying customers disappointed.

The list goes on and on and on. Even if I was in the pay of a competitor you still couldn't criticise me as I have only ever posted facts. As for paying 3.5k for a 1.4k spread bet account and pretending that it was prop trading, well yes as you say pretty bad.
Hang on a minute, the only person that said I had a spread betting account is grumpy draws Pboyles!!! 👎

I don't have a spread betting account, though if I did i wouldn't care.
I even took the time to ask my contact at FXCM what account was set up for me.

Thank you for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly. For Trading Station FAQ’s, please visit the online support forum.

You are now chatting with 'FXCM - Asaf'

FXCM - Asaf: Welcome to FXCM’s live chat. Your estimated wait time is 5 minutes. Please don’t disconnect we’ll be with you as soon as we can. While you wait we encourage you to read through our guide on our most popular questions:

FXCM - Asaf: FXCM Online Support

FXCM - Asaf: Hello iamnev

FXCM - Asaf: how are you doing today?

iamnev: good thank you,

iamnev: did u receive my question or should i re write it?

Bertie: Hello

iamnev: hey bertie

Bertie: At the moment you have a standard forex trading account

iamnev: what is the difference between this one (which I am happy with) and a spread betting account. I don't see how I would trade differently

Bertie: There is none

Bertie: With an SB account

Bertie: There are certain capital gains tax advantages, but you would need to speak to your tax adviser regarding this

If you go on the fxcm web site you can find the pdf which details their terms of business and how they execute trades. Yes the have a SB facility. I just don't have the account to use it. I am FX spot and CFD
Index CFDs and Spread Bets
FXCM prices for index CFDs and spread bets will be referenced to the level of the relevant underlying index futures price. The price quoted by FXCM will take into account a deduction of 'fair value'. Fair value is the theoretical assumption of where a futures contract should be priced given factors such as, for example, the current cash index level as well as dividend adjustments etc.
Our prices for CFDs and spread bets are based on the underlying futures price.
FXCM will base the closing price for index CFDs and spread bets on the closing price of the relevant index for the purpose of margin requirements and any balance credits/debits.
Commodity CFDs and Spread Bets
FXCM has access to at least one relevant underlying derivative exchange per commodity in respect of which FXCM offers Commodity CFD and spread bet products. By reference to the underlying instruments FXCM will manufacture a price, taking into account cost of carry etc where relevant.
Where the underlying bid and offer reference prices are not available, FXCM will reference the last actual trade of the underlying instrument and then apply a spread.
Treasury CFDs and Spread Bets
FXCM has access to at least one relevant underlying derivative exchange per instrument in respect of which it offers Treasury CFD and spread bet products. By reference to the underlying instruments FXCM will manufacture a price, taking into account cost of carry etc if relevant.
Foreign Exchange
FXCM prices on FX/currency products are sourced from independent price providing banks providing liquidity to the OTC FX Market. By reference, FXCM will access the prices of a market maker in FX/currency products who from our experience usually provides a consistent service, taking into account factors such as frequency of updates and reliability, from which we will then manufacture our prices.
FXCM will base the closing price on FX/currency positions on the closing price of the relevant currency for the purpose of margin requirements and any balance credits/debits.

So I am still the guinea pig for all you nay sayers on T2W. Though I shall mostly be reporting the actual trading on my blog Trading Trends i'll check in here once in a while to let you know how I am getting on. 😀
Had London Global registered as a vendor with the board.. there would have been little discussion or research into their background.

They chose to seek advertising in a sneaky way......

and for that they were pounced upon.

Making grand claims in order to get applicants in a sneaky manner draws heat and apparently they could not stand the heat.

And then they manifested their acute dumbness by threatening litigation....... the challenge.....

And. for some reason they were unable to follow through with the threat.

And that would indicate that they knew they were going to be hammered big time...... so they ran away...

Actually, I think PB would never have seem the thread if they had been registered as a vendor.... what he saw was something that would cost people new to the business to waste a healthy sum on learning about ichi moku.
All PB is trying to do is let everyone know that 'training' is full of sharks and the odds are well against anyone paying for training. Sure, there are some good people and companies out there but they get crowded out by all the semi-scammers 'give me your cash, I'll teach you in 4 weeks how to trade, then you can get rich as your own boss etc'.

But what 98% of these companies don't say is the truth - trading is one hell of a tough business to master and for 90% of successful traders out there it probably took them years, in excess of 3 and probably nearer 5, before they felt really confident in their method and ability.

That is the cold hard fact, that's what almost everyone wants to keep quiet about. Of course it's not what potential customers want to hear, they want a simple 4 week course, another few months of practice to iron out the problems and then BOOM - they're competeting toe-to-toe with many of the best traders on the planet AND THEY'RE TAKING PROFITS FROM THEM. There is after all only a limited amount of profit to go around.

It's like anything really, take a law course for 4 weeks, take a medical course for 4 weeks and then see if you're at the same standard as a lawyer or Doctor who's done 3-5 years of university and then 3-5 years of real-time experience. It's the same with trading.
Blaiser is correct:

The spammers never learn. You can spot them by the low post count and tenacious blindness with which they will defend their spam master.
I'm gonna open a prop floor and take on some TRADERS. I will give the TRADERS the WINNING STRATEGIES they need in their path to WEALTH. This is only available to a SELECT FEW TRADERS so email me at [email protected] for payapl details.
There are only a FEW PLACES LEFT so take advantage of this chance for WEALTH.
I'm gonna open a prop floor and take on some TRADERS. I will give the TRADERS the WINNING STRATEGIES they need in their path to WEALTH. This is only available to a SELECT FEW TRADERS so email me at [email protected] for payapl details.
There are only a FEW PLACES LEFT so take advantage of this chance for WEALTH.

If I give you £3500 can you get me a $1400 spreadbet account? I'll give you 50% of all profits if you can. Oh and I'll need some training, nothing too complicated, I dont need to know any technical crap about forex lots or futures contracts, just how to make about £1500 a day. Some recorded crap off youtube should do, shouldnt it? I'm too lazy to do this myself so I will need you to supply this for me.
I'm gonna open a prop floor and take on some TRADERS. I will give the TRADERS the WINNING STRATEGIES they need in their path to WEALTH. This is only available to a SELECT FEW TRADERS so email me at [email protected] for payapl details.
There are only a FEW PLACES LEFT so take advantage of this chance for WEALTH.

and by the way I expect you to have an office address in the city, I want to deal with professionals only.
If I give you £3500 can you get me a $1400 spreadbet account? I'll give you 50% of all profits if you can. Oh and I'll need some training, nothing too complicated, I dont need to know any technical crap about forex lots or futures contracts, just how to make about £1500 a day. Some recorded crap off youtube should do, shouldnt it? I'm too lazy to do this myself so I will need you to supply this for me.

I will more than match your BUSINESSS proposals. If you invest £3500 with me I will

give you back $2000. $2000 can you poissibly refuse that?:clap::clap::clap:
You dont need training to become a TRADER, all you need to do is attend one of my WEALTH TRAINING SEMINARS. I can PROMISE you thet you will LEARN HOW THE MARKETS WORK. AND I have spent 7 years developing a strategy that ensures you can have a profitable return even if YOU ENTER TRADES AT THE WRONG TIME AND PRICE MORE THAN 50% OF THE TIME. How forkin cool is that?
and by the way I expect you to have an office address in the city, I want to deal with professionals only.
I live in BELFAST city. What sort of PROFESSIONALS do you likr to deal with? (Link excluded because I don't want to be BANNED from this site.