First of all I am not your friend and I am not deluded.......🙄
I don't know you from Adam and I have no wish to. To me you are just a nick on a BB and that is all. And I am not deluded because I know exactly what it is I am doing and it works, and what is more it works consistently not only in Options, but in Equities and in Futures, and in any market, in any exchange, in any instrument, under any conditions, at any time, anywhere in the world for that matter.
The problem for many of you is that you are not accustomed to witnessing consistent proficiency, and because you are not accustomed and it does not enter your own frames of reference........😆 tend to try to contradict what is patently obvious, at least it is obvious to me if to no one else, and patently obvious but only to a handful.
And as I know exactly and can show it when and if it pleases me, this serves to stimulate "contradiction"......😆 ...from the naysarers and detractors. And I assure you all of it is like water on a duck's back.
Secondly, by now you ought to have realised that the verb "to guess" is not included in my vocabulary like it is included in yours. I am not interested in guesswork. I don't "do" guesswork........😆 .........I only do certainty and very near certainty which is a very different proposition to what you do.
A case in point.... is that to short an instrument that is going up and to take a short position in it before it goes up even further is guesswork..........I don;t do that.......... Out of sheer pity I recommended to you not to do it just for the sake of contradicting me................. Now you find out you are wrong again...OH Dear, Oh Dear.....😆
Finally, when you talk of strategy you are obviously the victim of muddled thinking. My strategy is plainly laid out for all to see. My strategy is to prove the Writer has the edge over the Buyer which I am doing as all the positions I have taken are in profit....😆
What you really want......and you don't know how to express an explanation of my methods....😆 .....but I am sorry to tell you again I am not willing to share them. I am only interested in laying out the facts as a result of making live calls, and not to make any effort or waste any of my valuable time teaching any of you.......😆 ........sorry.
Have a good day.