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Hi everyone. This is my first post. I came here looking for information about PGI and was very pleased to find this thread. I too would be very interested in an update about how the PGI 'traders' are doing now.
Sorry havn't been on for a while.

PGI have had a change in the way they operate the trades I wont go into specifics, but at the moment we are not getting the amount of alerts we used to.
But the new system seems to be more profitable.

To answer your question shoshonee YES!
Hi Howling, et al,
I apologise for my absence.
I'm told that there may be a problem with their e-mail dilivery. I certainly don't get all of the avilable e-mail alerts. My mobile reseption is pathetic here, just outside Christchurch, NZ. But sometimes I get the mobile alert and no e-mail alert. It happens all the time the other way arround. I get just 2 minuits to do the trade, I guess because sending an e-mail to me in NZ takes a minuit or 2 longer than to an Ozy customer. My only point of mobile reseption is no where near the computor. So I'm dependent on the e-mail alerts, all of which I have recorded. It would be good to compare numbers with a someone with more reliable reception.
The worst of it though for me is the Time Zone problem. Although, I am in contact with a highlevel computor programer, who believes a program can be writen to solve this problem. Computor programs, as you probably know, are very expensive, but can you imagine the advantage you would get! I would like to go forward with having this program writen, but unless there were several others interested in coming in with me, I wouldn't. If it is of interest and you'd like to learn more, I'm on [email protected] . This is in no way a money maker for me.
The new PGI system makes a lot of sence. And it is a help regarding the time zone problem I have. Although, it can make for an even more nerve fraying time in the double ups.
Regards Don.
r u doing the 8 indices or 1
Are you winnig more than your losing they do say around 85 % strike rate is that pretty acurate in yuor opion from what you have seen so far.
Thanks for the info that helps heeps.

If you read up someone said they were on the system and its working, albeit stressful.

I also made the leap and joined, as stated you have to have a good stable internet and be prepared to 'double up' up to 5 -6 times.
This is not a scam, but for me the alerts can arrive at times I cannot trade, eg: 2,3,4 AM.
So check the timezone of the market(s) you sign up for.
With the markets being somewhat volatile at the moment I am getting about 5 -6 alerts a week.
Also they say if get an alert an say 9:45 place your bet for 10:10 to 11:00, check it at 11:50 if it looks in your favour do nothing, this sometimes does not work.
This is because as we all know a market can turn in the last 2 -5 minutes rather easily, and I have lost a bet or 4 because of this. You have untill the last 5 minutes in the hour ro double up to the next hour so keep an eye on the market.

Hope this helps.

G'day all - Brand new on this site. Please bear with me while I get to grips with the controls.
Just wondering about everyone's progress with this PGI Index trading. I've been reading up and have spoken with them a few times. Their strategy now is to cut losses after 2 'double up's' (initial bet plus 2 additional double ups).
Has anyone been to their office? For those of you who've taken the plunge how is it progressing? Is the SMS service reliable, and more importantly how is the strike rate?
Many thanks,
Hi folks

I'm so glad I found this forum! I joined PGI 7 weeks ago. I started trading with real money 5 weeks ago and have been slowly losing money! I have been following the system, but the strike rate is a lot lower than I anticipated. I am in constant contact with PGI, however they just keep telling me that its a crazy time in the market and that things will pan out over the long run. I'm just wondering if/when i should cut my loses or if the strike rate will improve.

Has anyone been making any money through PGI over the last 5 weeks?
Cheers John
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The last 5 weeks have been off for pgi, we all had losses.
This was blamed on an internal security 'issue' its all a little vague.
However they took a week to resolve the issues, and the last week out of about 20 alerts only 1 went through the 3 hour mark, all is looking good.
Hope it stays that way!
Hi Howling,
I'm glad to hear things are starting to look good for you again. Unfortunately my bad run continues...over the last 2 weeks 4 out of 20 alerts went through the 3 hour mark. I'm currently receiving alerts for 6 indices. This is just unsustainable.
Cheers John
Hi all,

Glad to find you. I have been trading since July 2008, not quit so much recently. Looking foward to more posts.

If you read up someone said they were on the system and its working, albeit stressful.

I also made the leap and joined, as stated you have to have a good stable internet and be prepared to 'double up' up to 5 -6 times.
This is not a scam, but for me the alerts can arrive at times I cannot trade, eg: 2,3,4 AM.
So check the timezone of the market(s) you sign up for.
With the markets being somewhat volatile at the moment I am getting about 5 -6 alerts a week.
Also they say if get an alert an say 9:45 place your bet for 10:10 to 11:00, check it at 11:50 if it looks in your favour do nothing, this sometimes does not work.
This is because as we all know a market can turn in the last 2 -5 minutes rather easily, and I have lost a bet or 4 because of this. You have untill the last 5 minutes in the hour ro double up to the next hour so keep an eye on the market.

Hope this helps.

A tip, if your first bet is too close to call, place your second bet before 5 to the next hour, refresh you chart up till about 1 min to the hour and sell your second bet before the hour, if your first bet looks like winning. There is a small charge.

