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Hi Alan.

Just dividing your loss by the intended winnings is how to see what you require to cover your loss.

I have the trades for 03 03 09 to 15 07 09 and a list showing 03 03 09 to 27 04 09 showing the profit loss over that period using the new 3 hour rule.

This sort of info is available if you ask. I did ask that PGI set up a page on our web site, constantly updated for our information, but have heard nothing back yet.

Hi Guys I just come across this forum and glad i have i have been trading with PGI since june 19th 09 about 7 weeks i have traded 45 alerts using both the 64 rule and the cut/loss i have not been successful with either rule. I started with a account of 3200.00 USD and now have $800.00 USD i have spoken with PGI on several occasions and sent e mail, they now will not call me back and they have not responded to any of my e mails. I have been given a lots of excuses when i have rang them also conflicting information from different staff members so i have been very confused as to what i should be doing also started to believe i was in the wrong and had been making to many mistakes but no so. It seems to me that PGI have a problem with the markets or the way they obtain the information they are passing on info which is just rubbish the markets has changed and they need to change the way they look at the markets they should have stopped sending alerts until they have got it right. They are still selling the system but are not able to provide good solid information as they were last year. In my opinion they need t stop sending alerts out get the system sorted out and start up again there bull **** has cost me good money. I beleave the system will offer a good return but they need to get it in line with the current market and change as the markets changes. I have advise PGi the i will expose them if they do not sort it out.

Happy trading
welcome lotus'

Hi Guys I just come across this forum and glad i have i have been trading with PGI since june 19th 09 about 7 weeks i have traded 45 alerts using both the 64 rule and the cut/loss i have not been successful with either rule. I started with a account of 3200.00 USD and now have $800.00 USD i have spoken with PGI on several occasions and sent e mail, they now will not call me back and they have not responded to any of my e mails. I have been given a lots of excuses when i have rang them also conflicting information from different staff members so i have been very confused as to what i should be doing also started to believe i was in the wrong and had been making to many mistakes but no so. It seems to me that PGI have a problem with the markets or the way they obtain the information they are passing on info which is just rubbish the markets has changed and they need to change the way they look at the markets they should have stopped sending alerts until they have got it right. They are still selling the system but are not able to provide good solid information as they were last year. In my opinion they need t stop sending alerts out get the system sorted out and start up again there bull **** has cost me good money. I beleave the system will offer a good return but they need to get it in line with the current market and change as the markets changes. I have advise PGi the i will expose them if they do not sort it out.

Happy trading

You seem to agree with the suspition in my last post, something has gone very wrong.

Welcome Lotus; PS

What conflicting info' were you given, other than the financial cricis.
You could not have picked a worse time to start trading, things went belly up at the end of May. No alerts till 10th of June.

I see there 2 guests viewing, introduce yourselves, have you also suffered a little??

It's great to finally find a thread about PGI. People's ongoing feedback is extremely appreciated and may save others major heart ache. I was waiting for my tax return and going to join PGI. I completed a lot of research based on April/May alert logs and things looked good. My research and number crunching was backed up by the several replies in this tread that the system was working up until late May 2009.

I was also offered a good deal with PGI. After hearing the results for June/July and thankful for everyone's honest comments, I will quiz PGI and put on hold joining until the 3rd hour strategy again becomes profitable. I don't fancy spending 2 months trading to recover last month's loses.

I feel that the only way to consider joining again is to research end of month logs from pgi and crunch the numbres to confirm in my situation whether or not i'd make a profit. continune this for 2 to 3 months and if the system returnd to health then consider joining pgi. thoughts anyone?

so how is august panning out for the people currently trading?
It's great to finally find a thread about PGI. People's ongoing feedback is extremely appreciated and may save others major heart ache. I was waiting for my tax return and going to join PGI. I completed a lot of research based on April/May alert logs and things looked good. My research and number crunching was backed up by the several replies in this tread that the system was working up until late May 2009.

I was also offered a good deal with PGI. After hearing the results for June/July and thankful for everyone's honest comments, I will quiz PGI and put on hold joining until the 3rd hour strategy again becomes profitable. I don't fancy spending 2 months trading to recover last month's loses.

