I have checked the BOM site out and it is true, I can not find the intraday to trade per hour, it only has per day. I have sent an e-mail to PGI to find out how to trade.
To respond to mshboy1 blog: This is a blog for PGI users to share what they are using with other PGI users and newies. I come here to see how other people are trading and particular strategies they use that makes them trade the alerts they get.
We come here to help each other. We also come here to see what we lost as well. The trades we get are about 90% right compared to the wrong. One we do get a wrong we all get very emotional and upset and start typing crap. When the trades are perfect we are all happy as larry.
We have to face it that it is not a perfect world and learn to accept the good with the bad. What people trade on their accounts is not something PGI can monitor. What they say is trade what you are comfortable with. So it is not their fault if you trade $1000 on a bad trade and lose it. If you trade $50 and win it is not their fault you traded small and could have won more.
Your emotions can not be controlled by PGI, they just provide the best alerts they can and it is your best judgement of what to do with it. So if you feel like you are gambling, stop trading for a few days to chill out.