Hi All, the small charge is I believe 5.2 % of the bet. An interesting formula is: the I want to win box figuer, devide by two (the bet), plus 5.25% (cost of bet), Add any previous cost of bet (accumulated cost of bet), take I want to win box and subtract accumulated cost of bet.
I want to win [email protected]% Accumulative Profit
100 52.6 52.6 47.4
Continue this for as many hours you intend working, the bottom of the Accumulative collumn gives you the minimum you need in your account. You may notice a problem in the 5th and 6th hours. To solve that, try upping the I want to win amount. Having mastered that, how about just watching the first hour and betting in the second, it gets realy interesting the fewer hours you work, but obviously there arn't as many that do go out that far normaly. Well, that used to be the case? Have a look at that, but I'm not suggesting any one uses the information on a credit account. Has any one had a problem with the allerts going out further than the advertised six hours, or too many going past the three hours suggested? My e address is at the top of the page.
Damnation, that didn't work how I expected.
Split the 4th line into I want to win, with 100 under it. Costs@5-2%, with 52.6 under it. Accumulative, with 52.6 under it. Then profit with 47.4 under it and all will become clear. Well it's clear to me anyway!
As clear as mud

Damnation, that didn't work how I expected.
Split the 4th line into I want to win, with 100 under it. Costs@5-2%, with 52.6 under it. Accumulative, with 52.6 under it. Then profit with 47.4 under it and all will become clear. Well it's clear to me anyway!


That's as clear as mud ????? What's the end result and what does it mean?


That's as clear as mud ????? What's the end result and what does it mean?


BOM (bet on markets) used to use a 50% split eg I want to win 100 would cost you 50.
They changed some months back. If you want to win 100 it now costs you 50 + a % this figure can vary depending upon demand.

I believe what car is getting at is your return diminishes the more you 'double up'.
I want to win 100 yields a return of between 44-47, double up i want to win 200 yields 88-92 minus your initial is 30-40 the more you double up the less return because of the new cost of bets. (the fugures here are example and not accurate to the $). Effectively once you hit the 4th double up at standard double ups you 'lose' money.

Pgi's new strategy doesnt suggest a 50$ bet anyway it suggests a 200$ initial so that means you select I want to win 400, then 800, then 1200.
Late for work but I hope this clears things up for you.
hi guys,

i have also been contacted by these guys, and like others feel as though its too good to be true. Anyways I've just started looking into it, and from what i can see, what we are paying for is just an email or sms that has information that is around 65 - 85% of the time is correct.

Futher to the above $7500, if after 6 months we have earned more than $20,000, we must pay full price for the service (around $23,000).

Is this what others have found?

Also, a question i have: If all we are really buying is an sms or email, what is to stop people re-distributing them? Or even getting a group of 10 mates to chip in and forwarding the information?

Just a thought! Although if somebody did want to forward emails im sure it would help newbies playing around with the virtual accounts get a feel for the system before forking out the money!

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Thanks Howling

Yes, that's what I was trying to point out, without saying too much.
You can take it further though. By playing about with the I want to win amount you can make a different stratigy to the normal 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, where you end up loosing.

Then I thought, what would happen if I did'nt play the first hour, or first two hours. This was when the alerts started going out further. Any way, I decided to run some "what if's". Say, I want to win 25, then 60, 150, 350, 800, 1750. Or, I want to win 100, then 250, 600, 1500, 3500, 7500. I was wondering if others thought this was a better stratigy than running the original that lost money? I will fax the three charts I made if you get me a number.

I understand we are supposed to have had a letter from PGI telling us not to trade the original 6 hour, 3200 account devided by 64 rule. Did any one get that letter? All I got was an e-mail telling me that there was now an option to trade 3 hours with a suggested 200, 400, 800 betting stratigy.

If you are able to get the list of alerts for July (15 07 09), you will see that two went out further than 6 hours, one to 7 doubles (8 hours) and one to 8 doubles (9 hours). My friend and I chose to run both and we were both almost wiped out! This has hapened before, (13 05 09) 6 doubles (7 hours).

For the PGI system to work you need trust in the alerts. Both the 6 hour and the 3 hour rules will not be profitable if even a few go out further. The 3 hour rule costs 1400 to lose, that takes 7 wins to break even from. Get the up to date list of alerts, or your e-mail alerts, if you keep them all and work out the probability of success. I don't like the look of the new 3 hour rule.
Evening all,

Thanks for clearing the mud.

jjt327, I also was offered that deal. Is there anyone who is a member that contacted PGI in the first instance?? I think, probably all of us, were contacted as a result of being on a mailing list that was compiled from inquiries into horse racing systems or the likes.

In approximatley 10 months of trading, up till late May 09, I received 4-5 alerts per trading night. Following PGI's stratergy, without making any mistakes, all was fine, only 4 alerts (from memory) went past three hours. Since late May, alerts have been few and far between with around 20 going past three hours, I suspect that something has gone wrong with the provision of the alerts ( PGI has stopped paying for them or someone has left the company or is on hollidays and some inexperienced person is trying to fill the void). The excuse about the current financial climate does not wash, that climate has been around for 12 months or more, not the last 6- 8 weeks. How many trading nights in 6-8 weeks have there been NO alerts??

Hi Alan

Im not too worried about not getting alerts, I'm worried about the ones that go out too far and I make a loss. I have always trusted that if there is no alerts, the markets are in a stage that I could lose money. In that case I do'nt want any alerts.

Hi Alan

Im not too worried about not getting alerts, I'm worried about the ones that go out too far and I make a loss. I have always trusted that if there is no alerts, the markets are in a stage that I could lose money. In that case I do'nt want any alerts.


Morning Don and others,

PGI claim a 96% success rate (back tested??), in the last 2months it has dropped to around 15%. How many wining trades are required to recover your loss from one walk away, you loss faster than you can win,

Is anyone able to view PGI,s live trading account?