I feel that the only way to consider joining again is to research end of month logs from pgi and crunch the numbres to confirm in my situation whether or not i'd make a profit. continune this for 2 to 3 months and if the system returnd to health then consider joining pgi. thoughts anyone?

so how is august panning out for the people currently trading?

Welcome Books,

Good idea to crunch for 2-3 months and join if it becomes profitable again. How are you going to get the logs (as you put it ), if you are not a member?

Although we can not view PGI's live trading account , I am sure that PGI would still run that account. PGI would be able to copy and paste all the information, as to what trades were placed and how many times each trade may have been doubled, and email that info to all the members.

I spoke with Nelson, at PGI, on the phone yesterday and he told me that he would email to me all the alerts that there have been since the 20th of June, they still have not arrived at 3.00 pm today, Tuesday 11th August.


PS; As for August, 1alert on the 4th and 2 alerts on the 10th. Anyone got any others or know the results???
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Hi Wellsey,

During my initial research back in the start of April, PGI provided April and May Logs so I'm still a serious potential PGI client so i'm sure they will provide more if I ask. I just need to see the system recover and then I will take the plunge.

August looks lean but thats ok if they are coming through within three trades.

wouldnt mind those logs if you get your hands on them.
Hey all, I have been getting calls from Mark at PGI.. I think I understand well enough how the system works, but I'm not sure whether I should cough up the money.

Does anyone know if the legislation (re betting windfalls) is going to change any time soon?

What's the current status of alerts? More recently there seems to be negativity on this thread... should I wait a bit before signing up?

I suppose I still have this fear of this being a bit of a scam 🙂

hi guys,

not sure if this will help anyone, but i have attached a pdf showing some recent results. Not a lot of the bets came through in the first hour.. but all eventually came through.



hi guys,

not sure if this will help anyone, but i have attached a pdf showing some recent results. Not a lot of the bets came through in the first hour.. but all eventually came through.


Are these your results? Does this mean you started using the service?
jjt327 - Interesting log. So this is your BOM account for July? How many markets do you get alerts for? So you never trade past the second hour? Your strategy is a 2 trade cut/loss system? It seemed to work very well last month as from word going around July was a bad month for alerts but you seemed to have a good set of wins and profit. Why does the log stop at 22nd July and not go through to the end of the month?

dpn - It's not a scam. If it was it would be all over the internet and they'd be out of business in a flash. You are paying for alerts on the various markets at which point you devise and follow a system either your own or one recommended by PGI. I have done a good three months research into this and crunched a fair few numbers as I am considering joining.
From my research, the last 10 months leading up to May the system was working quite well. The past few months however feedback seems to be that the alerts are not as reliable and more are going pass the third hour meaning potential loses. So with a starting betting of $200 and trading up until the third hour and losing (E.g. 200,400,800), it would take you 7 trades to win the money back and break even. now you wear 3 to 4 loses in a month and you going to spend the whole month trying to break even. But other betting options are available. Take jtt327's trading logs. If we take them as legitimate logs that have not been tampered with you can see he doesn't go to the third hour he only trades to the second. This seems smart as he’s shifted his trading strategy to suit the quality of trades coming through. Seems like he's "adaptive trading" which seems to work and the logs prove that.
I sent an email to [email protected] a week ago voicing some of my concerns about the feedback I’d read on this forum. It was regarding the few trades going to the 8th and 9th hour and the fact that more trades where going past the third hour potential causing loses. I asked for a reply on the matter but sadly no reply which makes me lose confidence in pgi.

Probably should have mentioned earlier that this log is NOT my personal trading. It is in fact a log sent to me by the salesman after i enquired about the percentage of first hour trades. I am still yet to take the plunge despite the 2-3 calls per week from pgi.

The feedback on this thread is not making my decision any easier. Especially considering I don't really have the sort of money sitting around to throw at something like this (most likely would be some sort of loan) And after the initial outlay I would definitely not have the cash to invest in an 8 hour trade.

