Thanks Howling
Yes, that's what I was trying to point out, without saying too much.
You can take it further though. By playing about with the I want to win amount you can make a different stratigy to the normal 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, where you end up loosing.
Then I thought, what would happen if I did'nt play the first hour, or first two hours. This was when the alerts started going out further. Any way, I decided to run some "what if's". Say, I want to win 25, then 60, 150, 350, 800, 1750. Or, I want to win 100, then 250, 600, 1500, 3500, 7500. I was wondering if others thought this was a better stratigy than running the original that lost money? I will fax the three charts I made if you get me a number.
I understand we are supposed to have had a letter from PGI telling us not to trade the original 6 hour, 3200 account devided by 64 rule. Did any one get that letter? All I got was an e-mail telling me that there was now an option to trade 3 hours with a suggested 200, 400, 800 betting stratigy.
If you are able to get the list of alerts for July (15 07 09), you will see that two went out further than 6 hours, one to 7 doubles (8 hours) and one to 8 doubles (9 hours). My friend and I chose to run both and we were both almost wiped out! This has hapened before, (13 05 09) 6 doubles (7 hours).
For the PGI system to work you need trust in the alerts. Both the 6 hour and the 3 hour rules will not be profitable if even a few go out further. The 3 hour rule costs 1400 to lose, that takes 7 wins to break even from. Get the up to date list of alerts, or your e-mail alerts, if you keep them all and work out the probability of success. I don't like the look of the new 3 hour rule.