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[PORTFOLIO] CavaliereVerde investing

I guess there are less than 30 real investors on Darwinex, all the rest is dumb money.
IMO your "real investors" is dump money under management. The current risk/reward ratio in the Forex/CFD asset class is not attractive for institutional investors as your 1y top result is their minimum in this asset class.
I guess there are less than 30 real investors on Darwinex, all the rest is dumb money.
Wouldn't say all the rest is dumb money.

Reckon the majority of investors back just 1 or maybe 2 Darwins. The 500 investors SYO has probably just invest in that Darwin for the med / long term - nowt wrong with that. The 100 investors QJU has are probably also single Darwin investors and are looking for a big return in the short term.

I suppose I see you more as a portfolio manager @CavaliereVerde, doing the research and then investing in a group of Darwins for the med to long term - you are in a small category but a category that should get a lot more focus 🤔
is not attractive for institutional investors as your 1y top result is their minimum in this asset class.
If you look to Eurekahedge it isnt' so.
Hedge funds struggle to reach 10% annualized.
I compare my results to real results not to institutional dreams.
If you look to Eurekahedge it isnt' so.
Hedge funds struggle to reach 10% annualized.
I compare my results to real results not to institutional dreams.
The difference is the asset class.
Hedge funds don't trade CFDs, they have other brokers, thye can trade directly in the real and future markets, not in Forex and CFD markets where only net refinancing can touch the real markets.
Do you know a hedge fund using MT4/MT5 and the other retail software? 🤣
I don't care about assets or platforms, this is not a discussion about that.
We are discussing about RESULTS.
My result is not so high but higher than many hedge funds that stagnate for YEARS.
Even funds of funds tracked by Eurekahedge have some negative years and a modest annualized return.

What I have to beat is this:
Performance is better but all those guys are stockpickers and we are in a bull market, result was negative in 2018 with a mild bear market.
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The 500 investors SYO has probably just invest in that Darwin for the med / long term - nowt wrong with that.
I agree that SYO could be an exception, very good darwin but a real investor should be able to build a portfolio.
The 100 investors QJU has are probably also single Darwin investors and are looking for a big return in the short term.
The 100 investors of QJU are the proof that there are at least 100 dumb dreamers.
But there is JHU too so I would say at least 264.
If let's say a good darwin was to take a -20% tumble, use VRT or SYO as an example, I wouldn't say they are now no longer investable. They could still be investable over a short - med period; 2 - 3 months, after a dip or during a good period, I might even hold them for just 1 month employing a SL and TP.

As an investor I wouldn't fancy investing in darwins long-term once they have been walloped with a 20% drawdown especially on a relatively low VaR <6.5%. Maybe investing in good darwins short-term is the answer?
Buying dips... riding momentum... using stops... frequent rotations...
I read these concepts many times in old community and new forum.
Sounds easy and sensible right?
Where are the results?

This is probably the best I bumped into:
Discontinued after few months.
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Very good!
I look forward to your results in a thread in this subcategory!

My point is that already "finding good darwins" is superdifficult, it took me 4 years to find them and confirm some criteria.
A good darwin is supposed to have a lasting edge, otherwise is just a lucky monkey and the result after1-3 months will be random.
A darwin is supposed to be less random than EURUSD but not so much to be traded with an easy ruleset.
Rules and parameters should be backtested with API and python, years of work to develop something with an edge when I am already paying management and performance fees for a supposed edge.
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I am happy about this exit rule.
During last year I sold 4 darwins because of it, it's one darwin per quarter.
The rule is tolerant so it is difficult to exit but it is very difficult to enter too.
Not too much bottom selling. 😉
The ideal holding time is forever but neither Buffett holds every stock forever so he has some exit rules.
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Veterans portfolio, monthly update, 1y

I agree that SYO could be an exception, very good darwin but a real investor should be able to build a portfolio.
The 100 investors of QJU are the proof that there are at least 100 dumb dreamers.
But there is JHU too so I would say at least 264.
I'd say: QJU is the typical example of a migration with a great former record which doesn't work equal in Darwinex. I wouldn't say its investors are dumb dreamers, I put ALL the guilt and responsibility on Darwinex. I've always said that migrations should have a quarantine period of 3-6 months (6 months would be ideal) before they can be invested. Many investors don't know about the difference of trading in Darwinex with all the limitations and special trading conditions. Also, they don't know about the made up track records. They just trust the charts. Blame and shame on Darwinex!
Regarding JHU, after more than a year and a half and some bumps, it looks like this darwin has an edge (with precautions). Why do you think it doesn't?
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Many investors don't know about the difference of trading in Darwinex with all the limitations and special trading conditions. Also, they don't know about the made up track records. They just trust the charts. Blame and shame on Darwinex!
It is just like buying a stock because it has gone up last year, totally dumb.
It is just like buying a stock because it has gone up last year, totally dumb.
The main reason I wouldn't allow migrations to received AUM until they are 6 months in Darwinex (with regular trading) is precisely to protect the investors. While you are an experimented trader and investor, most of them aren't.
Most of investors don't have the knowledge to research or analyze in deep a trader behavior, so they have to trust the D-score, attributes and notes that your broker shows, together with the track record.
Migrations bring all that from nowhere, and Darwinex show it in the panel of the darwin next day.
Look at the picture, and you tell me what you see (not what you know), look at the chart without the last dropdown at the moment of the migration. This darwin has being doing great for 4 years, your broker shows excellent D-Score, it has several buttons highlighting his achievements and several great attributes....
The problem is that you CAN NOT TRUST anything of this, and even less if it is a recent migration, but people don't know that.
Again, I don't think they are dumb, they just trust the information posted by Darwinex, so I completely blame Darwinex for all the misleading information to attract investors. In my opinion it is like advertising a product with misleading advertising.


    101 KB · Views: 130
That return is real, the problem is that investors overestimate its significance.
Recently I am studing stock investing.
Peter Lynch says that investors lose money because they are not able to explain for 10 minutes why they are buying a stock.
High DScore high return and low DD is just 10 seconds. 🙂

I blame Darwinex for many things but it would be like blame etoro if I have lost money with Nikola or Aurora Cannabis.
The requirement to create a darwin are very low, our would be much higher 😉
but investors can increase those requirements.

Darwinex is a broker, they have to make volume, and they make volume providing new heroes every year to replace the dead ones.

I think it was one of the main reasons official community has been closed: too many honest and negative reviews were preventing customers to invest.
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Peter Lynch says that investors lose money because they are not able to explain for 10 minutes why they are buying a stock.
Too many people buy stock because they think the price would raise (or on recommendation) but don't have an idea why the price should go up.
Too many people sell stocks in DD with losses as they don't had a reason to buy it or they don't check whether the reason is still valid.

Darwinex is a broker, they have to make volume, and they make volume providing new heroes every year to replace the dead ones.
Who are the hoeroes of 2021?
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