It's good however to see that i'm not the only one in this position. If someone does decide to join up it would be really appreciated if you could keep us all informed on how you go 🙂
Good to find a site with real information & feedback on PGI.
Recently joined and did my training and am now operating a virtual account to see how it all goes.
Lots of fun playing with abour $40K of someone elses money
To date have got 5 alerts in about 2 weeks, German, French, Swiss & UK. So far 100% in first hour on 3, 1 in the second hour and the UK last night was very miserable and I lost interest after doubling up for the 4th time and went to bed, so I dont know if it came good. Interesting on the UK index in that the pattern was the same each hour where it swung early in my direction & then bombed badly from halfway through the hour, so maybe the strategy as some have suggested is pulling out after the second flop, although I probably have not analysed enough at this early date.
I am confident of success (hopefully that is not because of the fact that I have spent plenty on the Gold Package and am delusional in willing the package to work).
Keep up the info on thread and maybe we can all make some money....
Hi Hasper,

Great blog. I left a message and will be watching closley and sharing my research and thoughts as this evolves. In your blog you said you where approached a year ago however you don't state the date you started to trade however you have posted May through to august figures. Can you tell us when you started and your outcomes during those periods if they exist? or did you start in may?

In these rocky times give a 2 trade stratedy a try and see what comes.
Hi Fernb,

Thanks for sharing your experiencing and jioning the discussion. several heads are better than one!

By looking at August it seems that if you followed a strategy which only went as far as 2 trades you would be in positive figures. based on $200 trades you'd be 4 wins and 1 lose. So $800 - $600 = $200 profit, less bet on market fees which would leave you with about a $120 profit. Better than a -$800 lose if you went to the third hour!

Be very careful in these times and test diffrenet techniques. You can also try a strategy where by you place the first trade in the week and if that trade wins stop for the day or even the week. If you stoppped for the week and you got up on each trade you still make $800(Minus BOM fee's) a month. It's not very scientific but if 1 trade go south a week out of say 5. you got a 1 in 5 chance at picking the lemon which is good odds!
Hi books
seems to be a slight missunderstanding, The blog page isn't mine just the bit at the bottom that goes

Chris said:
21 August, 2009

Gee and I feel bad to doing about $5k + $7.7k for the system. Wondered (and told myself i was foolish)sometimes why i was outlaying huge amounts of money to chase the amount of the original bet especially after several doubleups.Managed to pull some money out before it all went south. Will be cancelling my alerts.I too had made mistakes with the system and i will say also got a bit greedy and confident that i could predict the market movements but this was compounded by several losses using the system correctly.The only winners have been PGI & Betonmarkets.

Still is an interesting read

Having said that I have lost a considerable amount both through the system and as i had said my own self confidence. i started this in january 09 and as i said to Fernb it was that last UK alert that failed that sees my once $12000us account now sit with only $26us in it. (sorry I did take $2300 out) but you do the maths. Honestly i havnt sat down to work out my actual loss as i know it will be above the 5k I mentioned above along with the $7700 aud for the system. The other compounding issue was that I put money into my betting account when the Us/aud was at about 64cents. I can feel better if i do my calculations on the current 83 cents as the losses appear smaller.
anyway enough rambling. got to mow the lawn
Hasper, Thats pretty hard being wiped out in a 8 month period. I must admit I was very sceptical when they were trying to sell me the system and still am. PGI were very convincing in their Sales approach citing evidence of actual profits on daily trades, although who knows. They may pick the winning trades only and ignore the losing ones, anything to make their figures real. I still imagine that there is a guy throwing darts at some board because I am still not really clear as to what criteria they use when sending alerts, however that is my fault as at the time I probably was not interested in how they selected the alerts. I asked PGI to speak with people using the system. They gave me three, all who gave positive reports. I looked at PGI as a secondary income stream and went into it only on the basis of a "What if it actually works" strategy. I expect to lose my investment over a period of time and perhaps a lot faster if I follow the double up rule after 2 straight losses.
At this point I am experimenting with the virtual account and am in no hurry to use real money until I see some positive patters.
I hope my sceticism is incorrect and would be the first to applaud the system & PGI if I can get around the 80-90% correct alerts.
Lets keep the forum ticking.